Science and Technology Library

Chapter 882

Zhao Min looks at the gorgeous space battlefield through the holographic shadow frequency, some praise.

"Unknowingly, our group is so powerful. Now our science and technology, in order to cope with advanced civilization, is no doubt. We will continue to develop. I'm afraid that we will become a vassal state in the future."

Xiaoyu said softly, "now it's quite a party of princes."

"That's right, too." Zhao Min thought and nodded.

At present, the marching ant group is just like one of the princes in the universe alliance.

Now there is a small universe, and the group can develop recklessly. Chen Mo returns to the earth and brings back one million alien researchers who are now fully assisting in the research. As the research goes on, they are more and more aware of Chen Mo's terror.

Chen Mo's R & D capability is recognized on earth. No matter what technology Chen Mo brings out, no one will be surprised. This is the most normal.

March ant group technology continues to break out, especially in weapons technology. In the galaxy, the stars developed by them, under the management of artificial intelligence, are full of various war machines. Unless the speed of light weapons, it is not so easy to break through.

Now, hundreds of millions of war robots of the bear wind battle group are pounding in Orion, and Orion 9b is still like a rock in the wind.

The two women are not worried about the safety of the earth at all, not only about them, but also about the whole senior level of the March ant group. They just watch the excitement through the holographic shadow frequency, which is a rare star war for them.

Even if there are light speed weapons coming, there is a certain time buffer. If they need to retreat, they can easily enter the small universe.

The scattered stars around the solar system belong to the local interstellar cloud. This hourglass like bubble area of the local galaxy is dense in gas and rare in stars, with an interstellar medium about 300 light-years in diameter, in which the solar system is hidden.

No one can imagine that their headquarters planet is in such a small corner.

In addition, Zhao Min had Mo Nu design many disguised life headquarters in the galaxy from the very beginning, so that when high-level civilization comes, it will not be easy to find them and buy them some time to retreat.


The images of six planets appear in front of the black bear man. The prosperous planet is like a young girl, showing up in front of the black bear man without any precaution.

See this, black bear person heart is ecstatic, already impatient expression becomes more impatient.

"Kill it."

Command, the fleet in the space will quickly leave the team, the space will fold and open, and move towards the quadrant where the six planets appear.

The whole life of Xiong Fengzhan a group is as excited as the blood of a chicken. It seems that it is possible to win in the next moment.

Orion's space fleet has long been scattered. Only the main team led by the black bear is here. Six teams are in each quadrant, thinking of directly capturing the life headquarters planet.

The rich and prosperous planet is in front of them. All the lives of the bear wind battle group A are extremely excited. If they plunder these planets, and their bear wind battle team salvage another stroke, they will become more powerful.

Six teams entered the stellar system very smoothly, they did not even encounter any resistance.

No, there is no weapon.

There's something wrong with it.

See six teams of feedback galaxy, black bear people are all black hair face a Shuo.

If it is the life headquarters planet, it is impossible to have no defense at all.

It's a hit.

The bear man almost shouted.

At this time, there was a change in the images sent back by six teams, which made him slightly stunned. A fixed eye, let him look a moment big change, in the eyes of the madness fade completely, only fear.

In other words, a swarm of war robots, surrounded by objects in space that are likely to be meteorites, are all war robots.

The bright laser, like the light from hell, is particularly dazzling.

Everything is silent. The purple laser is like a long sword. It points directly at the spaceship of six units. The speed of light is close and the coming force is fierce.

The captain of the six teams was shocked to see the alarm of quantum radar. Now I want to urge the spaceship to fold and escape, but it's too late. I don't have enough time. I can only activate the energy shield.

Almost at the same time that the shield is activated, the space-based laser irradiates the shield.

Slow reaction spacecraft, directly burned by the laser, exploded in space.

The brilliant light exploded in space. The members of the bear wind battle group in the spacecraft, wearing battle armor, scattered in space with the debris of the spacecraft. The space-based laser of Yu Shi is still shooting. Many battle armour of battle armour division are cut like tofu by laser. Limbs and debris fly in the space, and then turn into nothingness in the high temperature.

In the team channel of Xiong Fengzhan a regiment, you can even hear the screams coming back, and then silence.

Boom boom!

Several other teams, the same thing happened, the ship was laser swept.

In front of the ultra-high energy space-based laser, the blue class armor of the war armour division is as soft as tofu, which is instantly chopped and left in space. In less than ten seconds, tens of thousands of Xiong Fengzhan a regiment and a division were chopped by laser.The fleet fell into a brief chaos.

Each other's laser, like a sharp blade cut into the cream, cuts across the fleet. Dozens of spacecraft disappeared in the first round of attack, tens of thousands of members died in space.

Seeing the whole process, the black bear's round eyes turned red, full of evil spirit and endless anger.

"Kill them."

