Science and Technology Library

Chapter 908

"Moon!" LAN's eyes only left her daughter's shadow. She looked excited. She saw a hand holding Qingyue tightly. She did not dare to relax.

Yang Siqing's eyes are deep and calm like a silver circle of samsara. She glances around and finally falls on Xiaoyu. The voice she heard just now should belong to this woman. Looking at Xiaoyu at the moment, she is more kind.

They looked at each other and nodded in greeting.

"Father." Yang siqingyue's voice is soft, like the valley orchid.

"Yue'er, you are really better. You are really better." LAN's voice was trembling. The man who killed decisively and resourcefully was at a loss for the first time.

"This sister saved me?" Yang Siqing asked softly, in a kind tone, and seemed to be closer to Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu nods and smiles. She knows that Yang siqingyue has been frozen for more than three hundred years. In theory, she is more than three hundred years old. She calls her sister. She doesn't know how to describe her mood.

"This is Madame, this is the boss. The operation that the boss gave you, madam wakes you up LAN hurried to introduce, overjoyed, after a brief introduction, eyes once again return to Yang Siqing month.

"Boss, madam, thank you." Yang siqingyue glances at Chen Mo and Xiaoyu, and says in a quiet voice.

"You're welcome."

Chen Mo also looks at Yang Siqing Yue. His silver eyes are very special. His temperament is somewhat intelligent and mysterious.

"She was injured this time because of the necrosis of the visceral regulatory area of the limbic system, as well as the necrosis of some motor grade tissues. Fortunately, the hippocampal memory tissue was not injured. Next, her brain needs to adapt to the regulation function of internal organs again, and needs to be recuperated, and some of her motor divine level tissues regenerate, and the body's motor system needs to learn and adapt again. "

Now when Yang Siqing wakes up, Chen Mo ends his promise to LAN.

Seeing Lan's change, Chen Mo is also happy for him.

"Xiaoyu and I go home to have a rest first." Chen Mo and LAN say hello. Both of them are smart people. They have been together for so long and naturally know each other's ideas.

Yang Siqing's moon has been frozen for more than 300 years. LAN must have a lot of words now. It's inconvenient for them to be around.

"Father, aren't you in the black maple leaf battle group A?" Yang Siqing asked softly.

"You've been frozen for three hundred years, and a lot has happened in these years. After your accident, my father quit the black maple leaf and searched for healing technology for you in the whole universe. Until a few years ago when I met my boss, he said there was a way to cure you. I made an agreement with him that he would cure you and I would serve him for a hundred years. "

LAN dotes on Yang Siqing Yue. In the past three hundred years, he has never been so happy as he is today.

Yang Siqing is clear about the moon.

"Just now, he's not an ordinary life."

"Yuer's eyes are still so accurate. He's really not ordinary, so to speak, a prodigy. " Lan said sincerely.

"For the first time, I heard my father boast about his life."

"The medical technology of God level civilization can't guarantee to cure your injury. I have been waiting for three hundred years. It took the boss five years to research and develop the technology to cure your injury. He is a pioneer of civilization and the most intelligent life I have ever seen. "

"Pioneers." Yang Siqing is a little surprised.

The pioneer of civilization she knows that a guide of civilization, only a low-level civilization has a pioneer, she has only heard about it, never seen it. I didn't expect that Chen would be a pioneer of civilization.


On the way, Xiaoyu looks a little tired, which is the cost of using his ability. The use of super power requires a lot of physical strength. Although exhausted, Xiaoyu looks very happy.

She seems to have found that her special abilities play a role in one area. Chen Mo said that her ability can be used and mined. It is a new discovery that she can touch or even change the operation of other people's consciousness. There are many ways to use analogy bypass.

"Lan's daughter is a little special." Zhao Min said.

She has just been paying attention to LAN's daughter, that woman, giving her a feeling that she can't say. Especially those eyes, which are like layers of silver reincarnation rings, are very amazing and impressive.

"Quiet as orchid." Chen Mo nodded in agreement.

He has seen life similar to Yang Siqing Yue, purple rhyme of crape myrtle civilization. That female life, to him is mysterious, intelligent, calm, a pair of purple star pupil straight through the heart.

The two women are similar, but different.

Yang Siqing month's quiet, is weak quiet, as he said, quiet as orchid. And that God level civilized woman's stillness, is cold stillness, indifference and indisputable, gives Chen Mo a strong feeling, and has no feelings.

Two extreme roles.

"That sister is very close. It's very nice." Xiaoyu chimed in.

Chen Mo was stunned and joked: "you call someone else's sister? In theory, she is more than 300 years old. Are you the legendary Millennium demon? "

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoyu's hair was fried. He grabbed chenmo's soft meat around his waist, and his eyes were full of threats: "what did you say I was? A thousand years old demon? ""Fairies never seen in a thousand years." Chen Mo said seriously, sweating inside.

"Isn't it a thousand year old demon?" The evil spirit on Xiaoyu's face will not give up without explanation.

"You heard me wrong, absolutely." Chen Moyi's words.

"So you mean I'm deaf?"


"Am I deaf, or are you wrong?"


The two women beside watched them make troubles. They had never seen Chen Mo's strong desire for survival, but they were used to it. After the joke, Xiaoyu is still holding Chen Mo's arm. Just now, his murderous appearance disappears completely, and he recovers his usual softness.

"Lan's daughter has been cured successfully. What are you going to do next?"

"Temporarily confidential." Chen Mo said.

In these five years, in addition to medical technology, Chen Mo is preparing his most important project, the quantum life project.

This is the task of science and Technology Library, Chen Mo can not give up. The highest secret of science and Technology Library has been itching for him, and he would like to open it immediately.

Because the existence of science and technology library is too mysterious. Without the library of science and technology, there would be no him now.

The content of quantum life plan can't be known to Xiaoyu for the time being, or she won't let herself risk playing like that. Because it's all unknown. It's too uncertain.

Once the quantum life project is successfully carried out, Chen Mo will unlock the highest authority of the science and Technology Library. He will get the secret that the science and Technology Library has inherited to the present, and can solve the highest task of the science and Technology Library.

At the beginning, when he got the primary authority of management, the last door of science and Technology Library in his mind was always mysterious.

"I don't know, either?"

"Then you will know."

Xiaoyu no longer asks. She knows that Chen Mo doesn't tell her. Naturally, she doesn't tell her the truth. She never goes deep.