Science and Technology Library

Chapter 883

Numerous antimatter bullets appear in space, dense, in the radar screen can see the location of the launch, showing a strong red reaction. The number of bullets is like an endless swarm of bees.

The battle division of the bear wind battle group is stupid in an instant.

Such a terrible antimatter bullet, doesn't it cost money? When is the antimatter bullet like a stone without money?

There is not much space for thinking. The terrorist anti matter proton bullet rain makes the armor division of Xiong Fengzhan a group cool. Now it's them millet plus rifles, across the street are full of Gatling strafing.

Just the firepower, the two sides are not on the same level.

The noisy team of Xiong Fengzhan a division is consistent as a whole under the warning of the urgency of battle a. The first reaction of all armour divisions is to escape their position.

At least 100000 soldiers fired at each other. If antimatter bullets of such intensity and density were not in it, there would be no body.

When the universe bandits for so long, they robbed a lot of advanced civilizations. Even the stronger advanced civilizations, they also teased peaches. No advanced civilization has such a horrible firepower.

Panic and fear occupy the heart of Xiong Fengzhan armour division.

in the big magic group, there are 200000 soldiers equipped with violent maniacs. The first round of shooting is 100000 violent maniacs. One violent maniac has 10000 antimatter bullets in two seconds. One round of shooting is one billion antimatter bullets.

A billion antimatter bullets, what a terrible number.

This is the first battle of "violence maniac". LAN means to let Xiong Fengzhan armour group try how sharp it is.

The radar picture is full of alarm sounds, a whole large area, all of which are active antimatter bullets.

This time it's really about iron.

The black bear was cold all over, and his opponent's firepower was beyond his imagination.

One round of shooting one billion antimatter bullets, one billion, not one hundred thousand, is the top civilization so proud? If these antimatter bullets explode between their teams, what will happen??

The black bear shivered.

"Open a hot bullet."

Want to destroy large-scale antimatter bullets, high-temperature bullet.

The surface of antimatter bullet is not protected by energy shield. Antimatter bullet in excited state can be destroyed on a large scale. This is a very effective way to face this kind of antimatter proton bullet rain, otherwise it can only escape.

Two thousand spaceships were instructed by the black bear to wake up in a dream. They quickly opened the high-temperature bullet and fired at the area where the antimatter bullet was.


The silent "fireworks" exploded in the space area between the two teams. The light was ten thousand times brighter than the sun. The horrible radiation made all the public channels of electromagnetic communication fail. Only quantum communication can be used for dialogue.

Stop the terror of anti-material bullets, but no war division happy.

"Be careful, everyone. There are still many bullets."

The shouts are still echoing in the battle team channel.

The range of high-temperature bullet does not cover the whole area of antimatter bullet, and there are still countless bullets flying towards them. One by one, they look dignified and shoot at the place where the antimatter bullet hit and detonate the antimatter bullet, trying to open a high-temperature defense line to block the antimatter bullet.

As long as antimatter bullets don't hit them directly, plasma can't penetrate their energy shield.

Bear wind battle group A is also a little famous in the area of Pisces cetacean supercluster. Tens of millions of members, several high-level civilizations want to destroy them, but also have scruples.

These years, the reputation of Xiong Fengzhan armour group is accumulated by them. We have experienced many battles and know how to deal with various weapons.

For marching ants, they are afraid of the unknown.

After years of licking blood at the blade, they all know what forces can provoke and what forces can't provoke.

This unknown force, just the firepower just shown, is the main force that is not easy to provoke.

The gorgeous explosion lights up in space and submerges the whole space. There is no sound transmission, but under the devastation, it is a terrorist danger. Even though the range and power of this type of antimatter bullet is small, there are too many.

The battle armour division that rushed to the front suffered.

It was hit directly by antimatter bullets, and the battle armor was not discussed. Normal materials could not be prevented at all.

Nearly 100000 battle armour divisions died, making the scene more chaotic.

They plundered all year round and experienced countless actual battles, but that doesn't mean they are not afraid of death, but they are more aware of it. So their sense of panic, under this horrible fire, began to get out of control.

Dodge the gathering position of the team members and other positions in space. Once close to the gathering area, it will become the preferred target of bullet rain attack.

A steady stream of antimatter bullets flashed merrily on the radar screen, the kind of alarm echoed in the ear, just like the death charm.

Explosion, fear, death!

