Science and Technology Library

Chapter 871

Chen Mo was awakened by the sunshine sneaking in through the curtain in the morning, a little warm.

Half a month off, another quiet morning.

After eight years of ethereal journey to the universe, this warm morning is very rare.

In the past, some of the stars were day and night, and some of the time of day and night were different from that of the earth. This kind of regular and reassuring time is very rare.

When the door opened, Xiaoyu walked in, looked at Chen Mo and smiled softly: "honey, breakfast."

Xiaoyu green hair shawl, not long after getting up, no makeup, wearing a casual plain color long skirt, with a happy smile on his face, this moment is very charming. Chen Mo's heart strings seem to be played, gently pulling her into her arms, soft and comfortable.

"What's the matter?" Asked Xiaoyu softly.

"Nothing, just want to hold you."


Xiaoyu lets Chen Mo hold him, and sticks his face on Chen Mo's body. It's very comfortable.

For a long time, Chen Mo just let go and caressed Xiaoyu's hair on his shoulder: "I'll wash first, wait for me."

Chen Mo sat on the table and ate breakfast carefully. In the past eight years, he hasn't eaten the breakfast made by Xiaoyu, and now every meal is delicious. The little beast sat on the table, waiting for the ink girl to peel the eggs for it, and the little claws were all in a hurry, so she just grabbed a piece of bread and chewed it first.

Zhao Min and matchless are chatting with Chen Fu and Chen mu, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere is warm.

"Nameless, what do you want to do when you grow up?" Asked Chen mo.

"I want to be a soldier when I grow up. It's very powerful." Xiaonameless said while drinking the milk Zhao Min gave him.

"How powerful is it?"

"It's just like my father. My mother and aunt say that you are very powerful. You can beat bad people and protect my mother and aunt."

Chen mule is happy.

"It's very ambitious. You need to eat more and have a good health."

"Dad, can you teach me how to fight?" Little nameless wipe the milk of the corner of the mouth, hope to ask.

"It's hard to fight."

"I'm not afraid of hard work."

"Dad has a lot to do. If you can bear hardships, Dad can ask Uncle Jingge to teach you how to fight. Uncle Jingge is also very powerful." Chen Mo said gently.

"Is there a good father?" Asked nameless earnestly.

"Uncle Jingge is better at boxing than dad." Chen Mo said.

"Well, I'll learn from Uncle Jingge."

In the early morning, the atmosphere was warm. When he came back to earth, Chen Mo gradually began to return to life on earth. He was not as nervous as when he was on an alien planet.

After breakfast, Xiaoyu helped Chen Mo to tidy up his clothes and said with a smile, "work at ease."

"What would you like for tonight? I'll buy it for you. " Asked Chen mo.

"I like what you send. Leave some expectation and surprise for yourself." Xiaoyu kisses Chen Mo on the face: "give you the reward first."

A simple farewell, Chen Mo went out of the house, and Zhan Jia appeared, covering him. Following him, Mo Nu and Zhao Min's armor also covered their bodies, and the three flew towards the headquarters of the March ant group.

Eight years after Chen Mo left, the earth has changed.

The previous environmental pollution has disappeared, garbage disposal is also very advanced, and the earth's ecological recovery is very good.

Binhai city has become the most typical representative of the world's metropolises. The terrorist construction capacity of nano robots has been applied to the construction of Binhai city. Nowadays, the price of housing is no longer a problem for human beings.

With the development of artificial intelligence and various kinds of science and technology, and the rising army ant group quietly connected with the universe alliance, some development models of the universe alliance were used for reference by the Chinese authorities, and various cities began to develop into science and technology cities.

Binhai city is the first global city to use the alien city model.

Smart cars, new energy completely replace fossil energy, all kinds of machine armour with different shapes, anti gravity suspension cars can be seen in Binhai city.

War armour can be purchased by ordinary people with enough money. Tens of millions of sets of war armour have become the top toys of the rich and also a symbol of identity. Occasionally, in the sky of Binhai City, war armour can be seen flying by.