The bear man turns into a rampaging bear. Press the button of light speed weapon. Team leaders in the other six quadrants roar at the same time, turning on the button of the particle weapon of light speed.

At the same time, put the energy shield level of the spacecraft to the highest level.

A chaotic space battlefield.

At seven locations, the detector can detect the sudden ultra-high energy response. A destructive weapon is brewing. Almost all war robots stop to open the energy shield to the maximum.

After 15 minutes, a light point bursts out of the spacecraft. Through the detector, it can be found that there are terrorist energy groups in the light point.

At the next moment, the light point explodes in space, hundreds of millions of times brighter than the sun, just like the big explosion of the sun, the terrible particle flow is rampant in the whole space.

In the past, the energy shield of ordinary war robots can't resist the horrible high-energy particle flow at all. It scorches and evaporates in the particle flow until it becomes nothing.

In just ten minutes, the stars in the whole stellar system become red, and the oxygen rich life stars become scorched earth.

A large number of war robots in space have been burned in the high-energy particle flow.

Seeing this scene, LAN was surprised.

When damazu saw the feedback, his face changed. Unexpectedly, a group of robbers had speed of light weapons, which was beyond his expectation.

But fortunately, they lost war robots, and the other side's war machines also lost a lot.

I'm willing to die. I know that the war machinery can't be matched and destroyed with weapons.

"It's now, jump past."

The great Mazu ordered the spaceship to jump directly into the space where the battlefield is located.

The speed of light weapon is different from ordinary antimatter bullets. It's not tens of thousands of rounds per second. It takes a certain time to prepare and launch. Now it's a blank.

The war in other directions will not be dealt with by the great Mazu.

Any developed star is like a fortress. Without completely destroying the star, it is impossible to capture the star. At the beginning, the divine civilization did not dare to attack the star fortress arranged by LAN. Even though many stars in the galaxy are not as terrible as the star fortress set by Shi Gan, a cosmic bandit group wants to attack their star system. It's just looking for death.

It seems that the stars in the other six stars, a steady stream of war robots are emerging, and the space-based fortress that survives in particle weapons is also revived.

On the other side, the fleet of the great mage regiment successfully jumped to the space battlefield where Orion 9b is located, just like a tiger and wolf waiting for a long time, appearing in the space battlefield.

The bear wind battle group A, who was not happy yet, turned pale at this scene.

Da Mazu's speed is extremely fast. They are the first team of senior battle armour division of the March ant group. Their reaction ability and mobility ability are required.

The advantage of top-level battle armour is that it can resist the attack of high-energy particle weapons, and all light speed weapons will not cause much damage to them even if they can.

This is their first battle. They must be brilliant.

The war robot as the pioneer, the belly of the fleet, a steady stream of war machines again put in, towards the fleet of bear wind battle group A. Among the other six stars, a steady stream of war machines has sprung up and is rapidly approaching the fleet.

"Line up."

Under the command of the great Mazu, the entire fleet of the great mage regiment, all the soldiers trained as usual, and opened the array.

"Prepare to attack."

This time, the training results of the big magic regiment were revealed. The whole team was like a wolf group with fangs exposed. The formation was spread out, relying on the space warship, and directed at the bear wind battle group A.

All kinds of weapons exploded.

"Legion? This is the Legion? "

At the moment when the black bear man saw the big magic group, his eyes were bloodshot and shocked.

They wander through the interstellar universe. Nature knows what forces and civilizations they can provoke and what forces they cannot provoke. A civilized Legion is not so easy to provoke. Some powerful advanced civilized legions can make them lose a lot.

This time, it seems to have hit the iron plate.

Fortunately, the number of the opposing army is not large, only one million.

What can a million soldiers do?

His Xiong Fengzhan a regiment, ten thousand spaceships, fifty million battle a divisions, even if divided into one main, six deputy and seven teams, each team has a large number of people. And he is now leading the home team, with a division of up to 10 million, ten times the other side.

The distance between the two sides is only 20000 kilometers. It's not far away. It can be reached very soon. It's impossible to start the light speed weapons. The people sea tactics can also kill the opposite side.

Different from war robots, each of them has enough ammunition. War robots consume too much. The military of top civilization and divine civilization has many weapons and means to deal with war robots, and can even control war robots for their own use.There are many other reasons, such as the limited amount of ammunition, so many forces are tacitly afraid to let war robots carry full range of weapons. Otherwise, once the other side has weapons to control war robots, the loss will be great.

The combat effectiveness of the 10 million battle division is much better than that of the 10 million war robots. There is no comparison between the two.

Without hesitation, the black bear orders to open the hatch of the spaceship, and the members inside appear like locusts. The team lacks command, has no formation to speak of, speeds up like a swarm, passes toward the big devil regiment, in the space instantaneous chaos.

"Hey, a bunch of idiots."

Seeing the members of the storming bear wind battle group, Dazu sneered.

"Prepare for violence, shoot me."