Science and Technology Library

Chapter 916

In the eyes of Zhan Jia division of Zhan Jia regiment, Chijin is not impressive, because his birth is ordinary, his force is not strong, and he has no outstanding advantages, so he can be deputy. In the eyes of all people, it is pure luck, because Chijin has been following Lord Xiao Li for the longest time.

However, only a few people know that it's not luck for her to be the deputy of the war a regiment.

Chigeun is no stranger to the space war, he is not strong in force, because in college, he chose to study generals rather than war armour division.

In the dark forest area, because of the influence of the dark forest civilization, the majority of the orc like civilization. The orcs in the dark forest are the strongest in the seven regions of the universe.

Fights are common in dark forest areas, ranging from individuals to civilizations. The universal law of the jungle is particularly profound in the dark forest.

Therefore, for the dark forest area, which advocates force, the life proportion of learning generals is very small.

There are few generals. It's reasonable to say that after graduation, it's not a problem for Hibiscus to enter the regular civilized Corps. But nowadays, many civilized corps, first of all, look at the origin of race and force, and the strategy is not obvious in the selection of soldiers.

Regular Legion can not be reused, hibiscus chose to leave the civilized Legion and join the battle group.

Even so, he had touched many walls, until he met Xiao Li, he felt that the hero had a place. In each battle, Xiao Li would discuss the tactics with Chi Geun. Only a few senior officers of the war a regiment knew about them.

When she was in the college, she did not have a low score in simulating sand table, which belonged to the excellent level. In addition, over the years, she traveled with Xiao Li and became proficient in the application of various tactics.

So when she found that the enemy was not weak, she still took it easy.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, gathering thousands of information at any time. He needs to extract the information to deduce the situation of the war, and be ready to respond at any time.

Despite the distractions, chigeun went through the latest data, including the location of their warships, as well as the number and location of Assassin robot intrusions.

All kinds of deduction evolved in her mind. As the situation changed, he would give orders at the first time.

For a long time, I didn't go on the stage to direct the battle in person, and I was silent for so many years. When I was in college, the passion of deducing the sand table was activated, and the whole person began to enter a state of tension.

"The third quadrant, continue to put in intelligent machinery. Go out and get rid of the assassin droid. "


"Pretty good." In the war room, LAN's long and narrow eyes narrowed into a slit, with admiration in the implied spirit.

Zhao Min also sat in the war room, paying attention to the direction of the war.

"Will something go wrong?"

"No." LAN shook his head directly. There was a kind of determination and self-confidence in his voice: "their leader decided decisively. When he knew that he didn't have an advantage, he wanted to pull Kuyao into the decisive battle and eliminate the living forces, but that's what Kuyao wanted."

LAN touched her chin and smiled.

Shenwei has been trained in combat skills since it opened up the small universe.

It can be said that Shenwei is his most satisfied team so far.

"Shenwei are all super powers with a unified fighting consciousness. One fifth of Shenwei has entered the second stage of battle consciousness. It has the strength of ordinary top-level battle armour division and cooperates with top-level system battle armour. I can't think of the outcome of the battle with Shenwei. "

There is no weapons of space destruction, no weapons of light speed destruction. The battle effectiveness and battle armor of the battle armour division are the greatest guarantee.

As for the Hongqiao battlefield, LAN is even less worried.

The opponent's strong main force is in the constellation of Serpens and the Hongqiao of the skull galaxy. The combat effectiveness is limited. Moreover, the resources of antimatter and dark matter are scarce in the battle group A, which is a common phenomenon. They can't be killed and can be consumed.


When the light was gone, Xiao Li's figure slowly emerged outside the spaceship, holding the long sickle tightly in his hand.

In space, all the battle armour divisions of the whole battle armour regiment appear, scattered all over the space, the battle armour is painted uniformly, and the weapons of the battle armour are ready. In front of them 50 million kilometers of space, a team, quietly suspended there.

The long sickle in Xiao Li's hand was activated, his eyes were cold, and the battle armor painted with blue and black tiger patterns was started, flying towards the front of the team.

In space, countless pieces of debris floating rampant, intelligent machinery debris, space-based weapons debris, as well as huge ship debris, are still struggling to completely destroy the robot.

No smoke.

The air of annihilation is raging in the dead space.

It accelerated abruptly, and the momentum was no longer reserved. Xiao Li, like a sharp blade out of its sheath, shot at Shenwei at a high speed.

When Kuyao saw each other coming, his eyes were bright.

Do you want a bayonet?

He admired each other a little, and found that his short board was caught by people. Without a trace of mud, he started bombing mode, released all intelligent machines to attack, consumed their ammunition, and then dragged them into the decisive moment.

If they go back, they will jump to the galaxy without hesitation and make trouble.Although it is certain that the galaxy will be OK, being attacked by the other side is a failure to him. This way, they have to face each other.

This is their World War I on honor.

Under the armour of war, Kuyao's eyes were solemn, his long gun was tightly held, and he pointed to the front.



