Science and Technology Library

Chapter 910

The sudden disappearance of the gravitational source of the skull Galaxy caused a panic in all civilizations around the Pisces cetacean complex. They have never seen this phenomenon since life has the history of observation in the universe.

The disappearance of the gravitational source is like the end of the galaxy.

It is not clear to all life what is the cause of this phenomenon.

Various advanced civilizations have begun to find out the reason. In the skull galaxy, there are many black holes and space research experts of civilization. Go to see what's going on at that hole in the space.

Some people say that this is the cause of the sudden death of the universe, others say that the space-time of the universe is accelerating to collapse, some say that the hole in space is the door to another universe.

Rumors spread.

In public, many black holes and space research experts are going to send detectors into the hole to find out.

However, when many lives are ready to explore, danger comes.

A fleet suddenly emerged from the opening of the space, with millions of warships and a steady stream of war machines and antimatter weapons. All the scientific research fleets gathered outside the entrance of the space were destroyed. The nearest green civilization to the cave was destroyed in one day.

The news immediately triggered a huge earthquake.

After that, the team attacked at a terrifying speed and quickly occupied the whole skull system.

The life of Pisces and cetaceans knows that the fleet emerging from the hole of space is a senior battle group from a dark forest.

The universe is divided into seven domains, twelve regions and 108 cities according to the seven domains controlled by the divine civilization.

Seven realms are the Seven Realms of divine civilization and their subordinate fields; twelve places and 108 cities are the star realms and cities that are not controlled by divine civilization, including the places of confusion.

Dark forest is 30 billion light-years away from Pisces Cetacea. How could it suddenly appear. Many lives think the news is false, but after the battle picture spreads, many lives calm down.

Orc life's battle armor group is indeed a dark forest civilization style battle armor group.

The orc battle group a suddenly appeared in a fierce fighting style. It quickly marched 50 galaxies, destroyed hundreds of major star systems, and swept all the way to the main star of Perseus.

The Legion of Perseus, in front of this mysterious battle group A, is as fragile as a boy scout and has no power to parry. When it comes to space weapons, the mysterious Orc battle group a escapes and continues to attack other galaxies.

Not long ago, they were killed by the March ant group, and now they are seriously damaged.

The whole constellation of Perseus is in a crisis of fall.

After that, the king gave up resistance and led the royal family and the rest of the army to escape Perseus in a spaceship.

The mystical battle group that occupied Perseus did not stop. Based on Perseus and integrating resources for five days, it led its fleet to Pisces and Cetus.

They are too strong, like a sharp knife, left to right.

Ten days later, the mysterious battle group a broke into 200 million light-years. The civilization and life Galaxy along the way were all turned into cosmic dust under their butcher's knife.

In just one month, the situation of Pisces Cetacea complex has changed greatly.

With the defeat of the two armies of Pisces and whale civilization, countless lives began to flee from Pisces and whale. But the more terrifying news spread, leaving countless lives in despair and fear.

Many galaxies in the whole universe have suddenly appeared similar spatiotemporal holes, billions or even tens of billion light-years apart. Overnight, they are like neighbors, unknown to each other, sending legions into each other's territory, and war broke out.

No one knows why the hole of time and space appears, but no one has the energy to explore.

Countless lives know a terrible truth.

The universe is in a mess. Here we are.

The wars between the big and small civilizations in the universe have never stopped, and even the wars between the divine civilizations broke out not long ago. But under the system of the universe alliance, most civilizations live in peace, while war is just their talk before and after tea, far away from most lives.

Now, a sudden hole in space-time connects the whole space-time, as if it were a giant blender in clear water.

Chen Mo and others are overwhelmed by the speed of change.

They have experienced the wars and the development of the small universe in the system of Lycoris, but they know what this kind of war means. Not only Chen Mo, LAN, Zhao Min, Wang Hai, Hu Mu and other people were shocked to hear the news.

The needle can be heard in the war room. Everyone's expression is very dignified, and their eyes are focused on the first Chen mo.

