Science and Technology Library

Chapter 866

LAN felt her sharp chin and carefully examined the model materials provided by Mo nu.

It's a design that gives him a glimpse.

In the form of games to simulate war and deduce war, which can greatly increase the players' interest in winning. This war sand table game of virtual reality integrates strategy, deduction, combat, operation and development, and there are many ways of deduction.

There can be a zero development model, a ready-made space alliance system competition deduction, and a custom local combat design. It has to be said that LAN is a bright spot for this kind of war sand table.

Well used, this war sand table is a good way to select military talents.

He has never been afraid of war deduction. Even if the opposite is Yan of black pupil civilization or Lei Yu of thunderobot civilization, he is not afraid of each other.

As for Wang Hai and others, in his opinion, he is still a few good babies, especially in terms of cosmic strategy.

It's not that he belittles the enemy, it's his confidence.

"Teacher LAN, we have ten minutes to start. Please be ready." In the ear came the voice of Mo Nu, LAN nodded slightly, took back the data of vision, and looked at the battlefield in the war sandbox.

It's been a long time since I've played the sand table so seriously. I hope those guys don't let him down.

LAN's eyes are full of memories.


"Haige, are you confident to win?" Zhu he asked curiously.

All the staff of the entire Department of operations gathered here is to be able to compete with LAN Bi. Everyone has a winning heart, let alone their armed men.

"Go all out, do you think the boss recommended Mr. LAN as the chief instructor, is it random?"

Wang Hai is quite calm.

As the former head instructor of the Armed Forces Department, he knew some news about the cosmic alliance.

The star system developed by the boss in the Shigan system was traded with the black pupil civilization when he left. This matter has been reported in the news of the universe alliance. The layout of that stellar system, he guessed that it was probably instructor LAN who wrote it.

He knows his own weight, so that he can fight against ordinary civilization because of the technology.

Once the other side is the top civilization and is engaged in a large-scale constellation war, they will be very troublesome because the space war forms they have been exposed to are temporarily limited. The constellation war, even the superstar war, or the cosmic war, is still a blank for them.

They have not enough experience and means to lead such a huge war.

So Chen Mo said that when Lan was made bishop, he was relieved.

"Mr. Wang Hai, we have ten minutes to start. Please be ready."

"To start, these sand tables are commonly used by us. We have all done a lot of wars, and we will follow the previous way of war deduction." Wang Hai said to the present staff team.


All the senior members of the March ant group enter the virtual reality world.

This war deduction is Lan's first appearance in the March ant group, and also an ability display as the core figure of the March ant group.

In the future, if the March ant group wants to expand, as the leader of the March ant department, it must use its strength to serve the public. To some extent, war deduction is a kind of strength embodiment of war operation and strategic layout.

As long as LAN shows her strength in this war, wins the beauty and proves that she is not in vain, there will be a lot less questions from the bottom of the March ant group in the future.

It is this point, after Xiaoyu put forward the war deduction, LAN did not hesitate to agree.

This is the easiest way for him to be accepted by the team.

"Both sides are in." Lin Shu blinks, quietly looking at the war sandbox in front of her. As a third-party audience, they are only outsiders from the perspective of God, and can see the process of war very intuitively.

Li Lingfeng and others nearby didn't speak, their eyes were all on the sand table.

This war exercise caused a sensation at the top of the marching ant group. Now all the core senior officers of the marching ant group are present. In five wars, Mo Nu will use the super quantum computer and special war algorithm to simulate the power of weapons and restore the scene of the war.

They even came to the scene of the war and chose to switch any angle.

Many of the onlookers are technicians and senior managers, who usually do not directly participate in the war scene. Now such a formal war exercise, they rarely watch it on the spot.

In addition to the senior members of the March ant group, this exercise also attracted the attention of the senior officials and sent a team to watch for reference.

After the expansion of the March ant group, through the training of the military command system of the unparalleled University, it can be said that the War Department has concentrated the first-class brain trust team and the battle command team on the earth.

This war deduction can intuitively study the opinions of both sides on the fighting methods of interstellar war. Compared with the interstellar war, the war between countries on earth used to be like a child's family.

There are few opportunities to see the layout of top think tanks and war operations on the spot.Julie looks down at the sand table. The two sides haven't officially started yet. The sand table remains the same. After LAN and Wang Hai's team entered the arena, everyone was shocked.

The onlookers could not see the two sides involved, but the sudden brightness of the war sand table had indicated that both sides were in a state of preparation.

The play is about to begin!


"Cheng, who do you like?" An old man beside asked Li Chengzhi.

Many generals are around the old man like stars and the moon. The old man's face was calm and steady, weather beaten, calm and self-contained, as if it were a landslide of Mount Tai. The wise eyes of the vicissitudes of life, like the deep starry sky, seem to be able to see everything, with the majesty of the superior.

"Hard to say." Li Chengzhi shook his head after thinking a little: "the performance of the operation Department of the March ant group over the years is obvious to all. Although there are advantages in technology and weapons, the means and style are unique. But Lan was valued by Chen Mo and appointed the core position of marching ants. That alien should not be an ordinary person. "

"The battle Department of marching ants is really strong. They have contact with the universe civilization and have referred to the cases of the universe civilization war. In this respect, at least on earth, no other team can match them."

Surrounded by the top think tank teams, they have a very in-depth study of the views of the war. If we compare the top strategic teams in the world, they will have a place in the top three positions.

"The first simulation of the two sides is star wars. Based on the model of World War II, super quantum computers accelerate the time process of the simulation, which takes one minute as ten days. Wang Hai is the alliance, LAN is the axis. In terms of technology, weapons and the military, we also restored the early models of that time. " A think tank says what it receives.

When the war model came out, the whole field was in full swing.

This historical event can be said to be a turning point and a final conclusion of human beings. They are curious about the outcome if LAN can deduce the layout.

The onlookers began to look forward to it.

At this time, the war deduction officially began.

In the war deduction of sand table, every decision-making and construction is very important.

The computing power of super quantum computer can well simulate the process of war, and even calculate the impact of a small factor on the whole, including money, population, technology, weapons, spies, weather, logistics, food, medical treatment, etc.

The new development strategy, layout and operation of both sides, as well as the style of commanders, have an important impact on the process of war simulation.

"Here we are." Li Chengzhi's light voice.

"Come on, what's the matter?" The old man looked at Li Chengzhi.

Li Chengzhi stares at the sand table and looks surprised: "the familiar" blitz ", LAN has started to fight against the donkey. The history is surprisingly similar."

"It's not the same. The forces invested are different. Lan's forces are bigger than those of history. According to this speed of advance, in less than five minutes, the donkey will fall. If it is converted according to the progress of ten days per minute, it will be taken in less than two months. In that year, Germany swallowed the donkey. About eight months later, LAN's propulsion speed is faster. His style is more ruthless and decisive than the one he used to be

A staff officer nearby showed a dignified look, his eyes fixed on the change of territory color on the sand table and the advance of the army.

All of a sudden, another voice came out: "the Pacific is moving."