Science and Technology Library

Chapter 930

The underworld civilization conquered the black rose city.

The news spread to the universe alliance through the universe news platform. The chaotic situation in the universe has become more chaotic.

The galaxy where the black rose city is located, like the black rose, hence its name, is also the top civilization. I thought the top civilization was not so easy to destroy, but the underworld civilization told them that the top civilization can also be destroyed.

Black rose city is one of the 108 cities. After the Hongqiao upheaval, the universe was in chaos. Twelve cities and 108 cities, which were not controlled by the seven God level civilizations, became the first goal of the God level civilization.

The underworld civilization suddenly announced the capture of black rose city and won the first place in this war.

As commander in chief, ming'a became famous at one stroke and became the hottest top general after Yan and Lei Yu.


After reading the information sent back, LAN fell into thinking. It didn't take long for LAN to recover. Silver Ring's eyes were shining, and she looked bright, with a smile on her lips.

There are many Hongqiao in the underworld, and some Hongqiao in the small universe of the underworld civilization.

Although the underworld civilization conceals the news, the top civilization can still find that the reason why black rose city was the first to be destroyed is that there is a Hongqiao leading to the small universe of underworld civilization in the supercluster where black rose city is located.

In several battlefields, we also found that Hongqiao, which leads to the small universe of the underworld civilization, is only the weak civilization around Hongqiao, so the war is not as tragic as black rose city.

In addition, there is another unknown news.

As one of the star talents of the underworld civilization, Ming Tea led the War Department of the underworld to flee. With such a big news, the underworld civilization can deceive some small civilizations and forces, but it can't deceive the top civilization and divine civilization.

A large number of Hongqiao wormholes and elite battle departments defected.

The hell civilization is in a lot of trouble now.

Hongqiao was found not only in the underworld civilization, but also in the small universe of several God level civilizations.

This upheaval has greatly disrupted the situation of the whole universe. The original map and layout have all been broken, and everything needs to start again.

I don't know how the boss is now.

LAN sighed. He hoped that what his wife said was true. The boss is OK. The whole March ant group will be OK.


"This is the fifth time I've met the interstellar pirates." Xiaoyu looks at the spaceship and the remains of battle armor, frowning.

After the first encounter with the red boa battle group A, I met the interstellar pirates off and on. The space battle just ended in front of me was the fifth interstellar pirate.

The density of the interstellar Pirate Group is a little high.

"After God, now the situation in the universe is in chaos. Many battle groups are not entrusted with tasks and have difficulties in survival. Some regular battle groups have started to change careers in order to survive in troubled times. So there will be more pirates in troubled times than in peacetime Bitter explained.


Xiaoyu expressed his understanding and held the little mother who was eating the biscuit in his hand.

"Little potato, which way now?"

This little mother is her hope to find Chen mo.

Chen Mo has been missing for nearly three months. Although according to logic, his body will not die, if he floats in the dead space for a long time, without sound and company, that terrible loneliness will destroy his will and make people crazy.

Xiaoyu is also in a hurry to find Chen Mo, but not soon.

The little mother's head was askew. It seemed to be thinking. After a while, she started to move, and compared in the hologram in front of her.

"Foam wipe Foam... "

"Second quadrant." Xiaoyu follows the direction described by the little mother animal, determines the vector direction with the holographic image, and gives the command to Kuyao.

"The second quadrant sits in Jinhai City, one of the 108 cities." Kuyao checked the map of the universe and determined the space coordinate point of the next jump: "ready to sail."

Kuyao immediately ordered.

The spacecraft's space curvature engine started, and two hours later, ten spacecraft disappeared in place.

When it reappears, it is in another starry sky.

"After God, we have entered the star domain of Jinhai City, which is composed of five native superclusters, with a length of 1.1 billion light-years and a width of 140 million light-years." Kutian puts the information of Jinhai city in front of Xiaoyu.

"Little potato, which direction should I go now?"

"Foam Mo...... " The little potato's little claws are drawn again.

"In the seventh quadrant, we jump over our heads."

Xiaoyu is happy.

The original distance is too far, so the little mother can only sense the general direction. They need to keep approaching, confirm the direction again, and then according to the original coordinates, keep narrowing the area they are looking for.

