Science and Technology Library

Chapter 903


A life planet explodes and disintegrates, countless streamers are fired, mechanical debris in space floats in piles, and battleships are fighting, making space look messy.

Suddenly, a spaceship leaped into space and appeared in a broken star system.

The next moment, the buzz and wave of space came from the spacecraft.

The terrifying wave of space is centered on the spacecraft, and the speed of light explodes around.

The space of the star system, like the collapsed building blocks, is squeezed into a piece of thin paper in an instant. Countless pieces of debris, streamers, are compressed into atoms by space, like a picture spread out in the stellar system.

When the stars in the center of the stellar system touch the space fluctuation, such as the ping-pong ball rolled by the bulldozer, they change from a sphere to a two-dimensional circle, which is a beautiful picture with a terrible danger.

The stellar system is destroyed, and space waves are still spreading.

The spacecraft flying in the stellar system, at the moment of the space destruction alarm, has started the space curvature engine and fled the stellar system in a hurry. It moves slowly and is compressed into atomic paper under the space weapons.

The war of Pluto super star system has entered the stage of white heat.

Jiehe looked at Yan with great shock. As a military personnel, she was no stranger to Yan's legendary experience.

A thin and weak little man, the body color lines confusion, black eyes do not have too much luster. In the culture of the war armour system, especially in the black pupil civilization, his life without physical force is not valued.

Because we can't go to war, we can't fight with others.

However, such a small man with weak fighting ability became a black horse as a student of ordinary colleges and universities in the star elite competition of black pupil civilization. He defeated the top schools and military generals of black pupil civilization to break through the encirclement, win the championship of the elite competition and become a new general star.

Yan's appearance has shocked countless lives.

At that time, the black pupil civilization military system was solidified, and no military staff was willing to accept such a genius to come in and replace its position.

Finally Yan was recommended to the first corps by Tong Qing. With strong wisdom and strategy, Yan Sang all the way to the Staff Department of the first corps and soon became the youngest general staff of the first Corps.

After four hundred years in a row, Yan occupied the first place in the list of black pupil civilized generals, and his points far exceeded those of other generals.

And Yan, even if the force is not strong, has become a legend of the military.

Yan gave the impression that he was always confident and unhurried in commanding the war. It's hard for outsiders to imagine that such a black pupil with ordinary appearance hides a super intelligent brain, as well as extremely decisive means and decision-making.

"Do you want to rest, my lord?" Jiehe asked, bending over.


Yan's voice was bland, and his eyes did not leave the data of the war situation on the screen for a moment.

It was decided to counter attack the Pluto superstar system, and the black pupil civilization mobilized the fleet to enter the Pluto superstar system. They have a reason to win this battle.

Yan took over the post, which greatly increased the confidence of the black pupil civilized military.

In the face of the joint efforts of Raytheon civilization and white star civilization, Yan Yiran, who is in charge of the great power, is unafraid. He constantly alternates attacks in the battlefield, quickly tears open a gap in the battle field of Pluto superstar system, and quickly stands firm in the Pluto superstar system.

In the first World War alone, let the major civilizations of the universe see the strategy and layout level of the top generals.

The black pupil civilization and the white star civilization, which were originally strong in the super star system of the Styx deer, had their momentum stagnated. The two armies were drawn into the confused battlefield.

Now the black pupil civilization is in the battle field of the Pluto superstar system, and it is in the position of taking back the initiative. Raytheon civilization and white star civilization, the strategic control over Pluto supergalaxy, are fading.

"News from the 6th battle Department: they met with the third wing main force of the fourth legion of Raytheon civilization in the swordfish system. They had space weapons, and the battle Department suffered heavy losses. They asked for support." The command post's AI is reporting frontline intelligence without feeling.

All the staff around were nervous and began to work out the possible effects of this information.

Hearing the information about the war situation of the swordfish system, Yan's spirit was greatly shocked. The swordfish galaxy is a key strategic position, and the position of the main flanking force of the Fifth Corps of the other side has been exposed, which is good news.

Yan, who was in the state of being, had a very clear mind, and the whole situation was in his mind. Almost at the moment when the intelligence was determined, he gave the order decisively.

