Science and Technology Library

Chapter 911

"Is the March ant group really not going to leave?" He Shang saw the message and hesitated a little. Today, civilizations and forces around the Pisces whale complex are preparing to flee.

However, it has been found that there is no large-scale flight in the galaxy and the Andromeda, and the defense is strengthened.

At first, hershorn didn't believe it, but the information showed that the galaxy really didn't mean to flee on a large scale. Although there are ships in and out of the galaxy and the Andromeda, they are warships, not ordinary transport ships.

All kinds of signs show that the group of marching ants is ready to fight with the orc battle group A.

Heshan really believed in this possibility.

"Pisces civilization and whale civilization can't do that mysterious battle group. The marching ant group wants to die?" Friends shake their heads. They don't think the March ant group can deal with the battle group.

Pisces civilization and whale civilization, after all, are two of the three most powerful civilizations in the Pisces cetacean complex. Even two of them have been beaten to pieces. They can't imagine who else can win that battle.

"Not necessarily."

Heshan denied his friend's view in his heart.

The origin of the March ant group is mysterious. It's like a sudden big force. When the first battle comes out, it's easy to destroy the bear wind battle group A, and then kill the three armies of the immortal civilization, forcing the immortal civilization to give up the fairy family compensation.

If not for the destruction of the three elite legions, the immortal civilization would not have been defeated so quickly in this battle.

For a long time, Pisces and cetaceans have paid close attention to the mysterious force of the galaxy, but they have never dared to do so. They all know that the galaxy team is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Now, all the civilizations and forces in Pisces and whales are fleeing. They have no courage to resist the orc battle group. The only hope is the March ant group that hosts the galaxy and the Andromeda.

Heshang has received the news that there are many mysterious space holes in the whole universe. The whole universe alliance is in chaos, and there are wars everywhere. There is no absolute security to escape.

Except in isolated corners.

However, the so-called "paradise of life" corner of raniakaya superstar system is now in a mess, even more remote than here, either hiding in the low-level intelligent planet, or going to the very few cosmic cavities in the galaxy.

"Where are you going next?" Asked his friend.

He Shang didn't reply immediately, but looked at the hologram of the galaxy. The warships of the Galaxy were still flying out. It seemed that he had made up his mind before he spoke.

"I'm going to join the marching ant group in the galaxy."

"Are you crazy?" The green skin of friends around me was incredible.

"Where can we escape? Now the whole universe is in chaos, full of wars, or escape to the cosmic cavity with few galaxies, where there are almost no high-level civilizations interested, escape to other regions, there are also wars. " He Shang sighed.

"It's better to hide in a low-level life planet. We have spaceships and battle armour. It's very easy to conquer a low-level life planet. We are also rulers." Green skin friend said.

Heshan shook his head.

The idea of friends now is the same as that of returning to the primitive society to be the tribal leader in the scientific and technological civilization, and then living a safe and stable life.

But for him, such a existence is meaningless.

"I will not hide on a low-level planet. If you want to join me, we will go together. If you want to leave, I hope we will have a chance to see each other later." He Shang said suddenly.

"Good luck to you." The friend shook his head and sighed and turned away.

The March ant group is not ready to flee. The news spreads all over Pisces and Cetacea. Many people notice it and make a lot of waves.

Notice the news of life, the escape is still in the escape, no one thinks the March ant group can resist the mysterious battle group. Many of them are original works of Pisces and cetaceans, besides, they are people who can see through the situation.

Now the universe is in chaos, and it's the same everywhere.

Not ready to flee the life, heard the March ant group not to leave, immediately began to gather towards the galaxy and Andromeda. Hundreds of billions of life began to gather outside the galaxy and the Andromeda.

This situation has been fed back to the earth.

If this kind of situation is left unchecked, it is obviously impossible. If it is used by interested people, it will also be a big trouble for them. But it is not possible to accept them to the earth, or to enter the small universe.

"Boss, how to decide?" LAN asked.

Chen Mo ponders for a moment.

The arrival of those lives is not entirely a bad thing. The galaxy lacks intelligent life, especially advanced life. At present, they are in the elite line, with strong soldiers, but for the space war, the number is small.

There are advanced life in the small universe, but in addition to the bitter star, other advanced life has already formed civilization and can not be turned into their own use, so LAN slaughtered all civilized life in the small universe in the process of developing the small universe.

The addition of life to Pisces and cetaceans can bring them fresh blood. In the future, once there is damage to the staff, there can be more reserve personnel.The appearance of Einstein Rosen bridge has disturbed the situation of the universe. After the war model deduction, it is basically determined that it is just beginning now and there are still many battles in the future.

If there is no senior division, it will be fatal to them when a large-scale war breaks out.

"Let them in. Ship and ship are in control." After Chen Mo thought about it, he made a decision: "put them all together on the black Saturn, Neptune and streamer of shield. Black Hawk, you are responsible for recruiting senior war Division A and establishing Kunpeng War Department. Ling Feng and Julie, you two are going to manage the lives of the immigrants. "

"I see."

The three nodded.

It's just that Li Lingfeng and Julie look at each other. Their faces are a little bitter.

For the first time, they manage hundreds of billions of lives.

Now the boss gives them orders. They can only be brave. The March ant group will grow in the future, and there will only be more and more people. They can't do it.

