Science and Technology Library

Chapter 915

Xiao Li stared at the hologram without expression, letting the fire of antimatter explosion reflect in the pupil of the royal blue.

This is a space encounter war. Judging from the actions of the other side, it is well prepared.

Massive intelligent machines collide in space, which is extremely tragic.

This kind of fighting scene is common to Xiao Li.

For so many years, he licked his blood on the edge of the knife almost every day. Now the collision between intelligent machines is just the prelude of space encounter war.

There are a large number of intelligent machines, so it is impossible to use the best materials, because it consumes too much dark matter. Intelligent machines mainly consume cannon fodder and enemy fire ammunition. After so many years in the space battlefield, he has confidence in his intelligent machinery.

However, the situation did not seem to be moving in the direction he expected.

Ten times of collision, they lost hundreds of millions of intelligent machines. Even after a long battle, he realized that the situation was wrong. The battle damage of intelligent machines on both sides is 20 to 1.

The intelligent machines of the galaxy are far more powerful than their own.

He suddenly remembered that in the information he had received, the battle between the galaxy and the immortal civilization, the most elite army of the immortal civilization, was also vulnerable.

At first, I thought it was about commanders and offensive and defensive forces. Now, I'm afraid it's not so easy to think about it.

Thinking of this, Xiao Li's blue eyes were as cold as ice. Under the cold, the war was brewing.

In this small corner, there is such a powerful force.

Just at this time, Xiao Li's adjutant's face suddenly changed, and the information from Hongqiao front was beyond his imagination.

"My Lord, there is news from the Red Hibiscus that the enemy has attacked Hongqiao."

At the beginning, I guessed that the galaxy would choose to attack Hongqiao. Xiao Li was not surprised, but he was puzzled by the look of the adjutant. "Any special information?"

"Lord Hibiscus says they have quantum stealth robots."

Xiao Li's blue eyes shrunk to a dark blue.

He can still keep his composure, but the adjutant can't.

When Hongqiao first appeared, they risked the whole group's collapse and entered the unknown space world. When it was determined that Hongqiao was the other end of the universe, they pulled out the butcher's knife at the first time.

At the beginning, they didn't know all about this. As the war continued, they soon learned about the intelligence of this corner of Pisces and cetaceans.

The three advanced civilizations support the rest are small and medium-sized civilizations. In this barren corner, there are no powerful weapons. The immortal civilization even did not start the space weapons, so it was invaded by them into the main star. Finally, the immortal royal family led their families to flee.

All the intelligence shows that the force here is not strong, but now there is a strong brigade.

Now even the quantum stealth robot has come out.

Only the top civilized forces have the top technology.

Xiao Li's face was cold. Now the battle between the two sides started, and it's meaningless to wonder if the other side's top civilization is already dead or alive. There is no way back.

"Your Excellency, do you want to go back to support Lord chigeun?" Asked the adjutant in surprise.

"No." Without thinking, Xiao Li's cold eyes fell on the front: "prepare for antimatter bombs and destroy all intelligent machines."

"Yes." The adjutant responded in a hurry.

Xiao Li takes off the long sickle behind him and starts the short pulse laser. His armor changes and covers his head. The sickle mark of the family of Dao Xiao looks cold in the low light.

The light of the eyes is like ice cream, and the cold light is exposed.

The long sickle blade, in the light of the short pulse laser, flickers the light of death, and Xiaoli's body bursts with fierce fighting.


"Here we are."

Kuyao did not expect the other side to fight like this.

Although intelligent machines have the upper hand, the number is not dominant. It's good for the other side to drag it down, but he didn't expect the other side to choose the hard hitting tactics.

It seems that it's the battle over Hongqiao. Let the other side choose to fight quickly.

There is no sign that the opponent will use large-scale antimatter bombs to attack indiscriminately, and the intelligent machines put in cannot be recovered at all, including their intelligent machines.


Kuyao's first impression of the general.

The enemy battle group A does not intend to fight for a long time, and its attack methods are decisive beyond expectation. The other side did not choose to go back to support the Hongqiao battlefield, but opened the war with them here.

In addition to the confidence in Hongqiao battlefield, there is also confidence in their own strength.

If the other side can win the battle here, the next step must be galaxy and Andromeda. It was a failure for Kuyao to let him approach the galaxy.

There are space waves in the galaxy and the Andromeda, but if the other party throws weapons of light speed destruction and space destruction, they will also have a lot of trouble, and to eliminate the impact of the two weapons, they will also have to pay some effort.

If the Galaxy were to be destroyed, they would have no face in front of the many ministries, calling them divine guards.It's just a showdown. It's nothing to be afraid of.

