Science and Technology Library

Chapter 873

The most shocking news in human history has been released so far.

The sudden news caught countless people by surprise. Excited, panicked, confused, pessimistic, joyful, there are all kinds of people.

The universe alliance has become the most interesting thing for human beings.

At the same time, the marching ant group began to gradually put encyclopedia and related news about the universe Alliance on the earth Internet.

At the moment when the truth was announced, the three views of human beings began to overturn.

The world they knew was confined to the earth. At this moment, they suddenly jumped out of the well and found that they were just a frog watching the sky.

In the universe, human beings are as small as bacteria. Looking at the sky again, it is no longer the beauty of stars and rivers, but the tiny to the extreme fear.

Countless people began to be confused, panicked, and even some extreme human beings became insane at the moment when they learned the news.

The news is like a catfish. Sardine,

, was highly developed, and became comfortable and sought after. The human society, which was as calm as the lake, aroused a great disturbance. The whole human society became fresh and alive in various news and farce, like sardines in the box.

The unknown fear, the expectation of the sea of stars and the pressure of extraterrestrial life make the human social system revitalize, and the new natural selection begins. The human who can't adapt to the new rule system will be eliminated.

At present, the news is still in a one-way penetration state. The war armour system of the universe alliance, as well as various rules and news, began to be gradually popularized in human society on earth.


Human society fluctuates in shock, and Chen Mo is not idle.

Mo Nu's body embryo has been successfully cultivated and is growing in an artificial uterus. Chen Mo starts to research the development technology of superpower.

In the universe alliance system, the human body is weak, and the red intelligent life is the lowest level. At present, it cannot be separated from the food and the required atmosphere, and the life is fragile.

According to the standards of the universe alliance, the human body can not meet the requirements of the senior division of war armour. Even war robots can't win in battle armour. With him, the three million lives in the galaxy are all blue life, and the physique can't be compared with the life of the top civilization and the life of the divine civilization.

In terms of inborn conditions, human life is much weaker than that of the great civilization. Only by fundamental changes can war armour play a more powerful role.

Their opponent is a divine civilization. If they don't change, they will die.

This is a very serious problem.

If human beings don't evolve, they will be eliminated in the era of cosmopolitanism. Now there is no time for human evolution, which is his premonition.

The conflict of divine civilization is likely to lead to a large-scale cosmic war, even if a little bit of aftershocks affect, human beings will be extinct.

The fastest way to change human body and brain is to accelerate human evolution through life technology.

Super capacity development technology.

This special technology has the effect of making the living brain and body evolve.

With existing technology theories and evolutionary requirements, Chen Mo started to solve the most urgent need of technology in the short term and created a group of top experts first.

Mars, Mars.

Wang Hai, Heiying, Anan, Bai Zhu Zhu, Zhu He, Zhong Lei, Tai Shan, Luo Yu, etc., as well as wat wood, red crab, poison skin girl and Da Mazu, a total of more than ten people were in the laboratory.

Everyone stands up straight and meticulous.

They are senior members of the March ant armed group and the mainstay of the future operations department of the March ant group.

If you want to be a top-level power, top-level experts are necessary. Even if the war does not rely on top experts, it is also necessary. It is a kind of status deterrence, which has a good effect on management and external.

The enemies of marching ant group in the future are the divine civilization and divine life of the universe alliance. The top experts and divine life are indispensable.

Now is the time to create God.

"Has it been decided?" Chen Mo glanced at a dozen people in the scene.


A dozen people spoke in unison with determination.

Hu Mu and poison skin women don't say that they are growing up in the universe alliance system. As long as they can become powerful, they can accept any technology, let alone super power potion, which is the technology that the divine civilization seizes.

When they heard that the boss wanted them to use the super power development technology, four people were shocked to the point of no return.

The disaster of Shi Ganxing was caused by super ability development technology, which killed and injured trillions of lives. Now the boss tells them that they have already mastered more powerful super ability development technology.

The difference between different levels of life is the speed at which the brain processes information. Besides the speed of brain response, there are also super abilities between the life of different levels and the life of God.

The development of superpowers means the development of the brain. They can evolve into divine life and become the top class war armour division.

This is an irresistible temptation for them who are pursuing strength.Wang Hai and others are not exclusive to all kinds of technologies. They are the senior level of the operation Department of the March ant group. They have been in contact with the universe alliance system for a long time. They have also used potential development agents. They are open to the use of some new technologies. Therefore, when they need to develop their superpowers, they do not hesitate to agree.

They are the first group of people to follow Chen mo. only the most trusted people have this kind of treatment. There is no reason for them not to cherish this opportunity.

"You're using directed superpower development technology."

This is the super ability technology that Chen Mo optimized and produced in the original mature technology of Mo Nu according to the technology theory of directional super ability development of science and Technology Library. At present, there are few types of directional super ability.

"At present, there are four more practical options, Jingge's [fighting consciousness]; grey 21's [instant movement]; newt's [immortal body], which is similar to Wolverine's [immortal body], but it is inevitable to die if the brain is destroyed; a kind of [frenzy] similar to dark forest civilization, which increases the response speed and body strength. You have to choose. At present, there is no technology that studies both abilities. "

Part of the super ability plays a little role in the actual combat of the battle a system, and many of them have not been studied.

Consider the practicability of superpowers in the space alliance battle a system, otherwise some superpowers will not improve their own strength even if they have them.

Chen Mo tried to develop his own super ability of controlling substances. During the development process, he added his cells and genes, but they didn't work at all. All the experiments failed. Finally, he had to give up the idea of developing his own super ability of controlling substances.

"I choose instant move." Poison skin female does not hesitate to choose, she is assassin and armour division, of these four, this is her best choice.

"Me too." Zhu He and Luo Yu answer.

"I choose [Combat awareness]."

Wang Hai, wat mu, Black Hawk and red crab choose "battle consciousness". They know Jingge's metamorphosis and have a top-level teacher. Moreover, they are members of the war department. This special combat ability is undoubtedly the best choice for them and has the most direct effect on improving their combat effectiveness.

Two muscular men, Taishan and damazu, chose to be crazy, while Anan and Bai Zhenzhu chose to be immortal.

After confirming their own choices, they lay down on the experimental platform and fixed it.

At the command of Chen Mo, the experimental platform slowly moved people to the development cabin, separating men and women. The cabin is filled with four kinds of transparent liquid, emitting special fluorescence, similar to the blood of divine life.

"During the development process, the body and brain have some pain. The whole process cannot be anesthetized. You need to be prepared psychologically." Mo female reminds me.

The hatch was closed and the laboratory was quiet again.

The holographic light screen shows the life characteristics and state of all people. In case of danger signal, the laboratory will immediately interrupt the development and rescue.

The waiting time seems long.

In addition to previous volunteer experiments, they were among the first to officially use the technology. Success is the key to the future development of super ability orientation.

Make gods in batches.

This is the charm of technology.

If the development is successful, the marching ant group will officially have the inside information to join the divine power.