Zhao Min saw their dilemma.

"You just need to pick the life and let them manage the area. In the division of life groups and regions, we should pay attention to the separation of their original lives in the same civilization, the same force and the same ethnic group, and the dilution of their original influence and civilization, so as not to focus on rioting and resistance.

Do not divide the same kind of life population, or it will easily lead to discrimination and contradiction among the population. The person in charge of management is loyal first, followed by ability. If the management is not good, change people. The means must be strong. "

"I see."

They nodded their heads as soon as their eyes brightened.

They are the elders who founded the March ant group at the beginning. Their abilities are needless to say, and their brains are very smart. After Zhao Min's warning, they immediately know how to do it.


Looking up at the stars flowing on the hologram screen, Xi Ning was fascinated. He is one of the stars and rivers in the galaxy. After learning that the galaxy has not escaped, many lives are converging towards the galaxy.

There is no way for life to leave Pisces and Cetacea, or not want to leave, or see the situation of the universe.

As a native of Pisces and cetaceans, they naturally don't want to fall here and become a garden in the dark forest area. Moreover, it is clear that the situation in other parts of the universe is not necessarily better than here.

Now, outside the Milky way, tens of thousands of ships, large and small, are waiting for orders from the March ant group.

It seems that this situation was foreseen in advance. The marching ant group issued a warning to the outside world that no spacecraft should enter the galaxy without permission, or the consequences will be borne by itself.

All kinds of detection jammers interfere with the quantum detection of the galaxy. Now this Whirlpool Galaxy has a layer of mysterious veil in the eyes of many lives.

No life dares to go in, thinking that the first line of defense outside the Milky Way galaxy, deployed countless space-based weapons, and even transformed the planet into a weapon. Even if warships detect the density of such weapons, they dare not rush in.

"Che, a small force, still put on the spectrum?"

"I don't believe that it's an honor for such a small force to come here and gather with us if they join me in the galaxy."

"It is true that this marching ant group takes itself seriously."

In the public channel, there have been some dissatisfied voices.

The spaceships staying in the outer space of the galaxy are already impatient. Many of them are from a small battle group or a remnant force of a large force. They are not awed by the sudden emergence of the March ant group.


All of a sudden, there was a scream in my ear, which woke up the Chi - ning in my thinking.

"A spaceship wants to break into the galaxy."

In the holographic screen, there are dozens of spaceships jumping to the space port of the galaxy. Before the spaceships react, they are hit by the weapons of the space port. Dozens of huge fire regiments exploded in space, as if dozens of large fireworks had been set off. Under the beautiful scenery, they were deadly.

In this scene, I poured a basin of cold water on the life waiting impatiently. I'm glad that I didn't act rashly just now.

The March ant group did not hesitate to attack, but it stimulated part of life. Then, hundreds of spaceships jumped in space, trying to break into the galaxy.

At the same location, at the same space port, the spacecraft blew up again, and there was no escape.

Strange scenes make all life shudder. With the first lesson, it's impossible for the second group to jump to that position, but it's there, under the gun of the galaxy.

He was a little familiar with this situation. He seemed to have heard of it. All of a sudden, Xi's pupil shrank, and he lost his voice and said: "it's the space bubble. The Milky way is surrounded by the space bubble."

His voice roused life around him.

Space bubbles.

When the public channel is uploaded, countless lives are breathless.

This kind of conditional blockade of space technology, only the top civilization.

At first, they all thought that the March ant group was just a mysterious senior force, a outlaw with advanced technology, and the three civilizations of Pisces and cetaceans didn't provoke.After the waves of space were recognized, many lives found that it was not the three civilizations that were afraid of trouble, but did not dare to provoke.

No life dares to continue trying to jump into the galaxy.

March ant group is absolutely not as simple as you think. The confirmation of space bubble makes the life that originally had no confidence in March ant group start to change.

If they win the orc battle group, Pisces and cetaceans will change.

Xi is surprised.

At a time when everyone was shocked, a spaceship with the logo of marching ant group appeared in the battlefield of the port. Locked by many detectors, this isolated spacecraft is particularly prominent.

Dense soldiers and war robots come out of the spaceship, with neat and capable movements and wearing top-level battle armour with dangerous atmosphere. At this moment, the life of the onlookers shudders.

The public communication channel suddenly died.

Black Hawk looked at the data from the eye detector. Tens of millions of spaceships gathered, hundreds of billions of lives, and there are many senior battle divisions. If all of them are turned into the power of the group, their strength can grow a lot.

"Adults have orders to set up Kunpeng War Department. Senior war division a can apply. The galaxy can accept all life, but if you want to enter the galaxy, you must temporarily give up the control of the spacecraft, and all life will follow the management arrangement, or you will be responsible for the consequences. "

Set up Kunpeng War Department? Xi Li immediately rejoiced.

He had been on the battlefield and could see the horror of the war department. Space bubble technology, coupled with the current well-trained battle department, March ant group is definitely a low-key force.

"Now, if you want to enter the galaxy, stay where you are and wait for instructions. If you don't want to enter the galaxy, please leave immediately."

Some people who are not optimistic start the space engine of the spaceship and jump away, while those who are optimistic about the life of the March ant group stay in place. The escapees and the adherents say "stupid" to each other and then pass by.