Science and Technology Library

Chapter 912

"What other forces do Pisces and cetaceans have?" On the warship, Xiao Li looked cold.

"Yes, a force called marching ant group. In the galaxy and Andromeda, they once destroyed the elite legion of Perseus. The strength of Perseus was greatly damaged, which made our journey so easy at the beginning. At present, the remnants and refugees of Pisces Cetacea are converging with them. " The adjutant gave a deadpan report.

"Oh." Xiao Li replied, "the next goal is the galaxy."

"I see." The adjutant nodded coldly, and then clicked on the holographic frequency to send orders to the fleet, without any doubt about Xiao Li's orders.

Xiao Li is an old family of Dao Xiao. Dao Xiao is known as the living fossil of the universe civilization. Xiao Li has the most perfect characteristics of the family of Dao and Xiao. He has long and thin lips, sharp eyes like the blade of a knife, a long and slender body, black tiger lines on his skin, and sapphire blue eyes. He is crystal clear and cold.

Behind his armour was a long sickle, with a blade of one meter and five, and a handle of three meters long. The sickle was dark red and fierce.

Although the Dao Xiao clan has evolved for more than 4 billion years, it is only a high-level life, and the limit of life level. In more than 4 billion years, the Dao Xiao clan has never had a top-level war armour division. Today, the Dao owl family is in decline, with only a few million lives left. It is an endangered civilization for the cosmic civilization population.

And Lord Xiao Li is the most outstanding war armour division and general star of the Dao Xiao clan at present. They all believe that the future of adults belongs to a broader universe.

"Send the detector over."


Huge amounts of life are converging on the Andromeda and the Milky way, two small galaxies that suddenly become the center of Pisces Cetacea. Especially after the exposure of space waves, more and more people are confident that the marching ant group will defeat the mysterious battle group.

With the strong armour and weapons, everything in the galaxy is in order.

Many of the incoming galactic life and armor divisions are bloodied and elite armor divisions from other civilizations and forces.

These war armour divisions are unwilling to flee, but their civilization and forces choose to flee, so they choose to escape from the original forces, many of them are senior war armour divisions, and their strength is not weak.

The marching ant group also took this opportunity to start absorbing these fresh blood.

The formation of Kunpeng battle department immediately attracted the advanced battle division of the galaxy.

Senior battle Division A is the threshold for entering the Kunpeng War Department, which makes countless lives astonished. In the beginning, some senior battle armour divisions had no hope for the technology of the March ant group. They just don't want to run away from their hometown.

However, after entering the Kunpeng War Department through selection, many battle armour divisions were shocked by the technological strength of marching ants.

As long as you join Kunpeng battle division, you can get a set of top-level system battle armor. Top class armour, which is the dream equipment of countless armour divisions.

The top-level system battle armour also shows many problems. The March ant group has the strength comparable to the top-level civilization.

This low-key force is a giant tiger in pigskin.

Black Hawk is the first to be the head of a war department, so it's very strict. Because no war department in the March ant group is weak. With such good conditions, if his war department is the weakest, it can't be said.

Although in a short period of time, the Kunpeng War Department will not form a strong fighting force, he hopes that in the future, the fighting force of Kunpeng War Department will not be weaker than the other four war departments.

Kunpeng War Department is being set up.


"A long, tell me how to fight?" Kuyao left the strategy to kutian.

Although Kuyao is the commander in chief of Shenwei, he is not good at scheming. His prestige and steady character are the reasons for his command of Shenwei. The scheming should be given to intelligent people.

Kutian is the most intelligent in Shenwei. In the military strategy college, kutian's strategy class and virtual reality sandbox deduction have always been the best among them. In the whole battle Department of the March ant group, kutian is also ranked first. So now in Shenwei, kutian is the deputy and brain trust.

A pair of slender body, compared with other bitter people, appears smaller, and the skin is indigo and purple.

"We are not afraid to kill hard, but it is not suitable, because it may cause a lot of casualties." Bitter sky stares at the chart.

For them, the orc battle group is not in their eyes.

They are Shenwei. Lan's position is Chen Mo's guard and Shenwang's guard.

All of their players have developed superpowers.

At present, it has the same level with them, only the battle Department of humu, the battle Department of the demons led by damazu and the battle Department of the king of the sea under the command of Wang Hai.

But no matter the innate physical conditions or their significance, they are a little higher than the other three departments, so their requirements and training are stricter than other departments.

Since leaving bitter star, they have joined in the development of the small universe.

In the battle, LAN's demands on them are the highest.In the battle with the small universe civilization, they were even asked by LAN to remove the armor, fight with bare hands and cold weapons civilization in the small universe and fight with Zerg.

Injuries are common. It's normal to break hands and feet. As long as the brain doesn't die, it will be repaired by the medical cabin and then put back into the battlefield.

After more than five years of training, they have experienced life and death. Their will and fighting consciousness linger on the edge of death again and again, and the development of super ability is becoming stronger and stronger. Today, nearly a fifth of the team members have entered the second stage of battle awareness, with the strength of the top class division a, and other members are on the edge of super ability advancement.

At present, they are the most powerful team in the Department of World War IV.

"Then how?" Asked Ku long curiously.

Different from kutian, kulong is the other extreme. His single combat ability is the strongest among the Kuren. Even their abnormal fighting coach Jingge praised kulong's fighting talent.

On the arm of the bitter dragon, a dragon tattoo spreads all the way to the face, and the fluorescence is restrained. Because of the worship of Chen Mo, Ku long deliberately learned the Chinese civilization of the earth, and then tattooed the dragon on his body.

"Lord Lan said, this is the final test of our Shenwei. As long as we finish this war, we will be officially titled as the God King and become the real God guard. "

When kutian said that, all the divine guards on the field were crazy.

Chen Mo is the supreme existence in their mind. For this belief, for five years, they have been fighting recklessly to become stronger. In their view, the weak are not worthy of being the guards of the God King.

"Hard encounter, although we are confident to win, if the other side is hysterical, the process will not be easy. We need to win a beautiful battle and win at the lowest cost, so as to prove the strength of Shenwei."

All Shenwei agree to nod. Only a big victory can prove their strength.

"Now the orc battle group must think we are very weak. And they took down the three major civilizations of Pisces and cetaceans, and their confidence expanded. This is a good thing for us. Take advantage of their overconfidence, let's play pig and eat tiger. "

All around Shenwei were attentive and listening, and the excited color flashed on his face.

As kutian said, in the eyes of the outside world, the marching ant group only occupies a small force in the galaxy and the Andromeda. Like the iceberg of the sea, what the outside world sees is just a little bit of the water.

Only they know that they have the backing of a small universe.

"This wormhole convulsion shortens the distance between the universe, which will usher in a big shuffle of the universe pattern. Lord LAN must be very clear, so we should not only take the orc battle group, but also take the wormhole. If we defeat that Orc battle group, our marching ant group will be able to take control of the whole Pisces and Cetacea. This can be the starting point of the great cause of the God King chasing deer. "

All Shenwei, with yearning in their eyes, conceals a fierce sense of war. Their divine guard is to guard the king of God and make territory for him. For this belief, they can abandon everything.

"In this fight, we need to start in two directions. Use all the way to attract their main force, fight them head-on, and hold back the main force of each other. Another team attacked the wormhole, controlled the wormhole and cut off their retreat

Kuyao looked at the sand table deduction in kutian plan, thought about the omissions, and determined that the problem was not big, so he opened his mouth and ordered: "OK, in this way, in the name of God King."

"In the name of the king of God, kill."

All Shenwei drink low and are full of war.