Science and Technology Library

Chapter 884

Longka feels terrible. The war robots of the other side are endless and the number is beyond imagination. Now in space, it's a wave of robots.

Robots are big and small. The big ones are normal humanoid machines. The small ones are only fist size, and the structure is very simple.

A thruster with a laser pulse or a small antimatter bullet.

The number of these machines is too large and the threat to the spacecraft is too great. Unless large-scale weapons are used, it will be a headache. However, large-scale weapons can not be used indiscriminately. Now these robots are not far away from them, and they even affect themselves accidentally.

The space around the spaceship is a wave of robots, which makes people feel numb even at a glance.

This means that the whole stellar system is under the control of each other. Unless the stellar system is completely destroyed by weapons, it is impossible to capture and occupy the stellar system.

At this time, ronka found out that they were naive.

Their so-called force, under this kind of terrorist defense, is a joke. He's not sure how long the more than seven million Division A in his team can withstand.

As a battle group, they are not as proud as this unknown civilization. There are countless weapons and their weapons are limited.

Now ronka doubts how long they can last. There have been casualties in the team. Once the weapons are exhausted by robots, the consequences are unimaginable.

He began to take the confidence of this unknown force, which had already disappeared. Now he can escape unharmed, he is very satisfied.

The best way to deal with this kind of wave of machines is to bomb a large range of antimatter bombs, because only some of them have energy shields, and those without energy shields can be destroyed in bombing.

The problem is that their antimatter bombs are limited. As the tide of machines approaches, it will affect their spacecraft. Now it's a little late to escape, they're surrounded.

"Drop tight metal." Ronka order.

There is another way to deal with machine warfare, which is hard hitting. The collision of dense metal and machine can destroy them instantly, which is also a sharp weapon for them.

Dense metal is a kind of particle dense structure. There is no gap between the atomic nuclei. It is extremely hard. They accidentally snatched it from a caravan, but they do not have hadron high-pressure technology and cannot produce dense metal technology.

Dense metal has become an important means for them. Unfortunately, there are not many, only their team. It's rarely used, because it's used once less.

Diamond shaped smooth metal emerged from the fleet, hundreds of thousands of them. This is all their dense metal, with thrusters installed at the tail for acceleration.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

Just at this time, longca's ear heard a hurried notice.

At the next moment, Longka is still thinking about how to deal with the machine tide. His face is full of disbelief and fear.


Ronka was almost hysterical shouting, with terror in her voice.

This is the first time that he lost his temper. In the past, Xiong Fengzhan a group licked blood at the edge of the knife. He would never be so alarmed when encountering various troubles. The news just now made him completely out of proportion.

This unknown force, like an abyss beast, is opening its mouth to bite him.


The silent explosion blooms in space. The crazy machine tide collides with the dense metal, which is the most primitive collision. Debris flies in space.

The instructions of retreat and attack were handed over, which made the members of the bear wind battle group A in a dilemma and disordered their positions for a while.

On the battlefield, it's deadly.

The sea of machines is close to the first spaceship and explodes on its energy shield.

Bringing the sea of machines close to the ship is deadly in war.

The space around the spacecraft turns into a sea of fire. Even with a strong energy shield, it has an impact on the crazy explosion. The magnetic field in the explosion field affects the magnetic field of the energy shield, allowing some machines to pass through the energy shield smoothly.


The ship's hull, which is several kilometers large, began to be destroyed in the explosion, and the energy shield finally broke under multiple attacks. The ship without energy shield protection is like a girl without clothes, who is thrown into a group of big men.

The coming sea of machines tore up the spaceship in an instant. The first ship disintegrated, and the machine went straight to the other one.

It's over.

Seeing the turbulent tide of machines, Longka was dispirited and finally turned into a wild laugh.




Xiong Fengzhan a regiment has six units, two of which are destroyed, and the other four units, like bereaved dogs, have lost their unruly arrogance.

The destruction of the two main forces made them completely afraid.

They thought it was a group of fat lambs, but now they found that it was a group of hungry wolves in lambskin. This is a trap, everything is a trap.

Bear wind battle team a is over!

The bear wind battle group of Pisces and cetaceans is so destroyed in the humble corner of Pisces and cetaceans.The goal of the March ants is clear. Destroy the ship.

