Science and Technology Library

Chapter 902

Xiaoyu froze for a moment and began to think about it carefully.

She didn't know what kind of ability she was. She just focused on that strange dream. Now Zhao Min asks, she focuses on her own development ability.

Chen Mo, Zhao Min and Mo Nu, three of them, show up and wrap their bodies.

The whole picture is armed, which makes Xiaoyu puzzled.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm afraid the new driver will go on the road." Chen Mo joked.

Zhao Min and Mo Nu nodded softly and agreed with Chen mo.

The life that develops super ability, don't know how to control at first, then lose control and hurt people is not without. They are not sure whether Xiaoyu will be a new female driver.

Safety first.

Seeing the appearance of the three, xiaoyuqi smiled.

"Stinky man, go home and find you."

"Haha." Chen mule laughs and doesn't care at all: "what's your ability?"

Xiaoyu paused and said, "I don't know."


All three of them were puzzled. According to the truth, there's no reason why you don't know what your ability is. Because the brain senses, it knows the changes in the body.

"Was it not developed successfully, or didn't know the name of the capability?"

"Successful. I don't know the name of this ability." Xiaoyu is sure that she has the ability, but she doesn't know how to describe the specific ability form.

"Is ability dangerous?"

"There should be no danger."

"Then you'll let us see." Chen Mo is more confused.

Xiaoyu takes a deep breath, adjusts his state with his eyes closed, and activates his body's ability according to the brain's induction.

When he opened his eyes, Xiaoyu froze.

The world in her vision has changed completely. It's the same scene she saw at the end of her dream.

"What's the matter?"

"I sense strange things, like your conscious body." Xiaoyu looks at the three people and sweeps them.

"Sense consciousness?"

This time it's Chen's turn to freeze.

Does consciousness have concrete substance? What is this ability? What's the special role? Is it good or bad?

Countless questions appeared in their minds in an instant. At last, they just looked at Xiaoyu stupidly, puzzled. They are not Xiaoyu. They cannot see the world from the perspective of Xiaoyu.

"What is the body of consciousness?" Asked Chen mo.

"A lot of tiny blue fireflies are flying around a point of light, very fast, like planets flying around the sun. A virtual body can only be sensed but not touched. Your consciousness body is different, husband and Mo female are very special

Xiaoyu is surprised to see Chen mo.

She saw that Chen Mo's consciousness body was huge and bright beyond imagination.

Zhao Min's consciousness body, the light spot in the middle, is only the size of his fingernails, while Chen Mo's consciousness body, the light spot in the middle, is as big as his fist, and the light is dozens of times brighter than Zhao Min's, and the number of surrounding blue fluorescence is countless times, dense.

The consciousness body of Mo Nu is that two fluorescent dots attract and rotate each other, and then fly around the middle light dots. And the light spot in the middle, which is the size of two marbles, is attracting and rotating each other.

as like as two peas, the most important thing is that the small fish can see that the core of the super quantum computer chip is also beating with a consciousness body, which is the same as the ink female consciousness.

It's no wonder that Mo Nu and quantum supercomputer are like telepathy, because the two consciousness bodies are exactly the same, so they can produce spiritual connection.

"Can you play like this?"

Chen Mo is surprised by Xiaoyu's description of the conscious body. He has a science and Technology Library in his mind, but it is the first time he has heard such a description. He is not sure whether he will find the existence of consciousness body after he has obtained all the rights of science and Technology Library.

It's no wonder that there is a problem with super ability. Even the science and technology library can't give a specific explanation. It's really mysterious, just like the existence of life.

"It's amazing."

Xiaoyu stares at the consciousness of the three.

All of a sudden, Xiaoyu felt something and hesitated.

"Mo Nu, come here."

See Xiaoyu wave hand, the face of Mo female leans on Xiaoyu 's hand, wondering what she wants to do. At the moment when Xiaoyu's hand touched her face, Mo Nu stared with surprise.

And the small fish sitting on the chair, also stare big eyes, hurriedly back, unbelievable.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo looks at them puzzled.

"Telepathy? Or is it mind to heart? "

Xiaoyu gawks at her palm. The moment when she just met Mo Nu, all the pictures in Mo Nu's mind appear in her mind. For the first time, she saw Mo Nu's way of thinking, horrible amount of data calculation and information processing, which she never imagined.Xiaoyu first realized the power of quantum consciousness.

"So amazing? I'll try. " Zhao Min is also surprised.

At the moment when Xiaoyu's palm touched her face, Zhao Min was also stunned.

At that moment, they are interlinked.

And she has a feeling that Xiaoyu can build a one-way reading of her consciousness. Sure enough, Xiaoyu confirmed her idea at the next moment, and the picture of Xiaoyu's brain disappeared in her mind.

"Mind reading?" Zhao Min hesitated.

"I don't think so. I should say more than that. I feel that this ability, in addition to reading mind, must have other special uses, but I haven't found it yet. " Xiaoyu shows a surprise smile. She succeeds in taking risks. She can feel the particularity of this ability, which will surely help Chen Mo in the future.

"Let me have a try. Let me see the world in your eyes." Chen Mo comes along, too.


Xiaoyu nods gently and reaches for Chen Mo's face.

Chen Mo froze. When he saw the picture in Xiaoyu's mind, he did feel the existence of "consciousness body". Chen Mo saw this special existence for the first time.

He was not sure whether the conscious body he saw was a special substance.

All of a sudden, Chen Mo's expression was strange, and he felt a sense of addiction.

In his sight, Xiaoyu's eyes are blurred.

"Xiaoyu?" Chen Mo clenched his teeth and called out in his mind, "are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

Xiaoyu releases his hand on Chen Mo's face, and the feeling of communion disappears. Xiaoyu, who is sitting on the chair, has a slight shortness of breath. Just now, she was so involved that she fell into it.

She was infatuated with that kind of telepathic connection and the touch of the two unprepared hearts.

The special feeling disappears when the special ability is removed.

She doesn't know whether Chen Mo's "consciousness body" is a special reason or whether Chen Mo has a special position in her heart. Now Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo and becomes more attached than before.

"Your ability is very special. There should be other uses that you haven't found. In this period of time, I will accompany you to develop its use."


Xiaoyu returns to the original surprise.

At least now she has more ability and can help Chen Mo in the future. She is very satisfied now.

"No wonder Chen said you were his lucky goddess." Zhao Min smiled with envy.

She is also happy for Xiaoyu, non directional development, awakening a special ability, and now has a knot in Xiaoyu's mind. At the same time, she also had to lament that Xiaoyu's luck is really better than anyone else.

"Let's go home first. Other things will be discussed after Xiaoyu has a rest."

Chen Mo picked up Xiaoyu and said, "OK, go home first."