Science and Technology Library

Chapter 864

Chen Mo returns.

This news was released by the March ant group, as if it had wings, and spread all over the earth at an extremely fast speed.

Those who thought that the March ant group lacked backbone and would soon disintegrate were completely disappointed at this moment. World leaders have sent congratulatory messages to the March ant group.

Chen Mo was captured by aliens for eight years and returned unharmed.

What did Chen Mo experience in the alien world these years? What kind of world is outside the universe?

Many topics have become the curious questions of countless people. They quickly got on the hot search list of the world-famous social platform. The marching ant group didn't give any response, and Chen Mo himself didn't show up in public, just made a short video speech inside the marching ant.

Chen Mo was a legend when he was on earth. He has become a legend of civilization textbook level. On the human network and books, the topic of Chen Mo has never stopped.

In the age of Starry Sea, marching ant group monopolized space jumping technology and became a star group.

The strength of human beings on earth is not worth mentioning in front of the marching ant group.

Chen Mo is the founder of the marching ant group and a worthy controller. His return means that the marching ant group once again has the backbone and forms a strong cohesive force for the whole marching ant group.

When the March ant group heard the news, it was uplifted and refreshed.


"this is Jingge."

Chen Mo introduces to the three girls that Jingge and the little beast suddenly find the headquarters of marching ant group, which makes him a little surprised.

All three women have seen aliens. It's not surprising to see Jingge's appearance.

"Hello, this is he Xiaoyu, mogo's wife. Like me, they are my sisters Zhao Min and Mo nu. "

"Hello, this is Zhao min."

"I'm Mo nu. I'm Mo GE's assistant."

The three women have met many aliens. They have good manners and simple self introduction, which makes people feel like they are very friendly and can't be excluded.

"Well." Jingge, as always, nodded coldly to them, but his eyes stopped on Mo Nu, puzzled and confused.

Chen Mo seems to be aware of Jingge's doubts: "Mo Nu is an intelligent life evolved from super artificial intelligence. Her consciousness is made by me. She has a complete consciousness of life, but her body is still a machine at present."

"Mo Mo Mo ~ ~"

the little beast on Jingge's shoulder immediately yelled and jumped onto Chen Mo, and his little paw moved, as if introducing herself to Xiaoyu's third daughter.

"It's a small beast I picked up in bluemercury. It's a foodie." Chen Mo said.

"Mo Mo Mo ~ ~" the little beast called out a few times, protesting that Chen Mo said he had picked it up. When he looked at the three girls, his eyes were stunned, and he stretched out his little claws to hug them.

"What a lovely little beast." Xiaoyu's eyes brightened: "does it let me hold it?"

Xiaoyu hesitates for a moment, stretches out his hand, sees that the little beast does not hide, then conveniently holds it in his arms.

This little guy, who is always afraid of life, still chooses people. At present, he is willing to approach the life. He comes here with one slap. He will occasionally play with LAN. Other people will not approach him at all.

Now he is willing to let Xiaoyu hold him. Chen Mo is also happy. He will have another one to play in the future.

"Contact the patriarch." Jingge said.


Chen Mo immediately turns on the quantum communication device and lets Mo Nu connect the quantum communication device of the small universe. The data of the communication instrument is connected. As soon as Chen Mo comes back, she lets Mo Nu take over all the artificial intelligence in the past.

After a while, the quantum communicator will be connected.

Tuoli and Tuoshan appear in the holographic video, as well as the people who manage the Manshan people, such as long Yue, Mu Tong, Yi Si and tengna.

When they saw Chen Mo and Jingge, they were very happy.

"Jingo, sir." Tuoli's face hung with joy: "have you returned to your hometown? Sir. "

"I've lost some time. Now I'm back. I'd like to introduce some of my family to you." Chen Mo pulls Xiaoyu's three daughters to the camera: "Xiaoyu, Zhao Min and Mo NV."

"How are the three ladies?" As soon as Tuoli's eyes brighten, say hello.

He was smart enough to guess the identity of the three women. Mr. Zhang used to say that he had a wife. All three should be his wife.

In Tuoli's view, this is not a strange thing.

In the past, as long as they were strong enough, they could marry several wives. In Tuoli's view, all of this is natural for a man as powerful as Mr.


Xiaoyu's three daughters smile and take a look at Tuoli. This little guy looks very smart. I know before I introduce him.

On the other side, Longyue, Gusi and tengna all look gloomy. Looking at Chen Mo's eyes, they feel sorry. They can only hide the pain in their hearts and pretend nothing happens to their faces.

"Good madam." Tuoshan several people also say hello.

"Now that I'm home, I'll start to build space connectors and open channels tomorrow, and then you'll be out. It'll take about three months.""What's the matter at home?" Jingge interposed.

