Science and Technology Library

Chapter 885

In the lab, Mo's body is in the artificial uterus.

Gene editing, cloning technology, in vitro embryo culture of artificial uterus, as well as growth catalysis, a variety of technologies are integrated to complete the body of Mo nu.

Now it's mature.

The body functions and physiological characteristics are all mature, and the body grows rapidly through the catalysis of drugs, but the development of the body's sexual characteristics is complete.

Through the artificial amniotic fluid, we can see that Mo Nu's body has baby like skin, perfect peaks and long hair wandering in the amniotic fluid, which is enough to make every woman jealous.

There are seven similarities between the face and the appearance of Mo nu. The body is not as beautiful as it is now, but it still belongs to the level of no time. It looks sweet and soft, with a little more baby fat.

Before the body wakes up, the consciousness of the body is still in a chaotic state. Once the body wakes up from the artificial womb, the brain will generate another complete consciousness in a moment, when the Mo woman's consciousness is transferred into it, it will be very troublesome.

With the completion of consciousness transfer technology, the quantum consciousness of Mo Nu will be transferred into the body, and Mo Nu will become a real life body.

Intelligence is aware of the transformation between life, which is unprecedented.

Chen Mo turns off the instrument data of the artificial uterus, and now he has the vital signs of Mo's female body. The brain and body are well developed and healthy.

"When the body's sexual signs are mature, stop the whole growth and acceleration."

"Okay, MEG." Mo female nods, looks at the body inside, some anticipation.

To make sure that the body of Mo Nu is mature, only the most critical technology is left: consciousness transfer technology.


Two monkeys lie on the two main experimental platforms of the consciousness transfer laboratory.

One is a living experimental cloned monkey, the other is still lying in an artificial uterus, which is artificially accelerated and used for experiments.

Before consciousness transfer technology is mature, it must go through a lot of tests to minimize the probability of failure, because it is related to Mo Nu's consciousness.

Instead of choosing humans and intelligent alien life, Chen Mo chose primate monkeys. It's a bit inhumane to choose humans for the experiment. Chen Mo was once caught as a mouse.

And the technology is so special that Chen Mo didn't choose volunteers.

A complex instrument is connected between the two main experimental platforms. Two instruments are connected to a super quantum computer to calculate the action. Only a super quantum computer can afford the calculation between two brains, even if it is just an animal without wisdom.

The instrument has a neural connection system, which can connect the brain of two bodies, stimulate the nerve of experimental monkey to stimulate the memory of experimental monkey, and write the memory into the brain of carrier through neural connection.

Mo Nu's quantum consciousness can directly carve memory and thinking consciousness into the new body through the neural connection system.

The instrument is very complex, which is not as simple as virtual reality technology, but involves the brain, the most mysterious organization. God level connection system uses artificial nerve fibers to conduct electrical signals of human nerves. There are dense artificial nerve fibers on two instruments, each of which is only tens of microns in size.

These artificial nerve fibers can enter the cerebral cortex, and then connect the spirit level in the brain. Here, we need the help of nano robot to accurately locate the spirit level in the cerebral cortex.

"Here we go." Chen Mo looks at the situation of the cerebral cortex of the experimental monkey and lets Mo Nu start.

It's a very troublesome job to connect every area of the brain accurately.

Under Chen Mo's instruction, the artificial nerve fibers, which are hard to distinguish with the naked eye, slowly fall down on the cerebral cortex of the two monkeys who had their foreheads opened.

One, two, four, eight

Everything is in order.

Hundreds of thousands of artificial nerve fibers are all connected to the cerebral cortex of experimental monkeys according to the positions confirmed in advance.

"Ready, MEG." Said Mo nu.

"Well, start stimulating the cortex." Chen Mo nodded softly.

A little weak current starts to stimulate the cerebral cortex. This kind of weak current stimulation can activate cell memory and let the organism ring some pictures uncontrolled, even the pictures you think are forgotten.

Memory is the most important part of thinking consciousness.

Chen Mo, Mo Nu and matchless are watching quietly.

