Science and Technology Library

Chapter 931

With multiple jumps, the reduction is now getting smaller and smaller. For Jinhai City, they have applied for a friendly visit, so don't worry about being attacked by surrounding civilization.

Fortunately, they didn't meet the pirates these times.

The spacecraft jumps to the center of the Galactic space in the sensing direction of the little mother beast, and according to the intersection of the regions, they can quickly narrow the range they are looking for.

From more than 1300 galaxies, they locked in the river system. There are 21 billion stars in Xiaohe galaxy, with a diameter of 90000 light-years.

Now they are in the small river galaxy. They are not sure whether chenmo is floating in the stars or in the space, so they can't search according to the stars. The space is also the scope they are looking for. They may also fall into the stars or some low-density liquid planet.

According to Mo Nu's physical state, as long as Chen Mo reorganizes his body, he will not be killed by the harsh environment of space. The only worry is the loneliness in space for a long time, which makes people mentally collapse.

Now the search area is getting smaller and smaller. There are still three thousand light-years left. After several jumps, we can basically determine the approximate location.

"Little potato, in which direction now?"

Xiaoyu asks with her mother.

"Foam wipe..." Pointing to a bright star in the space, the little mother animal looked at Xiaoyu with big eyes happily, as if inviting contributions.

"That's number 3920, the direction of the color cloud star." Xiaoyu looks surprised: "ready to jump."

"Yes." Kuyao hurriedly took command and ordered the fleet to prepare to jump.

Twenty minutes later, ten ships disappeared into space.


"Bad luck, you really have a way to treat the little guy?"

Sylan's starling voice is very curious, even uncle crocodile Wen is curious. Now people in the small town know that Chen Mo says there is a way to treat the kitten. The kitten's parents are too happy to talk about it.

Now Chen Mo is a real celebrity in the small town.

Paralyzed unlucky uncle, experienced the air crash, was well-informed, proficient in war armour, and now he is also a doctor. This is a legend in the small town.

"It should be cured." Chen Mo said.

"That's so powerful? Does it mean that only the medical technology of the top civilization or the divine civilization can cure it? " "Aren't you the life of a top civilization?" he asked in surprise

"I said yes, not sure." "I didn't even recover myself," Chen said

"Well, you're not going to blow a cannon with someone else, are you?" Zion questioned.

Chen Mo's face is speechless: "I have no money to cheat them."

"It seems so." Whispered silver.

"It seems that it's right to save the lucky one. At first, I saw that he was not an ordinary person." Uncle crocodile Wen is very happy.

"Behind the horse."

“…… Dead bird, I will die if you don't tear it down. " Crocodile text has no good airway.

The two began to quarrel again, but Chen Mo was used to it. This was the way they got along.

The kitten's father has come here with all kinds of gifts on his hand. Since Chen Mo said that he might have a way to treat the kitten, the couple respect Chen mo. they come to see Chen Mo every day. They hope that when he recovers completely, Chen Mo will not be sent to live at home.

"Mr. Chen Mo, let's show you the kitten." Said the father.

"Take me to see what I'm doing, and I can't help it for the time being." Chen Mo laughs bitterly. Now he has only one hand to move, and he has no special control over the body. There is no laboratory of marching ant group. He can do nothing.

"It's OK, just have a look." Said the father of the kitten.

If there is Chen Mo, they will feel at ease.

"Well. Then go. " Chen Mo thought for a moment, but it's OK here.

"Let's see, too." Crocodile text and silver two also hurried to open their mouth, kitten that lively girl, they are still very like, do not want to go to the goods back, it became so.

Kitty's father pushes Chen Mo's wheelchair, with crocodile and sylan following.

Not long after I went out, all of a sudden, there were shouts of surprise.

When they looked up, they saw more than ten huge shadows in the sky, ten huge fleets.

"Whoa, which airship is this? How can I get here?" "Crocodile, how much do you think we'll make if we have such a fleet running?"

"Beautiful death you, you struggle for a lifetime, can't afford one." The eyes of alligator are full of envy.

"Can this ship fly to the star region of the top civilization?" Kitty's father also has a desire in his eyes. He hopes to have such a spaceship to send his daughter to the top Wen Star area for treatment.

