Science and Technology Library

Chapter 904

After the black pupil civilization regained the Pluto superstar system, the conflict between the divine civilizations seems to have come to an end.

It seems that Raytheon civilization has no idea to retaliate against the black pupil civilization again. The white star civilization chooses to keep a low profile in defense. The black pupil civilization is undergoing a large-scale internal change, and various rules need to be improved, and there is no intention to continue to work.

The grudges of several civilizations seem to have come to an end.

After the first World War, they seemed to be at peace.

Five years.

In the past five years, what happened in the system of Shigan, the death of Dan, the war between the white star civilization and the black pupil civilization, and the transformation of the black pupil civilization by Tong Qing have become idle talks for many lives in the universe alliance.

Ordinary life in the universe will not pay attention to the unknown force that took the lead in escaping from the star Shigan. The universe alliance has not paid attention to the remote corner of raniakaya super star system, and suddenly there is another force.

Chen Mochao flew to the first hospital of Wushuang University, listened to Mo Nu's report and landed in the hospital. When we got to the operating room, a group of brain experts were on the operating table.

On the operating table lies a patient who has just thawed from the freezer.

Since LAN followed Chen Mo back to the earth, the research of brain medical technology has always been the most important direction, because Lan's daughter, brain half dead, Chen Mo promised LAN to cure her daughter.

Chen Mo never forgot about it.

From the beginning, Chen Mo asked Zhao Min to collect cases of brain injury, brain death and vegetative people from all corners of the earth for treatment and research. He also found a large number of medical methods about biological brain injury and partial brain death in the science and Technology Library to tackle the treatment plan of partial brain death.

In the past five years, Chen Mo has spent the rest of his time in research and treatment of cases of "partial brain death", in addition to preparing for the "quantum life" project.

The patients on the operating table are part of the brain deaths caused by the accident, which is very similar to LAN's daughter's situation.

In the past five years, the brain medicine group has done a lot of similar cases of surgery, with success and failure.

"Are you ready?" Chen Mo put on his mask and asked.

"All right." A doctor with goggles nodded. Judging from his body shape and white hair on his temples, he was an old professor.

Yang Donghe, Professor of brain medicine at unparalleled University, is one of the top brain experts on earth.

Chen Mo taught the brain medical team the medical technology of treating part of brain death and brain injury obtained in the library of science and technology without reservation. After the clinical research during this period, the brain medical technology that their team mastered now, even in the universe alliance, belongs to the top level.

"I'll take care of this operation."

All the doctors looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

Since this period of clinical practice, Chen Mo's operation is not many, but the success rate is the highest. Many times they want Chen Mo to perform surgery, but sometimes Chen Mo is too busy to perform surgery at all.

Now Chen Mo is the master of Dao. They are very happy.

Chen Mo's medical skills are not bad. He once presided over the research and development of rydman virus vaccine that endangers all mankind, as well as the development of various drugs, biomedical technology, and brain surgery theories that are far beyond their understanding.

It's just that Chen Mo's light in many fields, including the medical field, is covered by his light in the physical field and is not noticed by the outside world.

Chen Mo, who has been focusing on the brain field and clinical surgery for several years, has become the top brain surgery expert in the brain research of all creatures in the universe.

This operation, very important, is verifying their latest operation plan.

At present, it is found that the best way to treat some cases of brain death is to change part of the brain, remove the dead part of the brain, and then replace it with cultured brain cells.

It sounds simple, but the difficulty of the operation is terrible.

The brain is the most complex part of life, and the nerves are extremely complex, especially the race where LAN is. The brain is developed, and the difficulty of surgery is greatly increased. This is also one of the reasons why LAN has not found a cure for such a long time.

Part of the operation plan of brain replacement needs to remove the cell death cortex of the patient's brain, use cell culture technology, prepare the brain cell tissue of the living body in advance, then fill the brain, and implant it into the brain of the living body through the operation.

This treatment is very difficult. They need to confirm the area of the dead cortex, the brain function of the excised part, and the cell type.

In this way, the success rate of the program can be improved.

In the past few years, the medical team has used this method to perform thousands of operations, with success and failure.

The more complex the brain structure is, the lower the success rate is. This is why Chen Mo is too late to operate on LAN's daughter. There is only one chance. Chen Mo has to raise the success rate to the highest level.

With the improvement of technology for a long time and the increased accuracy of robot surgery, the success rate is now rising.

"Start active dormancy." Chen Mo said."OK."

The robot inserts the fine needle tube into the patient's blood vessel and begins to inject the sleeping agent. Active dormancy is different from that in freezing chamber. Active dormancy can ensure the activity of each cell and is better for life.

"It starts to block the nerves and deep sleep the brain."

Chen Mo clicks on the nearby instrument for a few times, and the data of the brain area of the patient all appear on the holographic screen nearby.

Anesthesiologists successfully sleep and anesthetize the brain.

The machine on the operating table immediately carries out craniotomy.

The operation is mainly controlled by machine and robot, which is much more accurate than human control. The success rate of complex tissue resection is particularly high.

The brain experts on site mainly provide the expected solutions and perform some operations that the robot cannot perform, as well as temporary response.

"Cortical dead area confirmation."

Artificial intelligence reminds the brain displayed on the holographic screen that a red marker appears.

"Nanobots tag neurons."

"Take samples and culture the cortical cells."

"Cell 3 scalpel, start to remove dead tissue."

Chen Mo gave AI two instructions.

Cell scalpel is a special scalpel, which is made of special nano materials. Under the control of the machine, extremely precise surgery can be carried out with high efficiency.

This kind of complex brain surgery, once the mistake is bigger trouble, can't tolerate carelessness.

For three hours, all the dead cortical tissue was removed.

The structure of brain is too complex. The whole operation seems to be simple. In fact, every second is dancing on the blade. Nano robot marks the dead cortex area and provides precise operation area for cell scalpel.

Every god level should be very careful. Even if a few nerves are incomplete, it may cause problems in the patient's body, and there are countless tiny nerves in the brain.

"The patient's brain cells are stable." The next doctor reports.

"Cortical cell culture complete." The doctor in charge of the printing of the cerebral cortex kept up with the report.

The faster this kind of brain cell is implanted, the higher the success rate is. Therefore, all of the brain cortex cells use cell culture agents to accelerate cell division. All this needs to be done in ten hours. Beyond that time, the brain is in danger at any time.

"Identify the location of dead nerve cells."

"Preparation of cell division agent, concentration 0.0026."

"Prepare to fill the cortex."