Science and Technology Library

Chapter 872

In the laboratory of biology, the modules of various gene chains are slowly rotating.

The image in the center is the holographic body of Mo nu.

The first problem to be faced in making the body of Mo Nu is the gene. Every life has its own gene, which covers divine life. Particles form a special cell structure, which is also a gene.

Now Mo female faces the same problem, what gene should be used to create MO female.

"Brother Mo, use sister Xiaoyu and sister Zhao Min's. My present appearance is optimized according to their looks. Choose their gene combination, the natural appearance may not be like now, but it will not fall too far "Sister Xiaoyu and sister Zhao Min agreed," said mo


Chen Mo answers.

That's what he meant.

Precise gene editing technology makes everything possible. As a world of difference, as like as two peas,

's genetic technology, with the help of supercomputers, is no longer a secret of human body's control. So the combination of genes may not be exactly the same as looks in the present.

Chen Mo transferred the gene data of Xiaoyu and Zhao Min to determine the gene of Mo nu. It's mainly the genes of external body and appearance. Only when the appearance is close, can you look familiar and comfortable.

"Zhao Minjie's is used as the height skeleton, and Xiaoyu's is used as the facial gene, eyes and nose..."

Mo Nu begins to select genes.

Each gene has specific gene chain module data. With the selection of Mo Nu, each gene module is filling in the blank gene chain module. Soon, the gene chain needed by Mo Nu is completed.

"Check it out, and if there's no problem, start synthesizing genes."

"Detection complete, no problem." Said Mo nu.

"That starts with the synthesis of genes, which are then injected into the artificial egg cells and cultured in the artificial uterus."

Man made human beings will not be accepted by people according to the moral standards of the earth science community, but Chen Mo uses the universal standards. There is no moral standard in the universe. As long as you can make yourself strong, you can do whatever you want. The winners and winners are the choices of the universe. Divine civilization and top civilization emerge in this cruel competition.

The strong make rules, the weak abide by them.

In the past, he was afraid of too many things on the earth, all the development was too slow, and fell to the end of being caught by the three eye civilization.

Later, in order to find him, the three women began to develop recklessly, so the technology of the earth broke out in just a few years, surpassing the advanced civilization. After eight years' journey to the universe and witnessing the cruelty of the universe's competitive environment, Chen Mo's mentality has long changed.


On the other hand, Zhao Min, Mo Nu and LAN are discussing the development strategy of marching ant group. Zhao Min and LAN are real people in the conference room, and Mo Nu is holographic projection at the scene.

"Our current technology is approaching the top level of civilization, but the population and development are not up to the standard, so it is necessary to expand, otherwise we cannot fight against the divine civilization. We can hide for a while now, but the divine civilization will find out sooner or later, unless the boss doesn't develop all his life and doesn't contact the universe alliance. "

LAN's words, let Zhao Min deeply agree.

"Is there any serious exclusion here on earth?" LAN opens her mouth again.

"More serious."

Zhao Min didn't think about it.

"For a long time, the earth has specific moral standards. In the era of cosmopolitanism, the earth is just beginning to contact. There are certain restrictions. People on earth know that aliens exist, but they don't know that there is a cosmic alliance. Chen Mo was captured and left the earth. That extraterrestrial disaster left the shadow of the people on earth and made them wary of aliens.

There is a contact universe alliance at the top of the company, which is not exclusive to extraterrestrial life, but the whole human system may be a little troublesome. In another case, human beings on earth, equivalent to the red level intelligent life of the universal alliance standard, can not become senior war armour division. We used to develop war robots instead of War soldiers. "

"What about the situation in the small universe?" LAN asks Mo nu.

"There is not much life in the small universe. The people of Jingge are now less than 600000. According to the standards of the universe alliance, there are 150000 senior armour divisions in their clan. "

"600000 people, 150000 senior war division?"

LAN's eyelids jump straight. What kind of abnormal people are they.

"Before the passage of the small universe was opened, we focused on low-key development. The earth is the boss's home and ethnic group, which must be strengthened. What is the boss's opinion on the civilization of the earth? "

"We have a high sense of identity with the civilization of our country, but it doesn't matter to other countries." Zhao Min said.