All three were envious, but they did not notice Chen Mo's joyful expression.

Here we are.

"Here it is." Xiaoyu follows the direction of the mother animal's induction. The fleet has jumped for more than ten times, flying at the speed of light for several hours, and finally finds here."After reporting to God, I found it."

Bitter day excitedly shouted, the picture that detector shoots enlarges, under the help of artificial intelligence determine the God King's place.

The king of God is sitting in a wheelchair with three orcs.

At this time, Chen Mo looks at the spaceship with a relaxed smile.

"This bastard."

Seeing Chen Mo's smile, Xiaoyu was angry, but cried with joy and rushed to the hatch of the spaceship. Kuyao and Jingge did not slow down either. They left the ship behind Xiaoyu.

The ship was swarming with small black spots.

This scene makes the residents of the town panic. They have never seen such a battle in this asteroid.

Even crocodile and silver, who were running away from the goods, turned pale at the sight.

A battle group.

They haven't seen such a big move. I heard that the universe is in chaos and there are many wars. What if they come to attack their asteroid? Is it the civilized force or the interstellar Pirate Group?

If the civilized forces take over, for their planet, they will only change the rule of the forces, change the laws and regulations, and life will not have a great impact. If the civilized countries take over the planet, it only means that the last civilized country managing their planet defeats.

And if it's the interstellar pirates, it's a big problem. It's no wonder that the interstellar pirates, who live by plunder, plunder the wealth of planets and kill lives.

According to the experience of alligator Wen and sylan, the battle department that appears is absolutely well-trained. Millions of armor, flying this way, the formation has never been more perfect. As can be seen from the details, this is a combat group with a terrifying fighting capacity.

The speed of the battle armour regiment was not so fast. From the supersonic speed at the beginning to the lowering of the subsonic speed later, the atmosphere brought by the battle armour regiment made everyone in the town feel panic, just like the palm of death clasped on the neck and cool all over.

No one dares to resist. If the interstellar pirates revolt and provoke them, the whole planet will be slaughtered.

The children on the side of the road were frightened to cry.

Zhan Jiatuan came towards them. Uncle crocodile Wen's throat was wriggling, his hands were clasping unconsciously, his back was cold, and the sound of sonic boom was like the call of death.

Suddenly, his eyes inadvertently glanced at Chen Mo's face, and he was stunned.

Chen Mo is laughing.

Yes, Chen Mo is laughing. He is right.

Is this battle group A

An absurd idea came out of his mind.


The battle armour regiment quickly stopped, the sound burst, the door and window buzzed and the eardrum hurt.

Until the sound boom disappeared, the life of the town had not yet been reflected.

Crocodile text and sylan and others thought it was over just now. Now they are still cold. But the head of the battle a regiment is less than ten meters away from them.

"Report to the king of God, and he will come."

The voice of Kuyao and a group of Shenwei is more excited than ever, and their eyes are full of reverence and faith in Chen mo. They finally found the God King, and all their hearts were settled.

"Son of a bitch."

Xiaoyu's voice interrupted the serious atmosphere. He came out of the armor and grabbed Chen Mo's ear. He was furious.


The crocodile man and others around Chen mo were stunned. At first, they felt depressed and horrible. Now the painting style has changed.

For a while, the atmosphere on the court was very strange.

Shenwei sees Chen Mo caught by Xiaoyu, but he is afraid to laugh. In their eyes, this is the family affairs of the king and the queen of God. They dare not mind.

"Give me face." Chen Mo looks guilty.

"Do you know how much we worry about you? Do you know how we got here? You stinky man. " With that, Xiaoyu's worries and grievances broke out these days and cried in Chen's silent arms.

Feeling the temperature of Xiaoyu, Chen Mo's heart is warm.

"I'm a little thirsty." Hilan's starling murmured, and hurriedly backed away, leaving room for the two.

Alligator text and Kitty father are also a few steps back.

Now it seems to be clear that this is Chen Mo's man. Those soldiers are covetous. They are afraid that if the other side thinks that they are not good for Chen Mo, they will be unlucky.

But the shock in their hearts hasn't dissipated.