Tuoshan thought and shook his head: "it's not too big, but the management power is not enough. Now the interstellar development is underway, and the population of the clan is still too small. It's all developed and managed with robots. "

"There is no way to make up for the population in a short time. First, let the robot manage it. Soon, we can get through the space channel. In the future, there will be many people to manage it." Said Chen mo.


Building 1 area.

The freezer is slowly unloaded, captured by the mechanical arm, and slowly sent to the life freezer. In the freezer lies a silver female life with a sharp face, which is similar to haze.

She's LAN's daughter. She's a dead man in an accident.

Now it's transferred here for better protection, just in case. Until Chen Mo studies her resurrection technology, and then resurrects her, which is Chen Mo's commitment to LAN.

Seeing her daughter's freezer being sent to the freezer, LAN put down her heart and was reluctant to leave.

"How are the three ladies?"

Seeing Chen Mo and Xiaoyu, LAN makes a military salute and looks at Chen Mo with meaningful eyes. No wonder the boss is in a hurry to come back, so it is.

"Hello, Mr. LAN." Xiaoyu's third daughter returned a gift to LAN.

"LAN, I'm going to let you take over the defense of the group. Our marching ant group should take the galaxy as the center and build a large group to resist the possible crisis," said Chen

His enmity with crape myrtle civilization and Hansen * * Ming family has long been irreconcilable. Now Chen Mo's identity is not exposed, but it does not mean that he will not be exposed in the future.

If he is later discovered by two divine civilizations, and they are not prepared, the consequences are unimaginable.

LAN's spirit was greatly shaken, and his long and narrow eyes burst out with a terrible brilliance. Usually a little bit informal, when it comes to professional fields, LAN is always meticulous.

"What weapons technologies do we have now? Including strategic weapons. "

"Say it, don't hide it." Chen Mo said to Mo nu.

"At present, the most powerful strategic weapon technology is a space weapon: the netherworld."

Mo Nu releases a specially designed weapon, which looks very sci-fi, but the cold light contains death.

"It's a weapon designed by me to make 'space earthquake'. When it's activated, it can cause violent vibration in space, tearing up the matter where the vibration wave passes into dust particles, including stars. We tested weapons in an inanimate stellar system. Its power depends on the amount of energy when it starts. The predicted maximum damage range is two light-years, which belongs to star class space weapons. "

Mo Nu releases the video, and the whole stellar system is torn apart by the space concussion, and finally becomes the dust in the universe.

"This is the most basic space weapon."

LAN nodded with satisfaction. Even the most basic space weapons are still very powerful. Mastering space weapons has surpassed many top civilizations. They can face the top civilizations without fear.

"Are there any other special weapons?"

"The others are conventional weapons after all. There is also a super power awakening and development technology mature." Said Mo nu.

"What technology?" LAN's voice changed as soon as her body shook.

"Super ability awakening and development technology, this is the super ability development technology that I have researched according to the super ability development technology theory left by Mego."

A test video of a sand controller appeared on the screen in front of everyone.

The volunteers were isolated on Mars. At present, only three women know about the development of technology. Because of the cosmic news of shiganxing, they have noticed that they know the influence of supernatural terror and dare not be known by others.

LAN watched the video and was shocked by it.

the development technology of super power is the origin of the war of Shi Gan Xing. The seven God level civilizations all want to get the awakening and development technology of super power, so as to ensure the strength of their civilization and surpass others.

Up to now, shiganxing is still in a comprehensive state of blockade. The life of the whole galaxy, unable to jump in space, can only be isolated in a single star system.

He didn't expect that the remote and unknown planet had mastered the technology of super power development. If it is spread out, it will surely shake the whole universe. Maybe it will become the second agate.

It's no wonder that the boss is not interested in the super ability development technology, and he doesn't hesitate to refuse the idea of Tong Qing joining hands to acquire the technology. They have mastered the super ability development technology and are mature.

This means that they have the ability to make the life of the whole civilization become capable people.

Although in the era of war armour system, the role of super ability and the improvement of strength are not great, but it is a symbol. And with the development of brain, the super ability development will become more intelligent, which is a way of life evolution.

As for the whole ethnic group, the wisdom has been upgraded to the level of purple life. You can imagine how terrible it is. Another Protoss was born.

After calming down, LAN began to think about how to deal with super power development technology. Without the ability to protect this technology, he will not expose it, otherwise they will have endless troubles."Is there any other technology?"

"Dark matter factory, antimatter factory, space port, space curvature spaceship, you should all know that other weapon technologies are under study and are not completed yet." Said Mo nu.

"We have another card." "We have a small universe," chimed in Chen mo


LAN, open your mouth. It's like a chicken.