Science and Technology Library

Chapter 914

"Does your father know?"

"I don't know."

"If something goes wrong, your father will fight with me. Do you want to ask?"

"Boss, I'm not a primary school student. I'm not a child." Yang siqingyue chuckles and looks calm, as the eyes of silver ring are always mysterious, with a difficult temperament.

See Yang Siqing month insist, Chen Mo thought, led her to super ability development laboratory.

On the way, Yang Siqing Yue follows Chen Mo's left hand, and her eyes are always on Chen Mo's body.

"No wonder father is willing to follow you." The faint voice, with a trace of fragrance, came to Chen Mo's ear.

Chen Mo was stunned and puzzled: "how to say it?"

"You have a lot of courage and a kind of convincing temperament." Yang Siqing Yue said without hesitation, "otherwise, my father will not entrust me, who is not necessarily cured by divine civilization, to you."

"I think you are praising me."

Yang Siqing Yue chuckles and looks at Chen Mo's eyes with more curiosity.

She has seen Chen Mo's battle in the Shigan system. She has offended several divine civilizations in succession. She is strong and courageous, and also has the technology coveted by divine civilization.

A red life grows up to be a top class war armour division step by step. It also creates such a basic business. Looking at the most gifted genius in billions of years of cosmic civilization, it can't be matched.

After arriving at the super ability development laboratory, all the drugs are ready. Chen Mo also conducts a simple allergic reaction test on Yang Siqing Yue and confirms that it is OK.

"Do you want to develop randomly or directionally?" Asked Chen mo.

"Can it be directed development?" Yang Siqing's quiet face was obviously surprised.

"Yes, at present, there are not many capabilities for targeted development." Chen Mo tells Yang siqingyue the ability of directional development and gives her choice.

"Random, leave fate to the unknown, I like to be different." Yang Siqing said quietly.

"Take off your clothes and go in."

Yang siqingyue didn't have a word, and he didn't shy away from Chen Mo's eyes. He took off his smart clothes and exposed his delicate body in the air.

The silver skin looks delicate and smooth. The figure is taller and slimmer than that of human beings. There is no fat. The perfect golden ratio has evolved. It is graceful and beautiful, just like a work of art.

Stepping into the super ability development module, Yang Siqing nodded to Chen mo.

"There may be some discomfort in the development process. You have to bear with it." Chen Mo clicks on the console for a few times. The hatch of the development cabin is slowly closed. The liquid medicine starts from the bottom and is slowly injected into the development cabin.


In the sky, intelligent machines on both sides are rampant like locusts. At the moment of collision, the explosion spread out in space.

The war between civilizations of the same level and the role of intelligent machines are mainly consumption.

In the space war, ordinary ammunition has little effect. It is a combination of antimatter and dark matter. Antimatter is limited. In the battlefield of frontal collision, as long as the antimatter weapons of the other side can be consumed, the probability of one side's victory will greatly increase.

The detection radar has determined that there are no weapons of light and space destruction in this area. In the absence of light speed weapons and space weapons, space positional warfare is necessary.

In front of the scene, it is obviously expected that bitter day is surprised by the reaction of the other party, and the strain is much faster than expected.

And here is the home of the other side, the other side's intelligent machinery, thousands of times more than them, and countless space-based weapons. It will take a lot of effort to make a positive breakthrough.

"Drop the assassin robot." The bitter day immediately ordered.

In a flash, a steady stream of Assassin robots were launched inside each warship.

These assassin robots, different from intelligent machines, use the same material strength as battle armor, and are equipped with extremely complete battle data and antimatter bombs, so their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

Most importantly, the assassin robot uses quantum stealth materials, which can avoid the detection of quantum detectors. In the encounter war, this quantum stealth function can make the enemy very headache.

After the assassin robot was launched, it quickly spread out and swept to the battlefield ahead.

"Just cover."

As soon as the dragon's command came down, the space-based weapons suspended in the battlefield were activated, the thick arm antimatter bombs rose slowly, a dark blue tail flame appeared, and the warhead pointed directly at the front of the battlefield where the intelligent machinery was densely packed.

Flying at a high speed for 20 minutes, a fire group suddenly appeared in the space battlefield.

The fire grew at a terrifying rate, about the size of a planet, like a giant star exploding and devouring all the intelligent machinery around it. All the optical radar's field of vision is white.

The explosion of this antimatter bomb attracted the attention of the whole battlefield.

Under the cover of the light of terror, the assassin robot starts the quantum stealth and gets close to the enemy's space-based weapon defense line at the fastest speed.

From putting in the assassin robot to covering, all in one go.One after another, the energy of terror is enough to turn a planet into a sea of fire. The optical radar facing the battlefield is always in a state of white.

This is the most typical method of cover in space.

When kulong explored the small universe, he experienced many space wars, and this basic cover tactic came at his fingertips.

No matter how fierce the battlefield is, there is no sound in space.

All of a sudden, several other light clusters suddenly lit up. This time, it was not caused by antimatter bombs, but by assassin robots that destroyed the space-based weapons in the defense line. The fragments of the explosion suddenly flew away.

All actions are interlinked.

The assassin robot entering the enemy position is like a fish in water. However, space-based weapons, including spacecraft, are too far away in space, and even if the assassin robot is fast enough, it will take a long time.


Chigeun's handling of the action is calm enough. This unhurried calm gives her subordinates a little more confidence.

However, what subordinates see is appearances.

His attention, all in the radar and the returned information, the mind hundred turn, start waves.

How can they break through their lines and attack space-based weapons? And the quantum radar of space-based weapons has not been found. Obviously, the opponent has the technology to avoid quantum radar.

Now the other side easily enters their position. If they can't find the enemy, they will be in danger.

According to the situation, it is not one or two who sneak into their positions, but many.

Chigeun thought of the explosion of the huge antimatter bomb. At that moment, all the optical radars against the Galactic warships failed, but the quantum radars did not.

Is quantum stealth assassin armor?

The Red Hibiscus's heart suddenly burst.

This is the only explanation.

Quantum stealth warfare armor is not a common technology. Only the top level civilization can have that kind of quantum stealth technology, and the preparation of that kind of quantum stealth material requires a large amount of dark matter. Ordinary high-level civilization does not have that kind of financial resources to mass produce quantum stealth warfare armor.

Space bubble technology, a lot of antimatter and dark matter, and now quantum stealth armor.

Are they facing a top civilization?

"Enemy assassins dive in, put in bee eyes, the spacecraft starts the engine, ready to dodge at any time, and all battle armour divisions are on standby outside the spacecraft."

At one command, a large number of small robots, such as bees, are launched from the spacecraft and space-based weapons. They are distributed in the space around the spacecraft and space-based weapons. There are three layers inside and three layers outside, with a density of one hundred meters apart, which is enough to wrap the huge spacecraft and space-based weapons.

This kind of bee eye, built-in small-scale optical radar, can detect the surrounding conditions, including the structure of anti electromagnetic pulse, which can withstand the terrorist electromagnetic pulse after the explosion in the space battlefield.

The only function of the bee eye is to find the assassin armour division who is trying to get close to the spacecraft or space-based weapons.

Once the assassin's armor is found by the bee eye, the bee eye robot will attach to the assassin's armor to expose the position of the assassin's Armor Division. This is a simple and effective way to deal with Assassin armor in space war.

"Enemy found around Wuluo 39824."

The hologram was cast, and only a war robot covered in black was seen. After crushing a bee's eye, it quickly approached a space-based weapon. On the quantum radar, there is no shadow of war robot.

Sure enough!

Make sure that the other side has quantum stealth technology, and red hibiscus's heart sinks.