As for Hongqiao battlefield, don't worry about it. Prepare enough Shenwei. They are confident that they will not lose to any war department. For the title of the king of God, this is a war that has to be won for Shenwei.

Kuyao looks serious. His black armor covers his whole body and the air of killing is filled.

"Prepare for the showdown."


Xi'an collapsed on the training ground. The training was too heavy. Now every armour division on the field is supported by will. Almost at the moment when the rest was announced, all the battle armour divisions sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

Hellish training.

At first, I thought that the March ant group was only strict in selecting people. After the senior battle armour division entered, it could be integrated into the team without too many requirements.

Now they're finding it's so wrong.

However, the treatment here really doesn't have to say that every time you get injured in training, there is also a professional medical cabin. As long as you don't die, you can repair the injury. This kind of welfare is beyond the imagination of the previous civilization.

But the medical cabin is also a kind of torture, which means you can't even get lazy with injuries.

This is an independent high gravity planet. They dare not even think of escaping. Because there is no spaceship, there is no way to escape from this barren planet, that is, to seek death.

As for some senior division a who think they are strong and don't need training, that's to find guilt.

They saw with their own eyes that the Black Hawk and Taishan adults took turns to "single out" those bayonets. The wail and scream were amplified by loudspeakers. The whole training ground could hear them. The holographic images of the battle were projected. The abuse of the red, naked and naked made their scalp numb.

After seeing fierce, all lives are obedient, no life dare to question the strength of Black Hawk and others.

"I don't know how the war is going."

Xi Ning wiped the sweat on his forehead and breathed.

The news of the battle has been spread among them, and they will discuss it involuntarily during their rest after training.

"I heard it was the bodyguard camp. I don't know how strong they are." Next to a leopard's head, the orc like tribe interrupts, full of doubts. His name is Bao Chen. He is good at speed in the team.

"The bodyguard camp is an adult's guard, and its strength will not be weak." Xi said.

"Grandma, we came here like a war, and as a result, we were sent to train on this crap planet. It's hard for thieves." A man like mumbles, big mouth, and likes to talk, so the team gave him a nickname big mouth.

"We have just been set up. In front of us, there are the bodyguard camp, seafood department, Da silly department and wood department. I'm afraid to say that at present, our war department seems to be at the bottom. " Bao Chen said.

After joining the team, they all nicknamed their respective war departments.

Shenwei is the bodyguard camp, the sea king War Department is the seafood War Department, the big devil War Department is the big silly War Department, and the wood War Department led by Wat Mu is the wood War Department. As for Kunpeng War Department, it is also called "bird War Department" by other war departments.

With the topic brought up, several members with a little strength around also came together to join the group chat.

"Which department is the strongest, you think?"

A member of the team next to him suddenly intervened. All of a sudden, everyone fell into deep thought. They didn't really think about it.

"Hard to say." Xi Ning shakes her head.

The sea king battle division is mainly human battle division. There is a gap in the innate conditions of the battle division, but they have never seen the battle division of the sea king fight. Other battle divisions are mainly human battle division, and they have never seen the strength of other battle divisions.

"However, from the point of view of the positioning of the War Department, it is more likely that Shenwei will be more effective in fighting, because they are the guards of adults, and they have been personally taught by Lord LAN."

Xi Ling's words attracted the consensus of others.

"Other war departments have also been adjusted by Lord LAN, but it is said that the fourth World War Department is in no particular order in the group, because virtual reality exercises win and lose each other." Bao Chen added.

"Whoever comes first, we will wait for our War Department to take shape, as long as we don't get to the bottom of the group, otherwise it will be a bit humiliating."

Everyone, you said a word and I talked about the war department and the war situation on the front line. Now everything is speculation. The war situation on the front line has not reached them.

All of a sudden, a loud door pulled them back from the conversation, and Taishan looked fierce: "rest is over, continue training."

People like to be burned buttocks, a face of grudge jumped up, began to enter the training state.

Black Hawk is in charge of Kunpeng War Department, and Taishan is the deputy. As a new war department, its combat effectiveness and discipline are very different from other war departments. Now, it can only be done step by step. It will take some time for Kunpeng War Department's combat effectiveness to take shape.

Taishan looked down at the players who were desperately training in the training ground: "Blackhawk, do you think there will be any problems in the battle situation on the front line?"

"Should not, LAN instructor's decision is no problem, let Shenwei up, there must be his reason." "Our task now is to train these rookies into soldiers. Otherwise, it will be humiliating to be at the bottom in the future," said black hawk