Wushuang participated in this study. Because Wushuang has a deep understanding of the connection of neural consciousness and can keep up with Chen Mo's research, Chen Mo asked her to participate in the research and teach her by the way.

"Dad, aunt Mo is a quantum consciousness. Now we are experimenting with biological brain consciousness. Will there be too much error at that time? After all, they are very different in nature. " Unparalleled understanding of the process of Mo's female consciousness, inevitably some doubts.

Quantum consciousness is a combination of quantum entangled states, while organism consciousness is a combination of nerve conduction of cells and memory of brain. In some cases, they are similar, but strictly speaking, they are two different properties."Memory, emotion, desire and thinking are the same. Consciousness is the same person." Chen Mo said: "consciousness is the same, but the material bearing consciousness is different. They are different in nature, but they have similarities. "

"What is the same?"

"Electrical signal." Chen Mo pointed to the fluctuation of the nerve electrical signal of the instrument.


Xiaoyu is sitting on the sofa. Chen Mo is blowing her hair with the wind tube. The whole family is in the hall, just matchless and nameless. They are playing go in a team.

"A problem?" See Xiaoyu looking at matchless brother and sister thinking, Chen Mo asked.

On the other side, Zhao Min, who was leisurely watching the group's various affairs report, stopped to look at Xiaoyu.

"Matchless is too smart. The knowledge of junior high school is finished, and the teachers of the school can't teach it. Sent to high school, he is too small, not the same age, the growth environment is not right, easy to be proud or precocious, develop extreme character. " Xiaoyu said.

"So you think?"

"I'm thinking that since nameless people don't like reading and research, and like martial arts, we should guide them to a different way of education. After all, this is not the previous earth environment."

Xiaoyu looks at his brother and sister who are playing go.

"You said."

Chen Mo and Zhao Min both listen.

Family and children's education is dominated by Xiaoyu, which is the only one brought out by Xiaoyu. Chen Mo and Zhao Min just tutor from it, and the decision-making power is still in Xiaoyu.

"Before his character is shaped, he should have the growth environment of his peers and develop a complete mind. Now I'm not in a hurry to send him to high school. First, let him stay in the current school, follow Jingge to learn martial arts without class, or go to an interest class, learn some other interests with his peers, and increase his knowledge. Then guide some of his martial arts hobbies. "

"How to guide?" Zhao Min asked.

"I like martial arts, but I can't be a reckless man. My family has a great career. So I want to guide him. If he likes martial arts, let him develop in martial arts. But he should be brave and resourceful, not a rash man. So I asked Wushuang and Mo Nu to teach him go. When he was a little older, I sent him to the Military Academy for further study. Then I tried to make LAN accept him as a student. "

"Lan's requirements for the students are not low, although he sometimes can't help but be strict with the important things."

"Then there will be a way." Finish saying, Xiaoyu some distress: "in addition to my parents, I am now the dumbest one in my family."

"You are not stupid. You are the master of your family. We are all in your charge. Chen Mo, who is smart enough to go to heaven, is obedient to you." Zhao Min said with a smile, "your name is" great wisdom is like fishing ". Small fishing."

"My husband always said I was stupid."

"That's stupid little fool. I can't even hear it."

Chen Mo rolled his eyes when he heard it.

Xiaoyu smiled and looked at Mo NV, who was watching his matchless brother-in-law playing chess: "how is the experiment today?"

"It's going well, and it won't be long before you can transfer consciousness to Mo Nu, and then she will have her own body."

"This time it's true." Said Xiaoyu sourly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."


Zhao Minle is crazy. Chen Mo is in a mess in the wind.


The small universe.

Brilliant galaxy space.

Wang Hai's fleet is suspended, and he is responsible for the development of the first quadrant of the small universe.

The pace of the development of small space is speeding up, and spacecraft will detect every galaxy. In order to confirm whether there is civilization in the small universe galaxy, so as to conquer and develop.

This small universe will be built into the private territory of the marching ant group.

"Instructor Wang Hai, we have detected that there are 20 life planets in this galaxy." Artificial intelligence puts the coordinates of the planet in front of Wang Hai.

"Go to A1 first." Wang Hai points to the nearest living planet.

The fleet started and disappeared in space.