Science and Technology Library

Chapter 881

"My Lord, it seems like a big guy."

The shuttle reconnaissance spacecraft hovers in a star system. Not far away is the planet being developed by the March ant group, Orion 9b.

As can be seen from the reconnaissance ship, the planet is full of machine cities, and the whole planet is full of intelligent machine manufacturing factories, with no intelligent life stationed.

"The detector shows a concentrated reaction of dark matter and antimatter, suspected of a dark matter and antimatter warehouse."

"A storehouse of dark matter and antimatter?"

The black bear man's small eyes glared angrily, licked his tongue and smiled greedily. Dark matter and antimatter react together, which means that the planet has a large reserve of dark matter and antimatter.

These two special substances are hard currency in the universe alliance, and there are too many places to use.

Energy and materials.

The first-class prey is in front of us. Radar shows that there are many antimatter on the planet. After that, they can work for hundreds of days.

Now the black bear people see the image of the planet coming back, just like the fat lamb.

"No, sir. There's an ambush here."

Just at this time, a panicked voice came back from the reconnaissance ship. Looking back at the picture sent back by the reconnaissance ship, we can see that the dense war robot is approaching the spacecraft, and a space-based laser weapon is activated. At the moment when the laser is on, the picture of the investigation ship disappears. I'm afraid it's more or less auspicious.

The surprise black bear man was stunned, murderous and cruel.

In a flash, six battle armour divisions pop up on the holographic screen of the spacecraft. The six battle armour divisions were orcs, either with cold or cruel faces. But there is one thing in common. All six of them have evil eyes. They know that they are vicious people.

All the leaders of the six divisions of Xiong Fengzhan a regiment are here. Each of the six members of the team is a carefully selected murderer, and also a senior class a division. The strength of each team is comparable to that of the common senior civilized Corps.

The whole battle a regiment appears, even if the advanced civilization with better strength is also afraid of two points.

This is a battle armour regiment that licks blood at the edge of the universe all the year round. It's extremely fierce. Ordinary advanced civilization is stared at and can only admit its own misfortune.

"Continue to launch detection ships and detectors to other life planets, and check the headquarters of their civilization. I'd like to see what civilization is, and dare to fight back. When are we going to be slapped in the back corner of this kind of corner

Black bears are angry.

There are dark matter and antimatter warehouses in the planet. This is a giant sheep. How can we miss it?

If we take down the antimatter and dark matter, at least for a short time, Xiong Fengzhan group can live a comfortable life without worrying about the financial problems, instead of rushing to find civilization.

It's just a planet. What about other planets?

When I think of it, the black bear's eyes shine greedily.

"Kill now, take the planet first."


"Hurry up, don't grind and haw."

Big Mazu's voice exploded in each player's ear, no one dared to hesitate. A million soldiers entered the warship in good order. No one dared to neglect them.

Now great Mazu is depressed. Last time he said "beauty laughs". As a result, he was specially cared and trained by the instructor for ten days, and his bones almost fell apart.

He's worried about a feeling of suffocation and no place to vent. Now it's better to have a group of bandits. If they don't get a good light, he's sorry for the 'special' training these days.

In an hour, a million soldiers all entered twenty warships and took off slowly.

In a galaxy in the small universe, wat leads the fleet floating in space.

"There's a battle group coming outside. Shall we go and help?" Asked the team member nearby.

"No, the instructor has arrangements."

Watmu's eyes are fixed on the galaxy in front of him. Radar detection shows that the galaxy has a relatively rich life planet. In the small universe, such a rich galaxy of life is rare.

He leads the youth reserve team, which surpasses the first division of the big magic regiment in terms of growth. However, it hasn't really been trained yet.

The instructor means to let them develop the small universe and feed the war with war.

come here for a while, the prompt sound of the display appears, and the radar entering the galaxy detection sends back information about the living planet.

Seeing the feedback, Wang Hai's expression was quite serious: "follow the scheduled development plan."

Around him, everyone nodded.

"It's a pity that I can't join the war. It's a bit unpleasant."

"What's wrong? We are not strong enough. Although we don't want to admit it, it's a fact."

"We've got all the standard armor. As long as we polish and train well, it's not a dream for us to surpass the old masters of the big magic."

