Science and Technology Library

Chapter 906

The next day, Department of brain, the First Affiliated Hospital of Wushuang University.

Today's earth, medical technology developed to the extreme, unless the life and death of brain surgery and Neurosurgery, other diseases, have not to be hospitalized.

Even if the injury is short of arms and legs, it can be treated with recovery fluid to regenerate the limbs.

Today, there is only one operation in the hospital. All emergency resources are fully prepared. All brain experts are waiting at the door of operation room 1.

A freezer is carried by a machine and appears outside the operating room.

Along came Chen Mo, Mo Nu and LAN. Brain experts, who had been waiting, immediately surrounded and followed the freezing cabin into the operating room, while LAN stopped outside the operating room.

"Boss, it's up to you." LAN's voice was hoarse, as if pleading.

"Yes, wait for my good news." Chen said solemnly and turned to enter the operating room. But LAN does not move, looks at the surgery door's eyes, some is dull.

"Mr. LAN, go sit down first. The operation will take a long time." Long Yue hesitated and whispered.

"Thank you. No, I'll wait here." LAN shakes her head gently and looks at the gate for a moment.

His voice was obviously depressed and worried, and his back was a little bleak. Long Yue didn't bother LAN any more. At this time, it's not appropriate to say anything.

Operating room.

Chen Mo presses the defrost button in the freezer, and the ice covering Qingyue slowly fades away, revealing a slender silver body. The skin is as delicate and smooth as mercury. There is no extra fat. The eyes are only narrow and long. It's a beautiful woman with the beauty of silver moon.

The reason why patients choose freezing is that patients with this major disease are not suitable for sleeping, only suitable for freezing. Freezing is better to ensure that dead cells in the brain do not spread.

"Recovery of various body functions and activities." After unfreezing, Mo Nu reported the function of her body.

Chen Mo reaches out and touches the skin of Qingyue, which is very soft and can feel the temperature in the skin. Chen Mo is the first time to touch a woman's silver moon, similar to human beings, but with different skin color and body shape.

"Turn on life support."

"Start anaesthesia, brain sleep."

After checking the data and confirming that there is no problem, Chen Mo issued a command. The anesthesiologist next to him meticulously began to inject the biological dormancy agent and anesthetic agent.

Every expert on the field knows the importance of the female life body in front of him.

As early as five years ago, they joined the project team and got the information about the condition of the female body. Five years of research and development of brain medical technology, all cases of treatment and research, are for the life of this woman.

All the experts involved in the project have guessed the identity of this woman's life in private. At first, people thought that she was the boss's woman, and this idea has remained to this day.

Only when they saw LAN before entering the operating room did they really know that this female life is the daughter of the general instructor.

The skull is cut perfectly by a short pulse laser, and the brain is clearly visible to all.

The brain structure of Silvermoon is different from that of human beings. The brain is transparent, colorful and crystal clear, just like the connection of stars in the universe.

The brain experts on the scene, as early as a few years ago, got the information about Qingyue and looked at the hologram of the brain.

The brain is full of fluorescence and colorful, just like the stars in the universe, which is very mysterious.

With such a complex and wonderful brain evolved in the universe, people have to admire the wonder of life.

"Mark areas of brain necrosis." Chen Mo said.

Nano robots are put into the brain, dormant life bodies, do not worry about their body rejection of nano robots. The brain in the hologram, the size of two fingers, is marked, leading to the brain area, which is also the reason for the difficulty of treatment.

A fragment the size of a coarse salt penetrates the skull and enters the brain.

And because it can't be frozen for the first time, the brain necrosis area spreads. It can be determined that as long as one hour later treatment, people will not be able to save.

Space accident, the speed of debris is very large, this small debris did not completely destroy the brain, has been a kind of luck.

The best time for them to operate is 20 hours. Once 20 hours pass, the necrotic brain cells deteriorate again, and the risk factor increases.

"Mark damaged nerves."

"Take samples to culture brain cells and plasma cells."

"Scan the brain and build a holographic brain."

Another reason for the trouble of Qingyue's operation is the problem of brain cell culture and cloning.

