Science and Technology Library

Chapter 905

Luo Yang felt that he was immersed in endless darkness, floating in the unconscious void. As if to see a glimmer of dawn, consciousness gradually awakens from the darkness.

All of a sudden, Luo Yang saw a big truck hit him head-on.

His body seemed to be hit hard, and Luo Yang suddenly opened his eyes from the bed.

A dream.

When the scene in the dream rings, Luo Yang's heart is still palpitating.

He remembered that before he was unconscious, he had a car accident.

Suddenly surprised, Luo Yang looked around. Sure enough, he saw a group of people around him in white coats, more like doctors.

He is not dead.

To make sure he wasn't dead, Luo Yang breathed.

"Ah ah ah ah???" Luo Yang, who just wanted to speak, made a strange sound in his throat, like a baby talking.

"Needless to say, the language cortex and motor cortex of your brain are partially damaged. After the operation, you need to learn to speak and walk again. Before that, speak with the translator of consciousness. " Chen Mo puts a translator of consciousness on Luo Yang.

"Where is this?"

Luo Yang looks at the man in front of him, as if he is familiar with him.

"This is the brain Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Wushuang University. You have a car accident and your brain is damaged. Fortunately, your operation was successful." Chen Mo said.

"Are you Chen Mo? Did you operate on me? " Luo Yang suddenly heard who the man in front of him was. Chen Mo, the most powerful super genius in human history. The man in the legend, unexpectedly at his side, gives him treatment, some inconceivable.

"Your family agreed to participate in my medical research project, so our team carried out some brain replacement operations for you. The operation was successful. It seems that your memory function is OK."

After confirming the data, Chen Mo hands the tablet to the next medical expert.

From Chen Mo's words, Luo Yang knew what was going on.

After his car accident, his brain was damaged and other hospitals could not treat him. Finally, his family put their last hope on Chen Mo's medical research project. Then the operation was successful and I was saved.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Chen Mo smiled: "take a rest, you will see your family in a moment."


"This is the latest case of brain death. The operation was successful."

Chen Mo hands Luo Yang's case to LAN.

Still paying attention to the LAN of the layout of the defense lines of the galaxy and the Andromeda system, he focused his attention on the medical record book and reached for it. His wise eyes rarely flashed other emotional fluctuations.

"Brain medicine technology is mature."

"Really?" LAN's eyes soared and her voice was excited.

"I've been studying this for five years. This year, 4926 surgeries were performed, with an overall success rate of 78%. In the last two months, 683 surgeries were performed, with a success rate of 98.4%. " "The first year of surgery failed, pulling down the data," Chen said. You should know that this kind of complicated brain surgery cannot guarantee 100% success rate. "

There is no perfect technology in the world. Now, the development of this technology is unknown. It may take more than ten years, even decades, or even longer to increase the last 1%.

LAN looked at the data, part of the brain death surgery, can achieve 98% success rate, has been very scary.

Even if the medicine of the top civilization in the universe has a 70% success rate in this field, it is very powerful. At that time, he was afraid to operate on his daughter because of his low success rate.

"I came here to tell you that if you need surgery, you can do it at any time. But your brain is too developed, the operation is more complicated than other lives, and the risk will be relatively high. " Chen Mo said.

Chen Mo has learned that although Lan's population is small, his brain is very developed, and LAN is the best in the group. His brain is more complex. As LAN's daughter, the excellence of genetic LAN is certain.

"How high is the risk?"

"About 70% to 80% of them are successful."

Hearing this success rate, LAN was silent. After a while, he said calmly, "if the operation fails, I'm afraid I can't work for you."

"You are a father, so am I. I understand your mood. I can't wait 100 years for your daughter's treatment because of these concerns. No one is sure which comes first, the universe is so big, whether we can survive for a hundred years is still uncertain. After all, we have offended several divine civilizations. "

LAN looked at Chen Mo seriously, and her expression relaxed a lot.

For a long time, his daughter was his biggest worry.

There is an agreement between him and Chen Mo that he will work for Chen mo. once he can't cure his daughter, he doesn't know what to do in the future. But Chen Mo is using the fastest speed to develop the technology to cure his daughter.

He doesn't believe that technology is fake. In recent years, he has contacted almost all the core technologies of the marching ant group. He knows how big the foundation of the marching ant group is and how terrible Chen Mo's R & D capability is."Surgery." LAN took a deep breath and said.

Lan thought of her daughter lying in the freezer, her heart tingling. In the past, he didn't dare to let his daughter operate. Now Chen Mo has given him such a big success rate that he can't refuse.

"If the operation is successful, I will work for you all my life if..."

"After the operation, you can make a decision. Don't be too pessimistic." Chen Mo interrupts Lan's words, even if he is a God, in the face of this half step into the devil's gate case, it is impossible to guarantee 100% success rate.


In a freezer of the freezer, there lies a silver skin female life, similar to haze, with the soft female life on her face, narrow and long eyes closed tightly, very quiet.

She is Lan's daughter, young Carl green moon.

An accident occurred in the spaceship and became a living dead person with local brain death.

Half of the body has stepped into the devil's gate.

LAN calmly looks at the daughter in the cabin with sadness. Every once in a while, he would come here to see his daughter.

His daughter is now his only concern.

He was already desperate, but Chen Mo gave him hope.

Before, he would never believe that there would be life in a short period of time to develop the technology to cure his daughter, and it is still 80% sure. So when he promised to work for chenmo, he gave chenmo a period of 100 years.

But back on earth, seeing Chen Mo's horror, he changed his mind.

Over the years, the earth's brain medicine technology is on the rise. They deliberately treated all kinds of brain patients, encountered all kinds of cases, including some brain deaths.

Some cases of brain death were saved, which gave him great confidence.

Although some patients may be accompanied by sequelae and amnesia after being treated, the sequelae can be treated. Amnesia does not matter. As long as his daughter is still alive, it is more important than others.

He believes that what Chen Mo said is true. He is sure to cure.

80% of them have a high level of assurance, and none of them can achieve this level.

"Yue'er, the boss said that the technology to treat you is mature, and you will be able to have an operation tomorrow. If the operation is successful, you will wake up..." Say, LAN eyes appear tears, do not know is sad or happy.

After staying in the freezer for an hour, LAN just tidies up her mood and leaves the freezer.