Science and Technology Library

Chapter 865

Meeting room of marching ant headquarters.

At this time, the conference room was whispering, and the faces on the scene were beaming with joy.

This is the most grand meeting of marching ant group in the past eight years. Chen Mo, who has just returned, is the leader of the meeting.

Wang Hai, black hawk, Zhong Lei, Zhu He, Li Lingfeng, Julie, Li Danni, Wang Sijia, Wei Zhe, Lin Shu and many other key members of the March ant group attended.

They are all the most important elders of the marching ant group from its establishment to now. When Chen Mo is away, they are also quietly managing the marching ant group.

When Chen Mo entered the meeting room, the whole room stood up to welcome him. People on the field are surprised to see the life coming in with Chen mo. for human beings, they are all aliens.

They are the senior members of the marching ant group. Naturally, they know some information about the universe alliance and that there are countless advanced civilizations in the universe. They also use virtual reality technology, and even some of them have had personal contact with aliens.

But it's the first time that so many have appeared at the same time.

"Sit down, everyone."

Chen Mo goes to the Lord's seat and sits down. The others go to their own positions.

Zhao Min and LAN sit down on both sides of Chen Mo's left and right hands, and the meeting room is quiet.

Wat wood, red crab, poison skin daughter, Da Mazu and ash 21 are looking at Wang Hai and others. Wang Hai and others are also looking at them. To each other, everything is strange.

"Today's meeting is to make arrangements for future development."

Chen Mo's voice is calm, more calm and more confident than before.

Eight years of "wandering" in the universe gave him too much experience. In the universe, there are many advanced civilizations. Their solar system is just a poor village in the mountains and forests.

The enmity between the two divine civilizations is like a sword of Damocles hanging on his head. Only by establishing a force sufficient to fight against the top civilization in the universe can we survive in the universe. If we are not careful, the whole human race will be destroyed.

"This is LAN." Chen Mo introduced Lan's identity to everyone: "next, I'm going to give LAN the lead in the armed part of the March ant group, Wang Hai as the deputy to assist LAN and reorganize the group's combat department."

Chen Mo looks at Wang Hai and others.

In recent years, the earth's marching ant group armed department is maintained by Wang Hai. Wang Hai and other people's military literacy and vision are at the end of their lives. However, Wang Hai's experience is not enough in the next possible divine civilization.

Everyone looked at Xiang Lan, who was in charge of the armed part of the March ant group, which meant that he was Chen Mo's right arm.

"I see." Wang Hai nods without hesitation. He knows where his weight is. Chen Mo's arrangement must be reasonable: "I'll trouble Mr. LAN in the future."

"Next LAN will introduce herself briefly."

LAN got up in the position and nodded with others gentlely.

"My name is Carl Lan Yang. You can call me LAN. It's a great honor to join this family and work for the boss." LAN's voice is very gentle, giving people a lot of intimacy. Even Chen Mo is a little surprised. LAN used to be very proud.

Chen Mo's side has been sitting quietly Xiaoyu suddenly said: "do you want to have a war deduction, which will help Mr. LAN to understand Wang Hai's fighting style?"

Everyone looked at Xiaoyu and even Chen Mo was surprised. Xiaoyu's proposal is very good.

"I agree with my wife's proposal." LAN smiles and nods to Xiaoyu.

"Yes." Wang Hai and others nodded.

Seeing that everyone agrees, Xiaoyu smiles softly, calms down again, and gives Chen mo the topic.

Xiaoyu knows that Lan joined the March ant group halfway, and became the commander in charge of the March ant group. Even if Wang Hai and others don't mind, others under him will certainly have some gossips, and LAN is still an alien, and the people under him are more or less bad.

If this war is promoted, let them see Lan's strength, which is undoubtedly to increase Lan's prestige. In the future, it will be a lot smoother to use DAO and layout.

Chen Mo is not easy to put forward. She is the most suitable one.

"OK, then have fun."

Chen Mo is determined.

War deduction has attracted a lot of attention in the operation Department of March ant group.

The news of LAN's entry into the main operation Department has also spread. It's a little hard for human beings who haven't fully integrated into the universe alliance system to accept the entry of aliens into the main operation Department.

Wang Hai has been in charge of the Department of operations for so long. In recent years, the Department of operations has become bigger and bigger, and its achievements are obvious to all. The original people in the War Department, more or less from the heart, hoped that Wang Hai would win, but they never questioned Chen Mo's decision.

Although the war deduction is entertainment in name, it actually concerns Lan's prestige in the War Department later.

According to Chen Mo's rules, there are five types of war models: Star Wars, Galaxy wars, constellation wars, superstar wars and space wars, with five sets and three victories.

According to the existing universe alliance system, Mo Nu will give the sand table model to both sides, the other three models will simulate the existing universe civilization model and dispute, provide information to both sides, and finally Mo Nu will evaluate the winning side of the war.The next day.

The virtual sand table of five wars is ready.

Sand table in the quantum virtual reality world, in the original virtual reality war deduction sand table of the Department of operations, is transformed into a new war deduction game.

This kind of virtual reality sand table can let the spectators visualize the real state of the war and view the combat strategies of both sides.

Virtual reality war sandbox is now a course for training professional military talents. War deduction is the most important lesson. Here we can see the commander's overall view, overall planning ability and the sense of war.

This is Chen Mo's return, the first large-scale event.

Chen Mo ordered all senior members of the March ant group to join the watch, while allowing officials to watch the war sandbox.

An unprecedented war.

Chen Mo put on the virtual reality equipment, sat on the virtual reality chair, closed his eyes, only felt the brain shaking, slightly weightless, then he returned to the original, looking up is a virtual reality world.

This is a technology developed by matchless and Mo nu. Moreover, Chen Mo is impressed by the application of this technology in war deduction and war Armor Training.

Entering the virtual reality world, he saw a sand table.

This is the first time he has seen such a huge war table.

Star wars are good, with planet terrain and cities. The most terrifying super star wars and cosmic wars sandbox is a map of the stars in the universe. The cosmic sandbox has no traditional terrain.

The system of super star system war and space war is too large, and the planet is only the dust in the battlefield. The spatial distribution of various black holes, pulsars, various superclusters and the turbulence of the universe constitute the "mountains" and "rivers" of the cosmic sand table.

It's a huge chess game.

Chen Mo stands in a prime position. In front of him is an endless universe of stars. Stars move at different speeds. It seems that they trace in his eyes. Soon the 'terrain' of the star map changes. Chen Mo breathed a sigh. His eyes surrendered to the deep part of the star map. His black eyes became brighter and brighter, and his pride rose.

It's a kind of passion of chasing deer and stars, which makes people feel excited. No wonder the ancients like to write poems or Fu right.

This is the scene in which the sky makes the chessboard and the stars make the children.

Chen Mo regrets that other people are entering the virtual reality world one after another, and the rehearsal is about to begin.