Science and Technology Library

Chapter 907

Two sets of armour landed on the armour platform of the First Affiliated Hospital.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min come out of the battle.

The face is white, the body line is perfect, and the appearance hasn't changed, but Xiaoyu's temperament has changed a lot, with more self-confidence in his look, which is more charming than before.

It's a psychological change.

After the successful development of super ability, it is a change of self-confidence.

Zhao Min is the same as before. Her figure and beauty exude the charm and charm of an intelligent woman, and her majesty and competence as a senior manager for a long time.

Just now, when Chen Mo got in touch with them, they came here as soon as possible.

In the intensive care unit, Chen Mo and Mo Nu are wearing white coats. LAN sits next to them, looking at the green moon on the bed. Red crabs and Long Yue are standing in the corner. The room is silent.

Xiaoyu stops by Chen Mo: "honey, what's the matter?"

"Use your power to help. Qingyue's operation was half successful, and part of her brain necrosis was repaired successfully, but she still hasn't woke up. I can't find the specific reason for this. I guess it's the problem of deep consciousness sleeping. You use your ability to try to wake up her consciousness. "

Chen Mo gives Xiaoyu a simple explanation.

Xiaoyu's ability is very special, which is related to consciousness. For five years, Chen Mo did not fully understand the use of this special super power.

Like Dr. X's mind reading skills, Xiaoyu's ability is not limited to mind reading.

After this period of exploration, Chen Mo found that Xiaoyu can also tamper with, peep at other people's memories, communicate with each other, see the nihilistic consciousness, and understand the language of small animals.

Chen Mo also believes that many uses of small fishing capacity have not been discovered.

So when Mo Nu mentioned Xiaoyu just now, Chen Mo immediately agreed with her idea, because Xiaoyu didn't try to awaken the vegetative people, which might be useful, at least for one hope.

"I haven't tried this."

Xiaoyu doesn't know the specific situation of Qingyue. She hasn't tried this method, so she can't guarantee to wake up Qingyue. In case of failure, it's not good.

"It doesn't matter. Just go all out." Chen Mo looks at LAN. Xiaoyu needs his permission to try.

"Please, madam."

LAN bows to Xiaoyu to salute, with hope in his eyes. Now Xiaoyu is his last hope.

"You're welcome, Mr. LAN. Let me try."

Xiaoyu nodded slightly, picked up the little beast on her shoulder, put it in Zhao Min's arms, and walked to the bedside. Since the small fish meeting and the small animals communicate, this little mother animal likes to go to small fish and follow her every day.

Everyone else stood up and gave the space to Xiaoyu.

Take a deep breath, Xiaoyu slowly opens his eyes and enters the super state.

Super state is taught by Chen mo. in recent years, Chen Mo has been teaching her how to use her ability at will.

In the super state, the world becomes different.

In Xiaoyu's eyes, everyone's brain area on the field is beating a mass of consciousness body. And lying on the bed of the blue moon, that group of consciousness body, than other people's beat are too slow.

The light spot in the center of the dark blue consciousness is very weak. The blue fluorescent spots around it move very slowly, almost stagnant, as slow as a snail.

For the first time, Xiaoyu saw such a slow moving consciousness.

Fingertip across Qingyue's cheek, touching her ear, Xiaoyu felt a delicate and soft touch, accompanied by a silky cool. This is the touch of the skin of silver moon type women, whose body temperature is slightly lower than that of human beings.

Access to the consciousness of Qingyue, Xiaoyu falls into a chaos, everything in front of him is empty and dark, without any luster, as if time is stopped.

The scene Xiaoyu sees is the current state of Qingyue.

This kind of deep-seated world of consciousness that does not know time and is void and dead.

If she doesn't intervene, no one knows when she will wake up.

"Green moon." Xiaoyu tried to shout with consciousness, hoping to get a little response, but let her down, without any response.

"Green moon?"

Try calling several times, but there is still no response.

From the consciousness of Qingyue, Xiaoyu's eyes fell on the body of consciousness. For the first time, she has never been exposed to this kind of use before.

Xiaoyu, with a sense of heart, gently touches the blue body of consciousness of the blue moon.

This movement, like the first one of the dominoes, instantly triggered a chain reaction and almost stopped the conscious body. As the blue fluorescent dots accelerated around the movement, the surrounding fluorescent dots were also collided and started to accelerate.


"Is there a problem?" Zhao Min asked Chen Mo in a low voice.

For Qing Yue, she saw it a few times. Before entering the freezer, she also knew that Qing Yue was Lan's daughter. LAN joined their team because she wanted to treat her daughter.

In recent years, Chen Mo is immersed in the research and development of brain medical technology, which is to treat this woman.If Qingyue has problems, LAN may also quit their team.

LAN's ability is obvious to all of them. If LAN leaves, it will be a big loss for the March ant group.

"I don't know." Chen Mo shakes his head and looks calm: "it's only a possibility that consciousness sleeps. I'm just guessing. Consciousness is too mysterious for me to be sure. Xiaoyu's superpower is very special, which is related to consciousness, but I'm not sure if it can work. "

Zhao Min stops asking questions and stands quietly beside Chen mo. It is known that Xiaoyu's super ability is special, but Zhao Min seldom sees Xiaoyu use this ability.

In daily life, Xiaoyu doesn't use her ability at all.

The ward is quiet again, and everyone's attention is focused on Xiaoyu and Qingyue in the hospital bed, expecting Xiaoyu's ability to create surprises.

Suddenly, Chen Mo's eyes set.

His eyelids moved when he saw the blue moon in the hospital bed.

Not only Chen Mo noticed, but Lan also noticed that she was ecstatic. Just want to shout, was stopped by Chen Mo, see Xiaoyu is still not stopped, LAN just resist the excited mood, stand aside, anxious and surprised.


Xiaoyu didn't expect her spontaneous attempt to be useful.

She just tried to control each other's consciousness body to speed up. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu could feel that Qingyue's consciousness was waking up.

The faint blue light points she stirred form the chain reaction now.

The faint blue light points of each consciousness body are irregular and uncertain flying around. Now they are slowly forming. When the last faint blue light point is also driven up, Xiaoyu can feel the difference of consciousness body.

Without her further interference, the light spots of the consciousness body are completely self rotating. She can see different pictures. It's the conscious memory of Qingyue. She can feel the emotion in the memory.

"Green moon." Xiaoyu calls out again with consciousness.

As soon as the sound falls, the silver lashes of the blue moon quiver gently and slowly open their eyes. Her eyes are like layers of silver rings inlaid on obsidian, like the silver Newton rings in the night, layers of samsara, mysterious and profound.

For a moment, the beautiful silver face gradually recovered.

Even different life groups can see the indescribable and unique temperament on this face, which is deeply engraved in the mind and unforgettable at a glance.

"My name is Yang Siqing Yue." Yang Siqing moon's voice is quiet and uncertain.