Science and Technology Library

Chapter 929

Chen murmured that Xiaoyu was in trouble at this time.

Not far from space, more than 200 medium-sized warships are eyeing their fleet.

An interstellar Pirate Group.

Warcraft earn commissions by accepting various Commission missions, protecting caravans and exploring Galaxy stars, while the interstellar Pirate Group, though also Warcraft group, mainly lives by plunder.

The head of the life is warning on the public communication channel: "the red boa and the armour group that block the road adhere to the principle that robbery is not more than half. 40% of the goods and 40% of the star coins will be handed over. Let me give you a way, man. If not, the consequences are so cruel that you want to cry. "

Xiaoyu has little experience of traveling around the universe. Before that, in order to find Chen Mo, she also went to the origin city once, but she met the interstellar Pirate Group for the first time. Not from look to Kuyao, look puzzled.

Kuyao is calm.

They have received professional space war training and also fought in space war. Although the star pirate regiment is the first time to encounter them, it seems that they are no different from fighting in space.

"After reporting to the gods, we met the star pirates, who lived by plundering caravans and transporting ships."

"How did our ship stop and be intercepted by them?" Xiaoyu asked.

"After God, it's the interference machine of space jump." Kutian respectfully said: "space jumps. There are specially opened space tunnel coordinates between interstellar, space folded by curvature engine, and space sub quadrant vector coordinates. They set the jammer in the position between the two spatial coordinates, and once the jumping coordinate of the spacecraft passes through the vector coordinate, it will be stopped by the jamming. This is a means of setting up ambushes and traps in war. "

"Sure to stop the ship?"

"No, after God." Bitter day is meticulous to solve the puzzles for Xiaoyu. He also knows that Shenhou doesn't know much about the space war: "it's equivalent to setting up a fishing net in the sea. If that fish is hit, that fish will be unlucky. The space is very big, as long as it doesn't pass through this coordinate vector, it won't stop. "

Xiaoyu nods: "it's yours."

"Shenwei is in command." Kuyao replied solemnly.

Since Chen Mo rescued their ethnic group, they have been loyal to Chen Mo incomparably. Every Kuxing person who joined Shenwei is a fanatic who has been selected layer by layer.

After the guardian God King God, it became their life belief.

After knowing that the God King disappeared, they were more nervous than anyone. They received the task of looking for the God King. Without any hesitation, they chose the most elite God guard to enter the team.

Each of them has been developed with super ability. The combat power of top class battle division is not comparable to that of ordinary teams. Even though the number is not large, the combat effectiveness is terrible.

"They are indifferent, as if they want to resist."

"Revolt? How many transport ships want to resist? They don't know why the stars are so brilliant, do they? " The leader of the bandit laughed in anger.

"Do you want to destroy them directly?"

"Destroy your mother." The bandit head slapped his hand on the head of his subordinates: "we are star pirates. We robbed the ship and goods. We robbed the hair? No hair. "

With a big wave of bandit's hand, intelligent machines poured out of space and came to the fleet.

Kuyao didn't move. He was covered with armor, and his spear was out of its sheath, mingled with the light of death.

Beside him, many battle armor of Shenwei covered his whole body, the weapons in his hands seemed to be excited, and the atmosphere was filled with bloodthirsty desire.

Their whole ethnic group is reborn by the God King. Even if they sacrifice their lives for the God King, they will not hesitate. When Lord LAN taught them the war tactics, they completed every course in double according to Lord Lan's requirements.

According to the standards of the armed forces of the March ant group, their training amount has reached an extremely harsh level.

However, the boring training doesn't make them feel bored and uncomfortable. Compared with the days when they were raised in captivity, today their ethnic group lives freely and happily, with knowledge and wisdom, and can eat a full meal. Now it's paradise.

As long as they are in the training camp and base, they are either in training or on the way to training.

Their combat training instructor is Jingge. Every movement is strict and in place. They don't know about other war departments. Kuyao's requirement for Shenwei must be 100%.

Even the most strict Jingge and LAN are very satisfied with their Shenwei training.

Under strict standards, the advantage of close encounter is very obvious.

In addition to the 50000 Shenwei after guarding the Shenwei, other Shenwei orders left the spacecraft, the whole process was silent and murderous. Along with it, there are countless intelligent machines and war robots.

The whole process took less than ten seconds.

A million Shenwei's movements did not even have any lag.

They've moved before the pirates start.

To the enemy, they don't want to talk nonsense. This is what teacher Lan said. In a word, you can kill the enemy ten times.


The first column of intelligent machinery, the second column of war robots, followed by Shenwei. At the front, there are dense antimatter bullets."Good courage."

The bandit head was shocked and angry. It was the most wonderful time since he entered the star pirate business. The fleet robbed by him didn't escape, and took the lead in attacking them.