"Boss, have you confirmed the reasons for the formation of the unknown holes in the space?" LAN takes the lead and asks solemnly.

"Einstein Rosen bridge, also known as wormhole, is the definition of universe Alliance: Hongqiao. The quantum entanglement between the singularity of black hole and the singularity of white hole makes the space-time of the singularity form string induction. The compressed space-time of the black hole collapses into a space-time channel, connecting the white hole space points, and then absorbing the dark matter in the space, so that the space-time channel remains stable. ""Why do black holes suddenly entangle with white holes billions of light-years away?" Zhao Min asked.

"There may be some connection between black holes and white holes. I guess the connection is Hawking radiation, which is defined by the universe alliance. Common sense holds that no matter that can enter a black hole can escape, including light, but there are doubts in the scientific community. Black holes also emit energy.

It turns out that the temperature of a black hole is not zero, or even higher than its surrounding environment. According to the principle of physics, all objects with higher temperature than their surroundings will release heat, and black holes are no exception. This theory is put forward by Hawking on earth. It's also called Hawking radiation. Until his death, Hawking's radiation was unproven, and he was not awarded the Nobel Prize in physics.

But where is the heat from the black hole? It has always been a question for scientists to explore and prove. Now it seems that the heat released by the black hole may be in the white hole.

The black hole compresses the space-time and forms the space-time string, just like the space curvature jump, which appears in a space coordinate of the universe. The energy radiated by the black hole, through the space string, erupts at that space point, and finally there is a special celestial body, the white hole, which only erupts energy and does not absorb matter, contrary to the nature of the black hole.

It may be an unknown reason. It causes quantum entanglement between the gravitational singularity of black hole and the white hole. The collapse of space produces string induction, and finally forms the Einstein Rosen bridge, which is the Hongqiao bridge. Under the solidification of dark matter, the space-time channel maintains stability. I don't know why Hongqiao suddenly appears on a large scale. "

Chen Mo finally shakes his head.

All of a sudden.

The universe is too mysterious to fully explain the strangeness with science.

"What's next?" Wang Hai asked.

Chen Mo thought for a long time before he was relieved.

"Check if there is an Einstein Rosen bridge in our small universe. In theory, a black hole compressed to the extreme space-time string may break through the space-time barrier and let the white hole connect the parallel universe or the small universe. If there are wormholes connecting the main universe in our small universe, discovered by other top civilizations, and copied the back garden, then we will be passive.

It's useless for us to leave the galaxy now. There are wormholes all over the universe. There may be many that haven't been found. The galaxy has a defense that we spend a lot of time on, but it's safer. Now we are ready to send the earth into the small universe. There is nothing terrible about the orc battle group. We are not weak. "

The morale in the war room was greatly improved, and the gloom in the hearts of all the people was swept away.

Over the years, they have tried their best to develop technology and expand the small universe. Their strength is not weak. Their goal is to resist divine civilization. A Orc battle group is nothing.

"Fuck, hehe." The big Mazu's excited roar, the voice is loud, draws the nearby other people a white eye.

"Idiot." Said the red crab with disdain.

"Hard shell monster, do you want to fight?" Big Mazu heard the contempt of red crabs, suddenly not calm down.

"Fight it, little monster."

They are too lazy to pay attention to these two goods. They are used to quarreling with each other. They can quarrel with each other in front of adults and instructors. They dare not do it. Chen Mo looks at LAN. In LAN's eyes, he sees the glittering pure light. He doesn't know what to calculate.

"Boss, instructor, I'll fight." Wat mu, who was sitting still, suddenly opened his mouth. These years, he either developed the small universe or trained. He was almost bored and ill. This was an opportunity.

"No, I have candidates. You are responsible for finding out whether there is Hongqiao in the universe." LAN immediately refused.

The battle, to LAN, the whole March ant group began to run. In recent years, they have developed and controlled the small universe with all their strength. There are countless technologies and technologies. They have a strong family background and don't need to worry about the problem of military strength at all.

With all the troops assembled, the March ant group, like a sophisticated giant machine, began to operate.