Space war, spacecraft is the most important.

In the star wars, the stupidest thing is to drive the spaceship and warship into the enemy's attack area, or other people's layers of defense, and don't leave immediately.

Destroy the spacecraft. In the space with light-years as the unit, these battle armour divisions have to wait for death, no matter how powerful they are.

Kill all!

With the idea of unknown civilization, the team leaders of the only remaining teams of the Xiong Fengzhan a group were shocked.

Fear spread like a tide.

Some war armour divisions can't care about getting on the spaceship and running away in the space wearing war armour, because they know that they can't escape in the spaceship, only to die faster, the fear in front of them makes them forget that they can't fly out of this space without the spaceship.


Perseus Galaxy Group.

It is 250 million light-years away from the Milky way. The galaxy cluster consists of more than 1000 galaxies. The galaxy cluster of Perseus covers an area of about 15 million light-years.

In the Pisces cetacean supercluster complex, Perseus is one of the three advanced civilizations.

As well-known are the Pisces civilization and the whale civilization in the constellation of Pisces. The other stronger civilizations are the Yufu civilization and the Pegasus civilization.

In this remote corner of the universe, the advanced civilization here is just like the local tyrants in the countryside. There is little competition for advanced civilization, so the space territory will be very large.

If it is located in the center of cosmic civilization, a high-level civilization wants to monopolize a 13 million light-year Galaxy Group, it is unlikely.

Yingxian civilization is a humanoid Dynasty civilization.

The main star of the British civilization, the royal architecture group, a man sitting on the throne with a naked upper body, strong muscles of bronze color, hair as thick as fingers, and a colorful pattern on it, like a small snake hanging on his shoulder, whiskers, and a pair of gray eyes.

He is the king of the Perseid Civilization: borhughes.

"Xiongfengzhan group A is destroyed?" Borhughes was surprised to hear the report.

Bear wind battle group A is a troublesome group of star bandits in Pisces Cetus.

The Pisces Cetacea complex is located in a remote part of the universe, almost half enclosed in the kibako (KBC) cavity.

Kibako's cavity, which covers nearly 2 billion light-years, is the largest in the universe. The galaxies in the hole are extremely rare, and life is extinct. Therefore, the raniacaea supergalaxy, which is surrounded by the hole center, is known as the heaven of life, also known as the hell of life.

Pisces cetacean civilization technology is not developed, it was discovered by the universe alliance, so they were invited to join the universe alliance. For the universe alliance, there are quite a few small towns here. The civilization and power here need to develop. They need to transport antimatter energy and other products from the prosperous areas of the universe.

Xiongfengzhan a group often deals with the caravans that transport various materials and commodities, and its strength is not weak. Its members are as many as 50 million. It takes a lot of effort for each civilization to destroy xiongfengzhan a group, and the other party's whereabouts are uncertain, which makes the civilization here very uncomfortable.

"When is it?"

"Just a few days ago, the precise time was not determined."

"Who destroyed them? Pisces or whales? " Asked borhughes.

"I don't know. I only know that they are destroyed. It seems that they are beyond the scope of Pisces civilization and whale civilization."

"Not in Pisces and whales? Did they find out the bear wind's nest and kill them quietly? "

Borhughes is very confused. If one of the two families has the strength to eliminate the bear wind battle group a quietly, the immortal civilization, as a civilization that has long complained with them, has to be prevented.

"What's the trend of the two regiments in the near future?"

"The intelligence officer replied, No." The reporting officer shook his head with certainty.

Borhughes tightened his sword and thought a little: "send someone to Virgo to check the location of Xiong Feng's destruction and determine which one destroyed them."


In the March ant group, only a small-scale training exercise should be conducted to destroy the bear wind battle group. After simple attention, everything will return to normal. There is nothing to celebrate in this victory.

The strength of the two is asymmetric, and there is nothing to be happy about. On the contrary, there were a dozen wounded in the big magic group. They were washed from head to foot by LAN's spittle Xingzi, and then they are facing more cruel training.

In LAN's words, it can hurt to fight with children with broadsword, and it's a shame to leave it at home.

The inner part of the March ant group returned to normal operation in the past.

In Chen Mo's lab, the research also further revealed that Mo Nu's body is mature.