"I have seen the history of civilization development of the earth. To the extent of civilization rules, the earth does not lag behind the advanced civilization, which can be said to be excellent and unique. Only if some rules do not keep up with the group's technological level, we can improve them. What is the relationship between our group and our country? "

"Our group belongs to a special group, similar to the special zone. We can develop freely outside the earth according to our own rules, without any restrictions. If necessary, we can feed back." Zhao Min said.Hear. District, LAN immediately understand the status quo of the March ant group.

"Now it may be necessary to disclose the truth of the universe to human beings. The earth will always develop and cannot always be protected in the ivory tower. Human beings are red intelligent life. According to the natural evolution of the universe, it may take tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years to reach the level of green civilization. If we continue to follow the rules of the earth, our constitution will not evolve in a short time. "

"The truth?" Zhao Minton once said: "the high level of our country has got a lot of information about the universe alliance from us. Other countries will be relatively few and will have a great impact on all mankind."

"If we are not willing to accept the truth, we will not see hope." LAN firmly said: "after the situation is opened, we can gradually popularize physical medicine and super ability development technology. Our opponent is divine civilization. We must be strong as soon as possible, or we will die."

"Mo Nu, contact the official."

Mo Nu confirms the contact. After a while, an old man's holographic projection appears in the meeting room. When the old man appeared, he gave LAN a special look and nodded to him.

LAN explained the situation, the old man thought for a while before nodding.

"Yes, according to Mr. LAN, it's time to announce. The development of science and technology makes life better and human beings more comfortable. Without external pressure and impact, this kind of comfort will bring great trouble in the future. "


Cao long, as always, turned on the holographic TV, and the development and popularization of various technologies in the March ant group made his life more comfortable. He also enjoyed the dream of science fiction as a child.

With the rapid development of science and technology, and no need to worry about the price of housing, they can live the life they want only by working five or six hours a day. The rest of the time is for recreation, games, entertainment, watching movies, traveling, etc. It's too easy to struggle.

In addition to the marching ant group, the industry of entertainment, film, game and tourism has developed unprecedentedly and is also the most lucrative industry.

Lying on the sofa, Cao long asked the robot to go to the refrigerator and bring some snacks to open, and eat slowly. At this time, the TV picture jumps directly to the CCTV news channel.

"Fault?" Cao longyileng: "Xiaodie, change the stage."

The holographic TV changes to another channel, which is the same news channel.

Not only Cao Long's TV, but also the whole Chinese and African continent, all the holographic projection screens and holographic TV, including social platforms, are showing the pictures of news channels.

"Emergency message: a message jointly released by the government and the marching ant group. Please see the scene below."

It involves the March ant group.

Seeing the old man and Chen Mo in the news picture, Cao long did not change the stage any more, and his body slumped on the sofa also sat up straight. This is the first time in history that these two people have released information together. There is no doubt that it will be a very frightening news.

The current marching ant group is the most powerful group in human history. Its significance has surpassed traditional enterprises. Chen Mo's status, in the whole history of human development, has been the existence of God.

"Friends and comrades of all mankind. Today is a turning point in history. Human history will remember this special day. Today, Comrade Chen Mo and I are here to announce the following news.

The development of human science and technology has reached an unprecedented height. Human beings have already begun to explore the deep space of the universe and entered the age of stars and oceans. In the past ten years, we have proved that human beings are not alone in the universe. There are all kinds of life outside the earth, and there are countless advanced intelligent civilizations.

The higher intelligent life in the universe is as common as the animals in the forest, and the alliance system like the United Nations of the earth is formed among various civilizations. The degree of development of extraterrestrial civilization is far beyond human imagination.

In the future, Chinese civilization will be connected to some rules of the universe alliance system, and the monetary and financial system will be connected with the star currency system of the universe alliance. In the future, with the help of marching ant group, we will seek a larger open system to the universe. We will set up the war a college system. In addition, we will gradually popularize the drugs for increasing life span and enhancing human physique, so that human beings have stronger physique and wisdom, and meet the arrival of the era of the universe. This is the best time, the sea of stars is full of infinite possibilities. "

Seeing the news, Cao long was stupefied.