Shenwei's speed is extremely fast. They hold up the light tail in space. When the antimatter bomb warning of the spacecraft's radar rings, they wake up as if in a dream. The war division rushes out of the capsule.

Antimatter bullets are like raindrops, radar shows dense warnings, as well as sophisticated war robots and battle armour, cooling the back of bandits.

The silent explosion explodes in space, and the intelligent machinery and spacecraft submerged by antimatter bomb energy turn into debris in space.

There are countless pieces flying.

All the pirates were shocked.

War a's radar showed a dense warning of antimatter bullets.

The weak light of space, at the moment of the explosion of antimatter bullets, was suddenly submerged by the light. The rapid alarm aroused their deep fear.

They have never met such a battle since they were Pirates of the stars.

Who is the star pirate?

This time, it seems that they have kicked the iron plate. The five spaceships did not open the physical protection, and turned into space debris. The terrorist attack speed and means remind them that the other side is not easy to provoke.

"Why so weak?"

I don't know which Shenwei said one in the public channel, and the tone was full of disappointment. They and Xiao Li's war group a hand in hand, think war group A is Xiao Li that level, the result is so weak.

Muttering became the last straw to crush the camel. When the pirates heard this, they almost didn't cry. They robbed before. It wasn't the other party's panic. Now it's their turn.

Domineering and cruel.

Shenwei's strong fighting style gives people a great visual impact, like a fierce beast, showing its tusks.

No matter whether they are strong or weak, they use their best level in every battle. A medium-sized star Pirate Group is in their hands, as weak and helpless as a baby.

"So strong." Xiaoyu's eyes brightened.

She didn't care much about the star wars, but the strength of Shenwei surprised her.

Jingge's face was expressionless, and it seemed that the massacre on one side was natural.

In order to find the God King faster, Kuyao only wanted to end the battle with the fastest speed.

Less than half an hour later, when the battle was over, a spaceship started to escape. Kuyao was too lazy to pursue. This kind of battle was not challenging. The purpose of their trip was not to fight.


Ming a looks at the battlefield in the shadow frequency sadly.

The battle field of the constellation in front has already become purgatory. Tens of thousands of space destruction weapons surround the entire constellation, and the main galaxies are all targeted by space weapons. The life of the constellation, like ants, is crushed into cosmic dust by the weapons of space destruction.

If you can see a beautiful picture above the battlefield, you will see a beautiful hell.

Ming'a didn't expect the war to come to this stage. Even if he was in charge of the most elite army of Ming culture, he still had some regrets. Under the destruction, there are countless ordinary lives, but this is war.

Under the butcher's knife, he would not be merciless, or he would be cruel to himself.

Space war, not to a special moment, generally do not use space weapons, once used, there is no turning back. Precise space weapon delivery can quickly wipe out the enemy's living power.

"The third brigade, support No. 0042 star battlefield. All the remnant troops have been killed. No prisoners will be left."

In several battlefields in space, the battle between the two sides is very fierce.

The other side is desperate.

The stars near the battlefield have been burned into a sea of fire by the terrible energy of the battlefield, and the debris of the stars are floating in space.

It is the end of a strong attack.

"Seems to have won."

Ming'a's side of the female life hands around the chest, in front of the two groups were squeezed into a ravine. It's a fatal temptation for the people in the underworld, but he is not moved by it and has nothing to do with the female life around him.

Her name is Mingyue Liuhua. She is the tactical staff of the war department and the deputy of Minga. When she was in the military academy, she was Minga's elder sister. Minga also had a headache about this elder sister. At last, she went straight to salt fish.

"This is the first city in the income package." The girl's life is happy and laughs, just with disdain in the smile: "this time the old guy will be very happy."

"Ming'a shakes his head:" ming'a defected. I don't know where he is. I'm afraid this anger doesn't dissipate so easily

"I quite understand the Ming Tea."

Mingyue Liuhua sneers, and her body gets close to Minga, which makes people hot.

"In that kind of environment, forming and growing, even tools, a little conscious wisdom, can't stand it. This time I heard it was sent to a remote corner, called Pisces and Cetacea, where the raniacaea superstar system is. I'm actually curious about what's in that corner. Let the old guy take it so seriously and send that dangerous guy over. "

"It's a lot of trouble now." Ming ah sighed.

"Troubles don't accumulate in one day or two. Someone has to pay for the rotten Dynasty."Mingyue Liuhua laughs coldly. She doesn't have a lot of feelings for mingti civilization. Her sober life knows that her roots are rotten. If it wasn't for mingah, she wouldn't be here.

"Do you think Ming tea will go to the heaven and the stars? The grand meeting is about to begin, and the group of heroes gather. There is no small possibility for him to go there. "

"I'm afraid we can't go."

Ming awei sighed that he also wanted to go to the heaven, the stars and the earth to discuss with the universe, but now Ming Tea defected. Because of the chaos caused by Hongqiao, he couldn't get away.

"If you don't say that, send back the war report."