Science and Technology Library

Chapter 928

"Uncle lion, it seems that the grand gathering of stars and steles is about to begin." The fox girl smiles and hands the information to the lion dusk.

"Yes, ma'am, there is still a month to go." Lion night received the information and said earnestly.

"How many times is this?" Asked the fox woman.

"130 million years, 2743902." The lion dusk sighed, eyes drifting, as if in memory.

"We're leaving, too." "Fox female smile way:" 50 years of a grand meeting, can't miss ah

"Madam, your lively character is very dangerous. Last time, something happened to you in Shigan galaxy. Now the universe is in chaos. I'm afraid that the sky, the stars and the earth will not be peaceful this time. " The lion dusk wryly smiles, has no alternative to the fox female request.

"If I don't have the guts, I might as well go home and farm." "Fox woman way:" if can gather a few genius, also have advantage to white star civilization

After the Hongqiao upheaval, the universe was full of space wormholes, which drew the forces, which were separated by tens of billions of light-years, closer overnight. The distribution of the universe has become more complex, the traditional sense of buffer space has lost its function, and the situation has completely changed.

The struggle between cosmic civilizations is getting fiercer and fiercer. However, the traditional cosmic alliance does not act or intervene. By default, the war is started. The cosmic war is unstoppable.

Hongqiao passage has become more and more important, which seems to be the place for strategists to fight for. In particular, the force that Hongqiao appears on the main star system is the civilized headquarters when it is attacked by the enemy.

Hongqiao is also found in the small universe of divine civilization.

This means that the small universe of the divine civilization is no longer absolutely safe. You can imagine how terrible the next pressure is.

Many powerful top civilizations covet the divine civilization and want to replace it or become the eighth. But because there is no absolute security field of the divine civilization, many top civilizations can only wait for the opportunity.

Go to Tianxing stele, fox girl has her idea.

White star civilization has been comfortable for a long time, lacking external struggle pressure, and the top talents are scarce, especially the top generals.

If they have top generals, when they join hands with the Raytheon civilization to besiege the black pupil civilization, the black pupil civilization will not be so easy to escape, certainly not at a small price.

So Hu NV knows how important it is for top generals and strategists in the age of chaos.

The 50 year event of Tianxing monument is a gathering of talents.

Strategists, generals, war armour divisions, war armour designers, war armour group leaders, civilized royalty, top researchers, etc. are the most intelligent group of life in the universe.

If we can take part of our lives into the white star civilization, we can alleviate their talent shortage. And in heaven, there may be talented leaders in the next rising era.


At present, Xiaoyu and others cannot be contacted. Chen Mo does not know how they are doing or what they can do. He simply stays at Blue River Star and waits for Xiaohe galaxy to reopen its external quantum communication.

At this time point, the total base station of quantum communication is damaged. Chen Mo doubts whether it is related to him.

Now Chen Mo is happy every day, thinking about how to control his body.

As for why Mo Nu reorganizes her body in situ, but he reorganizes her body 60 billion light-years away, Chen Mo also thought about it. The final answer is the special ability of this particular body.

During this period, he often saw some strange pictures, pictures of other life in the universe, like hallucinations, inexplicable, but Chen Mo could feel the real existence, and he looked down on all living beings like a God.

Chen Mo is not too worried about the safety of the galaxy. There are LAN and Mo Nu, and Zhao min. he hasn't been around for a year and a half, so there's no big problem. Anyway, in normal times, he doesn't participate in group management much, mainly setting the general direction.

Alligator Wen and silver an went out early to run for goods. Chen Mo was the same. He sat by the training ground of the town school and watched the training of the junior war armour.

War a is a compulsory course from primary school.

For the senior class A, this kind of junior class A is a toy, but the senior class a division also started this way.

The popularization of war armour system is one of the ways for life to become stronger.

In the ancient times of the earth civilization, the primitive people used tools and stone tools to fight against the laws of nature and seek survival, which is the crystallization of the wisdom of the primitive people. In the same way, space life uses war armour, weapons and spacecraft to fight against the space environment, which is also the wisdom crystallization of life now.

The evolutionary history of life and the development history of civilization are the process of brain becoming smarter and tools becoming stronger. This is also natural selection.

Today, the training enthusiasm of teenagers seems to be less than before.

Even Chen Mo's nagging is not as exciting as before.

Soon, Chen Mo found out that it was wrong. Today, he lost the most lively kitten.

A small female cat of animal like family is usually active and flexible. She is very curious about everything. She will chat with Chen mo after training every day.

Chen Mo is also happy with the kitten.

"And the kitten?" Chen Mo asked when he saw several teenagers stop to ask for advice.

"Kitten she's in a coma.""Coma?" Chen Mo was stunned. He was still alive and kicking yesterday. He said that he would bring dried seafood to him today. How could he be in a coma.