The long knife in Dong Likai's hand is full of death light. It is two meters long, with a straight and slender back, like Tang Dao. Its blade is covered with numerous high-energy short pulses, which can easily cut the materials of battle armor.

A knife cuts through the air, and donglikai's battle armor breaks through, deceiving himself and appearing beside the assassin robot.

The armour of advanced armour division can avoid the attack of antimatter bullets, so bayonet fight is very common in the universe battlefield.

Quantum stealth assassin robot, this kind of robot is very tricky, but it is not a senior armour division after all. He is a senior war division. Even though his strength is common among senior war divisions, it's no big deal to deal with a war robot.


Seeing the long sword cut down towards the robot's waist, Dong Likai's heart suddenly increased his confidence.

Suddenly, he saw the assassin robot did not dodge, and the long blade in his hand was coming towards his heart.

To die together?

This idea came out. Donglikai was cold hearted. The engine on the shoulder of the armour drove him. The speed broke out. He retreated in an instant, and the knife he cut could not fall.

Dodging the assassin droid's attack, Dong rikai was in a cold sweat.

Almost capsized in the gutter.

See assassin robot want to escape, donglikai grimace, high-energy laser start, will assassin robot's energy shield.

When the energy shield is excited, the characteristic of quantum stealth disappears, and the figure of Assassin robot reappears in the observation of quantum lightning.

Donglikai did not hesitate to push the engine and appeared on the top of the assassin robot.

Before he could do it, the body of the assassin robot disappeared.

Damn it! Calculated by the robot? Seeing the war robot on his side, Dong Likai's face changed.

What a tough war robot.

Red Hibiscus was shocked.

The assassin robot of the opponent reaches the level of the ordinary senior armour division.

It's terrifying because war robots can be made continuously as long as they have enough dark matter materials.

Red Hibiscus is now sure that they have provoked a terrible force.

From all kinds of signs, the strength of the other side can not be underestimated, they are not clear, the other side has no stronger card, think of this, red hibiscus a heart sink.

"Ask Lord Xiao Li about it."

"Yes." The intelligence officer nearby hurriedly ordered several times on the communication instrument. Suddenly, his expression changed: "Lord Xiao Li consumed all the antimatter bombs and dragged the other party into a decisive battle."

Red Hibiscus's face finally changed.

For the first time, he saw Xiao Li take the initiative to drag the enemy into a decisive battle.

"My Lord, their attack is getting faster." The dignified voice of intelligence officers pulled Hibiscus back from her thinking, and their quantitative advantage in Intelligent Machinery seemed to have no effect.

"Have the supplementary intelligent machines and war armour arrived?"

"Just came here."

Looking at the battle situation in space, hibiscus took a deep breath and said, "put all the intelligent machines out, and the battle armor is ready."

"Adults, we don't have many intelligent machines, and the dark matter is limited. These armours..."

"If Lord Xiao Li wins, we win. If Lord Xiao Li loses, we lose. But if Lord Xiao Li wins, and we can't defend Hongqiao, Lord Xiao Li will be in big trouble. " Red Hibiscus said coldly.

A huge mass of light expands in space, holding the energy of death, and spreads out at an extremely fast speed.

The light blocks out the sun, and the hundreds of thousands of intelligent machines that can't escape in the future devour the metal, which gasifies in the energy of terror and disappears without trace.

As a prelude, thousands of light clusters explode in space, and thousands of suns appear in space in an instant. Under the optical radar, there is a vast expanse of white.

The battle of Hongqiao, the skull galaxy, has entered a stage of incandescence.

Red Hibiscus red eyes, he felt great pressure.

Each other's firepower is like a bottomless hole. There are endless antimatter weapons, and intelligent machines are stronger than them. They can only rely on a large number to maintain their advantages.

Concerned about the war situation, the endless stream of intelligent machinery was put into the battlefield, thinking for two seconds.

The balance is beginning to unbalance.

"It's almost time to let go of the war violence."

"Can I go out?" The bitter dragon leaps to try to ask.

Bitter days directly turn white eyes, despise this goods one eye: "this is not a private duel, this is a war, not a decisive time."

Under orders, the last spacecraft in the team started, disappeared in place 20 minutes later, and appeared at the forefront of the space battlefield.

With the hatch open, millions of red coated war violence maniacs fell into space, spread rapidly, and the muzzle of the gun rose rapidly, aiming at the tide of intelligent machinery.Hum

The alarm of the ship's radar.

Hibiscus almost lost her voice, which is a signal that a lot of antimatter is activated.

Seeing the data prompted by the radar, hibiscus was almost mad.

Is there such a luxurious antimatter bomb in the war between the top forces? Antimatter doesn't want money?

An antimatter bullet the size of a bullet can destroy a planet. Pure antimatter is expensive. It is used to make antimatter bullets. They are all calculated in terms of nalun. They are mainly used for spacecraft energy.

Now some people use such a terrible amount of antimatter to make bullets. It's a loser.

When did such a local power appear in a barren corner of the universe?

Red Hibiscus completely disordered the discretion, is he has not seen the world, or the opponent is a top-level civilization?

Yes, it must be a top civilization!

The top flight civilization.