Science and Technology Library

Chapter 880

"It's like flying over my head. Where is it?"

The black bear man led by the fleet looked at the star map around him hesitantly, and after a while, he came back and swearing.

"The pulsar signature shows that this is within the raniakaya supercluster." A human like agent reports.

"There are few hairs in this poor corner." The black werewolf looks depressed: "turn on the radar and go to Perseus. Perseus is our goal. "

"Sir, are we really good at Perseus this time?" Asked a queer looking hand hesitantly.

"What can be the problem? It's just a high-level civilization. Even if they are high-level civilizations, they are also high-level civilizations in the mountains and forests. Their strength is limited. There's nothing to be afraid of. It's done. " The bear man roared.

"Adults, the nearby galaxy, the local life seems to be called the fairy galaxy. Is there a fairy in it? All kinds of beautiful female life. " An unknown black Orc grinned, a bit indecent.

"Are you stupid? Is there your wife in the wife system? " The bear man gave the unknown Orc a shudder: "here is the raniakaya supercluster, where there are few intelligent lives, many deserted galaxies, and the Andromeda wheel gets you?"

"There are many diamonds in the diamond galaxy."

"Your mother's diamond is stone. Which Galaxy does not have that kind of stone? And talk back. " A bear's paw called the black bear, and the stubborn man immediately shut up.

"Adult, radar found that there seems to be traces of advanced civilization in this galaxy. Many planets are being developed." The man in charge of the radar should shout out.

The ability to develop the planets in the galaxy alone, at this level, is generally advanced civilization.

"Is there any advanced civilization in this ghost place? It's kind of interesting. "

Hearing the report, the bear man was stunned, and immediately became interested: "send an investigation ship to check and see if there is anything valuable. Although it's very poor and remote here, there should be principles for looting, which is the basic respect for backward civilization. "

"My Lord, will there really be fairies?" The unknown Orc got up, excited.

"Your family roars." The irascible bear man took him to the floor again.

A 500 meter diameter shuttle reconnaissance ship broke away from the ship's belly and, according to radar, headed for the quadrant of the nearest developed planet.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

Almost at the same time that the fleet appeared, there was a great alarm in the Venus Department of operations.

"Orion found an unknown fleet."

Mo Nu gives LAN the image of quantum detection radar.

The development of the galaxy by the marching ant group, under the arrangement of Mo Nu, shows an exponential explosion.

The living planet has been developed into a military stationed planet, a desolate lifeless planet, a machine factory, an antimatter factory and a dark matter factory, as well as a radar planet and a mineral star.

Miner star doesn't pay much attention. It just needs to continuously mine, produce robots, battle armour and spaceships on the desolate planet, and then continue to develop as a springboard.

The location of radar stars is exquisite, and they are all in some important positions. Then, intelligent machines are used to transform the whole planet into a quantum detection radar, the size of a planet, which is used to monitor the space around the planet.

With the solar system as the center, the number of radar stars is growing on the original basis. Today, the number of radar stars with the solar system as the center reaches 300000.

That may seem like a lot, but it's not enough for the 100 billion planets in the galaxy.

These radar stars take the solar system as the center, and every ten star systems are transformed into one radar planet, which is jointly detected by quantum matrix. Today's quantum detection radar is enough to monitor the solar system as the center, with a range of 40000 light-years.

Soon, the whole galaxy will be under their control.

Because of the fear of exposure, Zhao Min did not let Mo Nu extend her development beyond the galaxy at will.

"Check the sign."

LAN is surprised to enlarge the bear head sign of their boat.

On the quantum network of the universe alliance, Mo Nu soon found relevant information.

"Bear wind battle group A."

"A group of interstellar bandits, interesting."

Seeing the information of Xiong Fengzhan's armour group, LAN touched her chin and smiled insidiously.

The universe alliance system and battle armour system are developed. Many battle armour divisions have been adventuring in the universe Galaxy for a long time. These teams are called battle armour regiments, similar to mercenary regiments.