"I love to hear that. There is a saying in the boss's hometown: don't bully the young people to be poor. After that, let's practice. Let's show the old guys the strength of our wood guard team. "The competition between the wood guard regiment and the big magic regiment has begun to take shape, because when the instructor trains, he compares the two teams, making them unconsciously win the other side as a competitor.

As soon as the words came out, the wood protection group agreed with each other.

The strength of the big magic group is stronger than them. They are often pointed at by Lord LAN, and they can hold their breath.

Aware of the team's mood, wat wood mouth showed a trace of joy. They all know that the instructors deliberately create a competitive relationship to stimulate the two teams. Now it's really useful to see the effect.

The team's public channel calmed down, and the attention of many team members was focused on the shadow frequency in their battle a.

The galaxy they are going to develop next is rosy, which looks pretty. I just don't know what kind of life there is in this galaxy.

The whole team was finished, and the ship soon disappeared.


All kinds of explosions and lasers in space, war robots and all kinds of war machines, such as the tide of a place.

So far, they haven't even broken through the defense lines of space-based weapons and war robots arranged by each other in the space battlefield.

The laser of space-based weapons, once swept over, even their warships, must turn on the energy shield. There is also the rain like density of antimatter bullets, which makes life feel numb.

Antimatter bombs in space, like fireworks in festivals, are not only brilliant.

What makes him despair is that there are a steady stream of war robots sent to their space battlefields by transport ships. The swarming war robots, like the March ants out of their nests, are several times as many as the war machines on their side. They are not only numerous, but also as if their combat effectiveness is not weak. The strength of almost every war robot is equal to that of the intermediate war division.

The war robots they carried in their spacecraft, when they met with each other's war machines, were simply self defeating.

Xiongfeng battle group A has invaded many advanced civilizations, but the level of war robots is limited, and it is difficult to create so many war robots at one time.

"Is there any way to get rid of each other's war robots?" There was a fire in the voice of the bear man.

"Not for the time being. Except for the speed of light weapons, which are widely used to kill people, our robots will suffer when they are thrown down." The staff around him spoke carefully for fear that he would annoy the hot tempered master again.

Now things seem to be moving in a direction they can't control.

This unknown civilization is so powerful.

According to the data, around the Pisces cetacean supercluster, there are three advanced civilizations, namely, the immortal civilization, the whale civilization and the Pisces civilization, which are relatively powerful. Moreover, he knows well that there is no such a terrible war robot team.

Raniakaya superstar system does not belong to the territory of the three civilizations. It belongs to the land of ownerless. There are some low-level life, but I haven't heard that there are high-level forces comparable to the three civilizations here.

Is it the recent rise that has not been discovered by the three?

The first planet didn't come down. They were blocked by the stellar system. They can't afford it if it goes on like this.

Cosmic bandits are never good at attrition.

"Chief, what now?" The holographic projection of the six team leaders of the bear wind battle group appeared at the side of the black bear man and asked aloud.

War robots are a real worry.

In the round eyes of the black bear man, there is a sinister light.

"Wait for the feedback from the detectors and reconnaissance ships to see where their life headquarters are, and destroy their headquarters and civilized planet with the speed of light weapons. Everything will be self defeating."

"Don't ruin it, boss. Maybe their civilization has fairy life. "

The wretched werewolf laughed. Seeing the black bear man glare at him, he hurried around.

"Maybe there is What's the production technology of antimatter and dark matter? Otherwise, it's impossible to raise so many powerful war robots and space-based weapons. "

"Yes." The black bear slapped his head.

A word awakens the dreamer.

The price of antimatter and dark matter is not low. The cost of the two materials is too high. To maintain the operation of such a large number of war robots, only the top civilizations with their own dark matter production and antimatter technology dare to play like this.

Maybe this civilization, using shit to study the production technology of antimatter and dark matter, has not been discovered yet.

It's not that there is no such thing in the universe. Several top civilizations have been known to have inadvertently discovered that low-level civilizations have antimatter and dark matter production technology. When the other side has not applied the technology, the technology has been snatched to rise.

He had a premonition that maybe this civilization could really have technologies for the production of antimatter and dark matter, otherwise it would not be possible to "feed" so many war robots.

If he mastered this technology, it would not be a dream for Xiong Fengzhan to become the top one.

Think about it and make the bear excited.The black bear man licks his tongue, and his eyes are full of greed.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

Soon, the information from the detector appeared on the screen, and six isolated star systems appeared in front of him.