It is confirmed that the higher the level of life is, the more difficult it is to clone cells. Because the higher the level of life, the more complex the genetic code and structure, any link of problems, will lead to failure.

Yinyue humanoid is the top intelligent life group. Its gene code and structure are much more complex than human beings, and it is very difficult to cultivate and clone cells.In order to solve this problem, Chen Mo went to the science and Technology Library and took many related technologies, such as the theory of advanced intelligent life cell cloning technology and the theory of advanced intelligent life cell tissue culture technology, for the research and development of cell culture and cloning of Silvermoon like human beings.

It took more than a year to solve the problem of cell culture and cloning of Qingyue, and made a special drug for culturing Yinyue like human cells.

"Damaged area marking completed."

Mo Nu points to the holographic projection. On the colorful holographic brain, there is a gray area, which is the necrotic brain area. The gray area is divided into 12 parts along the neural network.

In the marked area, brain cells have all died.

The most difficult part is in the middle of the brain, around the debris, where brain cells die quickly, forming a gourd shaped necrosis area, which is the most difficult part of surgery.

After the necrotic area is removed, the brain cells cultured by the nano robot Porter are used to fill and repair.

"Begin to remove necrotic brain tissue."

"Special scalpel No. 5, remove marked part A." Chen Mo enlarges the holographic brain.


Time goes by.

The hallway of the hospital was dead silent. Here only LAN and Long Yue, and LAN's bodyguard red crab, no one to talk, are waiting quietly.

Every hour, the air is a minute heavy.

LAN has been standing outside the door of the operating room, slender back some thin, Xiao Suo.

Long Yue and red crabs saw it for a long time. Usually, LAN gives them the impression of being obscene, insidious, ruthless, strict and wise. But today, they also see the most vulnerable side of instructors.

For three hundred years, LAN has been waiting for today.

That accident made him completely decadent at the peak of his time. He chose to escape and was unwilling to face the reality. Every day, he opened a paralyzed drink to anesthetize himself.

He escaped for more than three hundred years.

He dreamed countless times that there was a technology to revive his daughter, which he also cherished for more than 300 years.

But when it came, he was afraid.

Under the shadow of Xiao Suo, there is his unknown fear that the operation will fail.

If the operation fails, he doesn't know what to do. He never thought about this day. If there is a God, he is willing to kneel down and ask for God at this moment.

Every second is a kind of suffering for LAN.

For 18 hours, LAN's body vibrated slightly and his palm tightened unconsciously when the light outside the operating room went out.

At the moment when the door of the operating room was opened, LAN's body trembled a little. He closed his eyes tightly and dared not open them for a long time.

He saw Chen Mo, but he did not see joy in his eyes.

For a long time, LAN just opened his eyes, changed his eyes like Newton's rings, with despair, seemed ready to accept the reality.

"The operation was not completely successful."

Hearing this sentence, LAN's desperate mood was pulled out, and at the same time a heart was hung up.

Incomplete success means part of the success, and his daughter has hope.

Qingyue, lying in the hospital bed, was pushed out of the operating room. Her face was still quiet. The surgical incision of the skull part was repaired by the restoration fluid, and it was restored to its original state. Except for the silver hair, there was no other abnormality. Her breathing and heart rate were normal.

"Her brain necrosis was repaired in theory, but she didn't wake up."

"When will the moon wake up?" LAN stared at her daughter, her voice trembling.

Chen sighed in silence.

"When she has been frozen for more than 300 years, and her brain has been severely damaged, it may be a deep-seated problem of consciousness. Like a vegetable, I can't be sure when she wakes up. I used the method of treating vegetative person, used the nerve electric current to stimulate her brain nerve, didn't wake up, thought it was deep consciousness sleeping, need to find other ways to wake her up. "

LAN felt Qingyue's hand, a little tight, felt the temperature of the palm, tears appeared in the eyes: "at least better than let her lie in the freezer, she now has the hope of waking up."

"If it's really a matter of consciousness, there's someone who might have a way to wake her up." At a time when everyone was in a low mood, Mo Nu's sweet voice broke the low atmosphere. In a moment, Mo Nu attracted everyone's attention.

"Who has a way?" Asked Chen Mo in surprise.

"Sister Xiaoyu."