Science and Technology Library

Chapter 861

"The fleet has entered the Galactic Orion spiral arm, 26500 light-years from the galactic center."

When the fleet appeared in space, Mo Nu reported her current position. Chen Mo looks at the familiar map of the stars, looks relaxed gradually, and now he is getting closer to home.

It's much easier to find the solar system when you reach the Orion spiral arm. The solar system is in the Orion spiral arm.

"Turn on the life planet quantum detector and confirm the location of the life planet." Chen Mo said.

"According to the record of life research and memorandum of interstellar Archaeology of raniakaya super galaxy cluster uploaded by the blue division team of the origin City Galaxy to the scientific data sharing database of the universe alliance, the coordinates and pictures of life stars in the Orion spiral arm are as follows: red tail (image limit 6, 3729238466488362), nitrogen rich stars. Note: the intelligent life planet is pregnant with red nitrogen based intelligent life, with immature star level civilization, the star is about to die, and the red tail nitrogen based life is seeking to escape from the stellar system for the most primitive interstellar colonization... "

Mo Nu 2 puts out the coordinates and data of all the living stars around.

Chen Mo's spirit is greatly shocked. He quickly looks for the shadow of the earth in the picture. Through the screening of color and size, Chen Mo soon saw the data and coordinates of the earth.

"Blue Star (sixth quadrant, 4692230451480252), oxygen rich planet. Note: intelligent life planet, which breeds red carbon based intelligent life, has mature star level civilization. According to the original life planet protection law of the universe alliance, this life planet belongs to the protection scope of this regulation, and it is recommended not to destroy the development of star civilization. "

"Yes, it's here, Bluestar."

Chen Mo enlarges the image of the earth. He is familiar with this image of the earth. Not for many years, he saw the earth again and was very excited.

"Jump to the star system where the blue star is located." Chen Mo did not hesitate to order.

"OK, confirm the spatial coordinates, the spatial curvature engine starts, and prepare for the spatial jump."

The sound of Mo Nu 2 spread throughout the fleet. Twenty minutes later, the fleet disappeared again. When it reappeared, it was already in the space of the solar system.

"Drop by drop!"

"We have received the announcement information of the coming self army ant group. This galaxy is a non open star system. According to the territory belonging law of the universe alliance, the marching ant group has declared its sovereignty over this star system. You have entered the stellar system, please stop moving forward. If you need to land in the stellar system, please send an access request, and ask for approval before entering the stellar park. "

"Please note..."


On the public channel of the universe, there are warnings from within the stellar system.

"I didn't expect there was a good civilization in this remote corner." LAN saw all kinds of defense weapons in the display of the spaceship. He couldn't help but gasp and look dignified.

The spacecraft has detected that the whole space of the stellar system is an antimatter reaction and a variety of space-based weapons. The weapons here are only a lot more than those of the stellar system where they are stationed.

If they fight, I'm afraid that they will all be planted here. If the other side uses a pile of weapons, they will all be killed. How many lives are there without a sense of security, so many weapons of terror will be deployed.

This is almost a star system fortress. There is no space weapon, and the cost of attacking is not small.

"No problem, boss?" LAN asked cautiously.

Other people in the cabin look at Chen mo. Chen Mo is coming here. They did not expect that there is such an advanced star system in such a remote corner.

"Which big force is the March ant group?" Big Mazu asked curiously.

"There are countless civilizations and power groups in the universe, many with the same name." Poison skin female cold answer.

"It's OK. This is my home. I founded the March ant group." Hearing the warning from the public channel, Chen Mo smiles instead. It's the voice of Mo Nu, the most familiar voice of him.

"Send a shadow call request." Chen Mo tried to keep his peace, but the excitement of his voice couldn't help it.

China, Binhai city.

There is no shadow here eight years ago. Today's Binhai city is the most prosperous and futuristic city in China. There are many kinds of science fiction buildings, which concentrate the headquarters or branches of many large science and technology companies in the world.

There are also various kinds of private aircrafts flying in an orderly way in the air, and water horses and horses are flying on the ground.

In the prosperous area of the commercial center, all kinds of holographic advertisements occupy every corner. Green is very beautiful. After the petrochemical energy is eliminated, even the most prosperous city can still see the pure sky.


Facing the sea and back to the mountains, this place is as peaceful as ever, and the atmosphere of a prosperous international metropolis has not spread to this location. It has been developed into a gathering area for the rich, surrounded by the most high-end villa area, because Chen Mo's home is here.

Sitting in her study, Mo NV suddenly looks up with surprise.

The next moment, a holographic video pops up in front of her. It's them who are looking for Chen Mo for nearly eight years. Gaze quietly. If she has tears at this time, she must be crying with joy.Mo Nu smiled. She was very happy. It was the first time she had been so happy since she was conscious.

Her consciousness is created by Chen mo. in her consciousness, Chen Mo has an irreplaceable position and is also her most important person.

"I'm back." In a word, Chen Mo's voice is very calm. Under the calm, it's the thrill and hardship in the past eight years, but it's all worth it.

"Well, welcome home." Mo Nu nods heavily. At this time, she doesn't need too many words. A simple sentence is enough to express everything.

"How is your family? What about Xiaoyu? " He was most worried about Xiaoyu. When he was caught, Xiaoyu was still pregnant and suffered from severe pregnancy and vomiting. He worried countless times over the years.

"My family is very good. I just miss you. Xiaoyu takes nameless, and goes out to relax with her grandparents. Zhao Minjie is in the company. She is in the Research Institute of Building 1. " Mo Nu simply reports the latest situation to Chen mo.

"Is the child nameless?" Chen Mo has a happy smile and his family is in good health. His heart is hanging down completely.

"yes, Chen nameless, just after her seventh birthday, Xiaoyu said, wait for you to come back and name him. We've been looking for you all these years. " Mo Nu's smile is still gentle, passing the nameless picture to Chen mo.

The seven year old is nameless, not short any more. He doesn't have much time difference with Chen Mo at the age of twelve or thirteen. His eyes are bright and bright, just like Chen Mo when he was a child.

"Now I'm back. Don't tell them. Give them a surprise. Wait for me at home. Let's get together." Chen Mo showed a happy smile, the fatigue and worry of the long journey, all disappeared. Now it's all worth it.

"I told them to go home."

"OK, let me connect to the unique call first."

Research on hands interrupted by holographic video call.

Today's matchless girl is already a pretty girl, full of youth. Influenced by the three girls, she works like Zhao Min, but she doesn't have the aura that Zhao Minsheng is not close to. Her personality is as gentle as Xiaoyu, and she has the unique rationality and wisdom of a science worker.

The outside world is passing on. In the future, she will inherit Chen Mo's name and lead the March ant group, because she is the best talent after Chen mo.

Connect the call, a familiar figure pops up, and the familiar smile in my memory is still so kind. Unparalleled frozen in place, tears can no longer help, burst into tears, pear with rain.