"Life, the 5th and 11th battle divisions will go to support us, and at any cost, we will hold back the main three wings of the fourth legion of Raytheon civilization in the swordfish system for three days. The 7th, 8th and 12th battle divisions will gather in chaolongshu galaxy and launch the 5th plan. "

It's time for the counter offensive.

Yan, with a confident smile, took a deep breath and watched the changes in the layout of the star map like an outsider.

Four days later, the Raytheon civilization and the white star civilization were defeated and retreated in the Pluto super galaxy. The black pupil civilization announced the success of the Pluto super galaxy.

And it was Tong Qing who announced the news.

Tong Qing disappeared after being imprisoned for the Shi Gan Xing system. As the speaker of the black pupil civilization, Tong Qing once again appeared in front of the universe alliance.The people in the black pupil civilization didn't care about the fact that Tong Qing killed Dan in the shiganxing system. For the people in the black pupil civilization, Tong Qing can kill Dan, which just shows that he is a powerful man.

The reputation of Tong Qing has reached its highest value with the recovery of Ming deer superstar system.

Tong Qing, who controls the power, immediately announced the transformation of black pupil civilization.

We will vigorously eliminate the hidden rules of aristocracy and blood identity restrictions in the military talent selection system, and open up talent selection and top class armour. Anyone who has the ability and strength will have the opportunity to enter the top level of black pupil civilization.

Under the supervision of the military, the largest corruption investigation shall be carried out among all administrative personnel, the ability shall be reexamined, the incompetent in the dead shall be eliminated, and the competent shall be supported. This measure has released the vitality of the people of the black pupil civilization, and eliminated the dead administrative organs of the black pupil civilization. Countless young people with ability have begun to struggle and compete fiercely.

Finally, Tongqing announced that it would abolish the parliamentary system, which had been maintained by the black pupil civilization for hundreds of millions of years, and carry out the centralized system.

This move shocked the world.

With bold measures, we vow to break the spirit of restructuring and make people shudder. Tong Qing's reputation in the black pupil civilization, in the shortest time, is close to the most powerful legend in the history of the black pupil civilization and the founder of the black pupil Civilization: Obsidian.

In particular, the abolition of the parliamentary system shows the ambition and courage of Tong Qing.

The outside world is too crazy to be cautious about the change of Tong Qing. In particular, we should abolish the parliamentary system rooted in all corners of the black pupil civilization. This system has been maintained for hundreds of millions of years. This reform has touched the interests of the nobles and senior officials.

Sure enough, the reform of Tong Qing was inevitably opposed by the major factions and aristocrats, who jointly put pressure on Tong Qing.

Just when people thought that they would compromise with the Myung Ching society, the military announced that it would take over the martial law of the black pupil system, and a cleaning operation would be carried out in the small universe of the black pupil civilization.

Hundreds of aristocrats of black pupil civilization suffered in the cleaning process, tens of millions of aristocratic family members were arrested, but any resistance appeared, destroyed together with Galaxy territory, and property confiscated.

Tong Qing's great action and ruthless skill set off a storm in the whole universe alliance.

Countless people think that just after Tong Qing took office, there was such a big stir when the foundation was unstable. It would not take too long to offend so many nobles and factions, and there would be chaos within the black pupil civilization.

However, the outcome was far beyond the expectation of the outside world.

The cleaning of Tong Qing not only did not lead to the strong resistance of the nobles and members of Parliament in the black pupil civilization, but also cooperated with Tong Qing's action. In the black pupil civilization controlled by Tong Qing in the top ten legions, any voice against Tong Qing is looking for death.

Even if the power is gone, it's lucky to die. Aristocrats have accumulated wealth for hundreds of millions of years. Although they have lost a little, they are still enough for their families to live comfortably. As long as they don't object to Tong Qing, they are safe and sound.

It wasn't until this moment that the outside world felt wrong.

From regaining the super star system of Styx deer to laying the foundation of reputation, to later a series of centralization, transformation and cleansing.

All these are premeditated and prepared.

With such a high-intensity change, the black pupil civilization has become more powerful instead of weaker. All rights are concentrated in the hands of Tong Qing.

The black pupil civilization that has completed the transformation has become the strongest one among the seven divine civilizations.