The space alliance has a formal registration mechanism for the battle armor regiment. Half of the battle armor regiments have fixed headquarters planets, and there are also base planets for the gathering of the battle armor regiments, which are used to issue missions.

But some of them are not good at heart. They depend on the interstellar plunder to make a living. They rob the low-level civilized planet, or the caravans passing through the space. Those battle teams are like star bandits, but their names are just battle teams.

"Do you want to throw a space weapon?" Asked Mo nu.

"No, use space weapons. The civilizations of Perseus and Pisces nearby will find us and alert them. It's not the time to develop the small universe in a low-key way." LAN shakes her head."How far are we from Orion's nearest settlement?"

"In 15 light days, Orion 9a, Orion 9b, Orion 9C, and in 31 light days, Orion 6h."

"They should have found that these planets have traces of civilization. Their probe goes into the defensive area of the planet, attacks immediately and destroys their probe. "

LAN looked at the weapon status of the four planets, with a sinister light in her eyes.

"It's a good chance to practice. Big Mazu, take your big magic group."


Neuroscience connects the lab.

Chen Mo and Wushuang are discussing the technology of neural connection.

In front of them is a neural connection device.

As virtual reality technology involves the technology of neural connection, so as early as in the beginning, there are unparalleled data and experiments about neural connection.

Now, Chen Mo is making the equipment of intelligent life consciousness transfer technology. The unparalleled research materials are of great help to the "Mo Nu's body" project.

To transfer Mo Nu's consciousness into human body, we need to build a bridge between biological brain and quantum consciousness.

Virtual reality technology temporarily connects human consciousness to virtual cyberspace, while consciousness transfer technology, in turn, permanently implants quantum consciousness into biological brain.

"There are technical similarities."

Matchless to Chen Mo to say their own views, did not expect that one day, dad will use her research data, let her be flattered.

"At present, human beings enter the virtual reality world by controlling brain nerve conduction and cortical activity, so that the brain appears the picture of virtual reality, similar to dreams and imagination, which is a mirage.

Consciousness transfer technology also controls the brain's thinking mode, so that it can produce the same consciousness as quantum consciousness. Both are achieved by influencing the cells and cortex of the brain, which is more complex. It's just a common problem between quantum consciousness and biological brain consciousness.

Quantum consciousness is the combination of the uncertain activities of quantum, which creates the quantum consciousness. Human consciousness is the result of the brain's neural activity, the brain's reflection of the objective material world, and the sum of various psychological processes such as feeling and thinking.

From a physical point of view, the number of calculations involved in both conscious activities is infinite.

Dad, you use consciousness simulation technology to make aunt Mo simulate the feeling, thinking and other psychological activities of her mother's brain, so that the chaotic quantum consciousness gradually has the feeling, thinking and various psychological activities of the objective material world, forming a complete consciousness body. In theory, on the contrary, it's OK to let the brain of Mo's body simulate her quantum consciousness.

But the most important problem is: how to solve the problem that the simulated one must be the consciousness of aunt Mo, not the second consciousness. Otherwise, after waking up, not the same consciousness, there will be another aunt. My mother and aunt Zhao Min are desperately looking for you. "

At the end of the speech, matchless laughed and looked at Chen Mo jokingly.

"The wings are hard, and even I laugh?" Chen Mo taps on matchless head, very satisfied with matchless opinion.

Now Mo Nu's body is growing rapidly, and soon it will be an adult body. When the instrument of consciousness transfer technology comes out, it can directly transfer Mo Nu's consciousness.

"Dad, if life consciousness transfer technology is successful, it will open the door to immortality." Matchless is aware of a terrible problem.

"Well." Chen Mo agrees and nods.

Once the life consciousness transfer technology is successful, as long as the organism is old, the consciousness will be transferred to the new biological body, in a sense, quite immortal.

"We don't study this technology for immortality, it's just a derivative in the process of technology application."