"Now make sure that the husband is in the direction of the seventh quadrant in the area between us and the previous jumping point."

Xiaoyu calls out the hologram, and takes the above jumping point as the center to make the spatial quadrant coordinate map, and takes the current position as the origin to make the spatial quadrant coordinate map.The intersection space between the seventh quadrant and the previous space jump point may be where Chen Mo is.

"There are 1300 galaxies and 200 trillion stars in this region."

"Take the middle position to jump, which is the easiest and fastest." Xiaoyu said.

"Yes, after God." Kuyao takes the lead and gives the space jump command in a hurry.


After the initial freshness, Chen Mo's life began to become monotonous.

Since watching a video of the star map monument, Chen Mo's arm has moved. So in this period of time, we are looking for related images and shadow frequencies of celestial steles.

However, in addition to the first time to see a little reaction to the changes in the graphics, it's not very useful now.

Kitty's parents told him something about Tianxing monument. He found some information about Tianxing monument on the Internet.

Tianxing monument is one of the twelve places. It is the only permanent place in the universe. It was created by the legendary Mu's Tianxing and is not subject to any power.

As one of the most intelligent life in the history of the universe alliance, Mu's heavenly star is the greatest mathematician, physicist, life scientist, philosopher, educator and thinker.

In his legend, he created the super dimensional equation, space dimensional calculus, and established the imaginary model of higher dimensional existence by using space mathematics; improved the space curvature engine to make the space jump of spaceship more stable and safe;

at the same time, he evolved from the advanced life to the divine life in just a thousand years, and awakened the life of super ability.

He put forward the theory that super power awakening is the shortcut of life evolution. In addition, the conjecture theory of super power awakening technology is also sorted out, which becomes the reference theory for the study of super power in cosmic civilization.

Up to now, the universe ontology of Mu's heavenly star still influences the existing universe civilization system, and proves that the fourth dimension or even higher dimension really exists.

These are all part of his legendary career.

The most legendary is the study of philosophical consciousness in the fourth dimension. The special graphic changes that Chen Mo saw at the beginning are part of it.

He believes that his research can open the door to the fourth dimension of life consciousness in the universe and make life beyond the universe.

Many lives have seen the research of the fourth dimension philosophy consciousness, awakened the super power in the heaven, the stars and the earth, and became the God level life, among which there are many outstanding people and time figures in later generations.

Therefore, the celestial steles and the earth have become the most respected places in the universe. No matter which life, they consciously maintain the heaven, the stars, the steles and the earth, and they dare not destroy the steles in the struggle, otherwise it will lead to the whole universe's civilization's spit and pursuit.

As time goes by, the sky, the stars, the steles and the earth will become the permanent middle ground of the universe, where no life will use destructive weapons or even bring them in.

Chen Mo can't admire the existence of this kind of life. This mode is the rudiment of science and Technology Library.

In the middle age of Mu's Tianxing, he created the Tianxing stele, engraved his knowledge on the stele forest, and made it public to the life of the whole universe. In his later years, he expanded the forest of Steles again and engraved all the knowledge he studied in his whole life in the monument.

Until the death of Mu's heavenly star, the forest of Steles he created stretches 200000 square kilometers.

When later generations come to watch the forest of Steles, they will leave some personal views and gains. This habit has developed into a kind of culture after generations of time-class prodigies left their names.

In addition to the part left by Mu's Tianxing, there are also research papers left by other geniuses. There are more and more steles, and after more than 100 million years of development, the forest of Steles in the sky, the stars and the earth is covered with hundreds of stars.

For example, today's star monument earth grand meeting is held once every 50 years. It brings together the talents of the universe and becomes the most famous grand meeting in the universe alliance system. And every time there is a grand gathering of stars, steles and places, there will be talented people here to awaken their superpowers and become divine life.

It's less than a month before the next tianxingbeidi event.

Chen Mo would like to see this legendary place and the grand gathering of cosmic talents. It's just that his body can't move. If he didn't get in touch with the galaxy before the event, he couldn't go anywhere.

As for the kitten's disease, it needs him to recover, use the super power development technology, or come over to wake up the kitten's consciousness.

Chen Mo stares at the kids on the training ground and says, "when is it going to be like this?"