"Yes, it's said that kitten was curious last night. He saw the figure and inscription of Tianxing stele. He was in a coma." Said the little fish man, a little sad. Although fish people and kittens are usually enemies, but the feelings of little partners are still there.

"What graphic inscriptions can make life look comatose?"

"The inscriptions of the heaven, the stars and the earth."

"Didn't the kitten recover?" Asked Chen mo.

"No, I listened to the gossip at home. My mother said that it's difficult to save my life after reading the graphic inscriptions. But every life that wakes up will be very powerful and smart. "

"Eh? Take me to see the kitten. " Chen Mo thought for a moment and said to Xiao Wu, "by the way, tell me the story about the map inscription of Tianxing stele."

"My mother said that the inscription has existed for more than 100 million years, which is especially mysterious. It is the most intelligent mathematician, physicist, life science scientist, philosopher, thinker of the universe alliance, and the inscription engraved by mu shitianxing himself to build the Tianxing monument."

There are a lot of titles. Chen Mo listens carefully and doesn't interrupt Xiao Wu.

"My mother said that every 50 years, on the day of the death of Mu's heavenly star, celestial steles and earth will open a universe level event, and countless life talents in the universe will gather in celestial steles and earth. Then, we will hold various debate parties and battle armour meetings in the Tianxing monument. All kinds of genius and prestige figures will engrave their understanding of the original inscriptions on the newly built steles, which will be handed down all the time. "

"My mother also said that after reading the inscription, maybe nothing happened, maybe I was in a coma or had the ability to wake up. Many outstanding talented people in history have read the inscriptions on the Tianxing stele, awakened their superpowers, or rose to fame after participating in the grand event. "

"My mother said that I can't read the inscriptions until I grow up, or I might be like a kitten in a daze. Mom said that if the kitten wakes up, it may have super power. If it does not wake up, it may not wake up for a lifetime. "

Chen Mo listened to Xiao Wu's "mother said" all the way, frowning and thinking.

From the description of a few words, Chen Mo can hear the particularity of the map inscription of Tianxing stele. It's so amazing. Maybe it can help your current situation.

Before long, Chen Mo was taken to the kitten's house.

"Xiao Wu."

"What's up? Bad luck, uncle. "

"Don't say 'mom says' later, or you won't get a wife." Chen Mo pays great attention to teaching.

Seeing Chen Mo coming, the kitten's parents just said hello politely, the sadness on their faces didn't fade away, and they didn't have too much enthusiasm to entertain them. Life in the town knows Chen Mo, the unlucky uncle. They also know that their children have a good relationship with Chen mo.

The kitten lay on the bed, motionless and quiet, as if sleeping.

But no matter what they call, they can't wake up.

"I've learned a little medicine. Can you show me her case?" Chen Mo said to the kitten's parents.


The kitten's parents handed the kitten's case to Xiao Wu and asked him to read it to Chen mo.

In this case, at present, the professional doctors are at a loss. They should only be Chen Mo's concern, not hope.

It's said that some of the top civilizations and divine civilizations have a way of healing, but they can't even afford the spaceship tickets to the divine civilization field, let alone pay for medical expenses.

"There is no damage to the brain, cell structure alienation, gene mutation and deep sleep of consciousness."

Chen Mo was amazed at the case of kitten.

He's seen that.

A precursor to the awakening of superpowers.

When he studied the superpower technology, he had a good understanding of the process of life awakening superpower, and these symptoms were consistent. If it's the function of celestial inscriptions, it's amazing.

"It's said that the kitten is unconscious after reading some inscriptions. Can I have a look?" Chen Mo asked Xiao Wu to put down the case and said to the kitten's parents.

"Yes, this is the changing frequency of some map shaped inscriptions of Tianxing stele." The father of the kitten clicks on the screen of the communication instrument and sends out a shadow frequency, which is an image with strange and changeable graphics.

Zero dimensional point moves into one-dimensional line, one-dimensional line moves into two-dimensional surface, two-dimensional surface moves into three-dimensional body

What about three-dimensional motion?

When all kinds of strange figures change rapidly, Chen Mo's pupils contract. If he has some understanding, his consciousness and thinking will constantly follow the changes of figures, and his attention will never be focused.

In a flash, everything in the universe seemed to pass in his mind, and he seemed to have no sorrow or joy like a God.

Chen Mo's consciousness is gradually under pressure. At the critical moment, the consciousness instinctively resists and pulls him out of the state of immersion.

After returning to Chen Mo, I was shocked.

One of his arms moved.

I only saw one shadow frequency.

It seems that he needs to go to Tianxing monument. Chen Mo is very eager.

"I may have a way to treat kitten's illness." Chen Mo said."Really?" The kitten's parents are ecstatic, grabbing Chen Mo's hand and shaking, with hope in their eyes.

"But if I can get in touch with my wife, she may have a way." Chen Mo thought of Xiaoyu's ability to act on consciousness: "tell me about the heaven, the stars and the earth."