Science and Technology Library

Chapter 863

In the room, Zhao Min looked at the photos in her mobile phone, dazed, and couldn't stop crying.

A picture of her and Chen mo.

Countless times in the dead of the night, staring at, recalling from the beginning of meeting Chen Mo bit by bit. At first, I thought it was just my friends and confidants, but later I knew that I was immersed in it unconsciously.

When I see Chen Mo, I miss my whole life.

This is her best portrayal, but over the years, the pressure of public opinion, the company's development, the search for Chen Mo's hope and countless worries are all on her, and she never regrets.

At least when he comes back, he can see that his career is complete, his family is healthy and everything else is unimportant. With a sigh, Zhao Min releases all the pressure at this moment.

"It's time to go to bed. Tomorrow is a good start."

Zhao Min just wanted to put down his mobile phone and go to sleep. The door of the room opened. The figure of daydreaming appeared at the door with a familiar smile on his face.

"You Why are you here? "

Zhao Min quickly turned off her mobile phone, but she did not forget to pull the slip shoulder strap of her nightdress and stop the spring light. Over the years, with high-tech and various skin care products, Zhao Min's body shape and skin have not changed, more like a ripe peach.

"You were crying just now." Chen Mo closes the door and walks towards her.

"That's my business." At this moment, Zhao Min's heart beat a little faster and her voice trembled: "no It's not early. I'm going to bed. Go out quickly. What can I do for you tomorrow? "

"Your room is well decorated."

Chen Mogu is talking about him from left to right, and his steps are toward Zhao Min's past. However, the decoration of the room is really pretty. The wedding dress Chen Mo once gave her is very conspicuous in the cloakroom beside the bedroom. Other decorations are low-key, luxurious, smooth and restrained.

"Why are you like this? Xiaoyu knows that it will be very difficult for me to do it. Go out quickly. " Zhao Min used his angry eyes to cover up her confusion and kept shrinking towards the corner.

"Xiaoyu is ready to play."


Two people four eyes are opposite, Zhao Min's face, with the naked eye visible speed becomes bright red. Even in the market, she is an incomparable strong woman, but in the emotional aspect, she is just a novice who has strong theory but has not participated in the practice.

"I don't understand. Go away. Don't come here. This is my place."

Seeing Chen Mo sitting on the bed, Zhao Min was completely disordered and hurried to push, but that little strength was of no help to Chen Morgan.

"Don't you dare me to leave if you push again?" Chen Mo pulls Zhao Min to her arms.

At this moment, Zhao Min calmed down and did not dare to move any more. The strong woman was as cute as a kitten.

"You've worked hard all these years."

"Not hard, I'm willing." Zhao Min did not dare to look at Chen Mo's aggressive eyes and put his face aside.

"And now voluntarily?"

"You bastard, who volunteered? Get out of here."

Zhao Min glared at her, touched Chen Mo's playful eyes, and hurriedly staggered them.

All of a sudden, Zhao Min's whole body froze there, closed his eyes to his own fate, and a pair of catkins were placed nowhere. Finally, he held Chen Mo's waist and left him alone.

"My whole life is in the hands of you son of a bitch."

An hour later, Zhao Min collapsed in Chen's silence. After so many years of waiting, it finally came true.

"I finally know why Xiaoyu let you come here. Now I'm all broken up. I'm finished tomorrow." Zhao Min wanted to bury her head.

Chen Murong had the cheek to smile.

"Laugh and roll away." Zhao Min is too ashamed to push Chen Mo down.

"Hey, why are you all like this? Pull that ruthless." Chen Mo is completely speechless.

"Anyway, I can't be here tonight, or I won't be able to meet people tomorrow." Zhao Min pushed Chen Mo down with all his strength: "you go to Mo Nu, the rain and dew are all wet. Get out of here! "


Chen Mo almost spits three liters of blood.

The next day.

Chen Mo got up early to exercise. In recent years, especially after Jingge, exercise has become his iron rule. Personal strength may not be so important in war, but it can save lives at a critical moment.

Moreover, in the era of advanced war armour system, personal strength is strong and can increase great prestige.

By breakfast time, the family was already at the table, Zhao Mincai wriggled out, with a strange step. He did not dare to touch people's eyes, but gave Chen Mo a look of hate.

"Aunt min walks curiously."

Little nameless naive words, let Zhao Min a stumble, almost confused.

"Children, hurry to eat." Xiaoyu blushed, took a peeled egg in the unknown hand, stepped on Chen Mo severely at his feet, and turned it out.

"Congratulations to Auntie min, who has been guarding the sky to see the moon." Matchless joking way, meet Zhao Min warning eyes, quickly spit out tongue.

"Good morning, uncle and aunt." Zhao Min sees Chen Mo's parents look at her, and can't help but say hello to her, cover up her confusion, and almost feel embarrassed."Sister Zhao Min, don't call me uncle or aunt." Xiaoyu said with a soft smile, "the family is going to change their tune."

Xiaoyu is the hostess of the family. Although we all know the relationship, now Xiaoyu takes the initiative to speak out, which is undoubtedly a great step for Zhao min. the meaning is different and the atmosphere is harmonious.

Chen Mo cast a guilty look at Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu is so sensible that he will undoubtedly suffer some grievances.

"Dad, mom." Zhao Min hesitated and said.


Hearing Zhao Min's harsh name, Chen's father and Chen's mother's surprise can't be compounded. Although they have defaulted Zhao Min to a family in recent years, Chen Mo is not there, and his reputation is not right all the time. Now Chen Mo comes back, Xiaoyu accepts it again, and everything goes smoothly. They are undoubtedly the happiest in the harmony of their family.

"Shanhe, hurry to get the red bag and the emerald bracelet of my dressing table." Chen's mother urges Chen's father around her. The color of joy overflows in her expression.

"Mo Nu's share will come out as well." Xiaoyu reminds Chen Mo that he is a little innocent but dare not speak.


The son came back, the family reunited, and now there are two more daughters-in-law. Chen Shanhe was more than happy. He immediately got up and trotted back to get the gift.

After a simple ceremony, Zhao Min and Mo Nu received the red bag and bracelet, the atmosphere at home has become joyful. It's the greatest joy for Chen Mo to go home. All the worries of the past eight years have dissipated, and the family once again has the backbone.

Xiaoyu stares at Chen Mo and pinches the meat at his waist. The family only smiles.

"Sister Zhao Min, Mo Nu, tell your husband what you want, and let him satisfy you. Today you are the biggest, whatever you want."

"Take a wedding picture." Zhao Min thought and said.

"What about Mo Nu?" Xiaoyu looks at Mo nu.

The whole family looked at Mo nu.

The identity of Mo Nu is the most special, which is intelligent life. They have never asked Mo Nu what she really wants, but she is undoubtedly the most important member of the family.

"Just like sister Zhao min."

"This doesn't count. If you don't say it, you will take wedding photos with sister Zhao min. you say another wish." Xiaoyu said.

"I want a real body, like a human body, OK?"

Mo Nu hesitates for a moment, and her voice has some hopes. For the first time, she has such a strong desire. Although she is conscious, she always feels incomplete without real consciousness and body.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min both look at Chen mo. it's really helpless like Mo Nu, but they can only think of Chen Mo if they can realize this wish.

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded. "I'll build you a human body."