The battlefields in space make the members of bear wind battle group a like headless flies.The first battle of [violent maniacs] opened the curtain of the massacre.


"What a waste." LAN sat in the war room and felt his chin to watch the play. He looked lazy: "but the bullet utilization rate of the war is low, which is understandable."

He mumbled, but there was no worry in his face.

Orion is their territory, and the big mage regiment is equipped with top-level battle armour and has received professional space combat training. If it loses to a group of mobs, he doesn't need to speak. Big Mazu takes off his battle armour to jump in the sun.

However, this group is not too strong or weak. It's a good target for sharpening knives.

Let the recruits familiarize themselves with the regimental model of space war.

"Xiaolong Yue, go and get me a cup of tea." In the spare time of boredom, LAN told Long Yue: "boss, life is not advanced, but those who eat and drink, the pattern is a lot."

After him, Long Yue hears the name "little long Yue". He smiles and makes a cup of tea and hands it to LAN.

Red date and medlar tea! This is Lan's favorite.

After the small universe connected, Long Yue was usually bored and didn't want to be in charge. Then he came to work as an assistant for LAN. Don't think too much about it. Make tea for him. Just start. Learn something by the way.

In the space battlefield of Orion, under the unreasonable bombardment of antimatter bullet rain, the bear wind battle group A has suffered over one million casualties. Even if there are high-temperature bullet and other high-temperature isolation, still can't completely destroy the endless bullet rain, there are still fish.

If you miss a bullet, it's a threat.

The space battlefield becomes purgatory, the life that sees, have no mood to pity the life inside. Those present are either comrades in arms or enemies. In the face of the enemy, they will not sympathize with a trace of pity.

But the immediate scene, still let them feel the terrible war. In the battlefield, the despair and fear of the bear wind battle armour division disappeared in space like dust, which was not friendly.

For a long time, the first round of antimatter bullet rain all exploded, after the light in the space dissipated, the space battlefield reappeared, the scene in front of us, let all the life we saw breathe cold.

Nearly ten million members of the bear wind battle a regiment were beaten to pieces in the explosion.

Under the radar detection, many of the pictures they took were the broken limbs and arms scattered in space, and even the battle armour division that had not died completely and struggled in space.

It is roughly estimated that the armor division of a million bear wind battle regiment was directly hit by antimatter bullets in a round of Volley fire, and turned into an empty energy particle in a terrorist explosion.

Whoo! All the soldiers of the big magic regiment shout softly. On the team channel, they can even hear the low voices of their comrades in arms and some incredible mumbles.

They were all a little surprised by their attack.

When training, you can't use antimatter bullets to train shooting, otherwise the solar system will be scorched by them. For the first time, they actually saw the scene after the volley.

"Top standard armor."

The black bear, who has come back to God, has cold hands and feet.

He realized a very serious thing. This unknown force is not equipped with ordinary battle armour, but with standard battle armour, or the top one.

This is beyond his cognitive scope.

The first round of bullet rain covered the battle teams of the bear wind battle group. They wanted to escape, but they couldn't. In space, there is no speed of light and Space folding. Flying away in armor means dying in space.

If you step back, the commander in the ship will kill them directly. To escape or to fight has become their biggest contradiction.

As they panicked, the next attack began quietly.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

The quantum radar of battle a suddenly warns that ultra-high energy is appearing in various positions in space. This is the prompt signal of ultra high energy pulse laser activation.

This hint means that laser attack is coming.

A little bit of light suddenly appeared in their vision. A purple laser across the space, into the battlefield, like the iron rope of the God of death, came to seduce the soul and lead the life.

Ultra high energy purple pulse laser.

Tens of thousands of ways, up, down, around, from all directions into space, there is no southeast, northwest to speak of.


in the first round of attack, 50000 sniper armour divisions of the big magic regiment have found the best attack position in the battlefield.

The energy level of 900 terawatt millisecond allows [marksman] to burn through the energy shield of ordinary high-level battle armor directly. Even if the top-level battle armor comes, it is also afraid of the joint attack of [marksman].

In space, silent killing is going on, and time seems to slow down. The armour division in the laser spot of the marksman is burned through. Some of its screams are too late. It loses its voice and consciousness, floats in the universe, and keeps its inertial flight.

The screams in the team channel become the last straw to crush the bear wind battle armour division. Their fear was fixed on their faces, and they could only hear one scream after another disappear.

The huge space seems a little scary.finished!

Black bear's eyes are full of despair.