It's just that the armor sold has a security system installed, so it can't install weapons or be used for criminal activities. Otherwise, the armor will automatically send users to the police station. Earth civilization has not yet reached the level of letting war armor fly with weapons. Inappropriate rules and excessive freedom are the way to hell.

If you don't experience war armour in reality, you can go to the virtual reality world to experience it. Otherwise, you can join the armed Department of the March ant group.

The March ant group opened a school for teaching war armour and mecha driving. Now, the large mecha is mainly used in agricultural production and small buildings, and then the mecha entertainment project.

Overlooking the scenery all the way, Chen Mo and his party soon landed in the area of Building 1, the headquarters of marching ant group. Ten days off, enough time for family reunion, and Chen Mo's return to the daily state of the earth.

Zhao Min follows Chen Mo and enters the area of Building 1."Next there are four main projects."

Back to work, Chen Mo begins to take back his mind.

"The first two are relatively simple. One is to help Mo Nu create a human body, and then transfer her consciousness into that body. This involves biological and medical technology, and there is also a consciousness transfer technology, which transfers the consciousness of Mo NV to the biological brain technology. I know all these technologies, and the subject is not a big problem. The second topic is Lan's commitment to revive his daughter. "

"What's wrong with his daughter?" Zhao Min asked curiously.

Chen Mo told her about Lan's joining.

"The living dead, some accidents, half dead brain." Chen Mo said: "and LAN's life, brain structure is very complex, so it's a little bit difficult, and the opportunity is only once, so be careful."

Chen Mo pauses and continues to speak.

"You go to the earth, or even the life planet we occupy, and find some cases of brain injured vegetative people. In the future, the technology of brain resurrection can start with human cases."

Zhao Min nodded softly: "what about the third topic?"

"Strategic deterrence weapons. It's mainly super star class space weapons and light speed weapons, as well as related strategic equipment. "

Even if he went back to the earth, he still had a strong sense of crisis.

No one can say when the interstellar war will suddenly come to earth, and Chen Mo is now offending the two divine civilizations. Once discovered, their consequences will be very serious.

As the protagonist of the war, weapon technology is the foundation of a strong civilization.

"The fourth topic is very troublesome. Now I won't say it first. You will know later." Chen Mo pretends to be relaxed.

The fourth is the divine task of science and Technology Library: quantum life.

Build himself into a quantum life. This task makes Chen Mo's head big. This task should be carried out on his own. If he fails, it will turn into nothingness in an instant.

Chen Mo will not attempt this experiment until the technology is completely completed. Even if he is sure to be mature, Chen Mo won't try it easily, because his chance is only once. If there is a small mistake in this task, his life will be gone.

Chen Mo guesses that the highest authority of the science and technology library is still one level away, and there will be a final task at that time.

The task of inheriting technology in science and Technology Library, and the final task, even Chen Mo's scalp is numb.

But after experiencing the rules of the alien world, Chen Mo also knows that depending on the original life span and technology of human beings, it will not be long before they are enslaved or destroyed by advanced civilization.

Only strong is the eternal pursuit of the universe.

Whether primitive, present or future, human beings want to survive and become powerful. In the primitive times, tools and fireplaces made human beings strong. In ancient times, cold weapons made human beings strong. In modern times, hot weapons made human beings strong. Now and in the future, we are arming ourselves with various technologies.

The universe gives intelligent life a powerful brain, and they rely on intelligence to become powerful.

"Go to work and contact me directly if you have anything."

"OK, big boss." Zhao Min gets close to Chen Mo, kisses him on the face domineering, smiles and turns to leave.

Chen Mo wipes the lipstick off his face, unable to laugh or cry.

"Now the space connector is under construction, and it can be completed in about four months. The production plant of the standard war armour is under construction and will be completed soon. Four projects, which one shall we do first? " Asked Mo nu.

"Quantum life creation technology is a long-term major project, and this is to be done, and others are also very important. The four projects are carried out simultaneously. I will give you some technical information about weapons. You can develop weapons and related technologies. Weapons can enhance our defense and deterrence, which will be useful in the future. Resurrecting Lan's daughter's medical technology, first in other vegetative volunteers to test the relevant technology. "

Chen Mo pauses.

"Now make your human body first."