Science and Technology Library

Chapter 860

"Let's go."

Tong Qing looks at the suspended machines in the hologram frequency. Hundreds of the same machines are in space, 10 kilometers in size, just transmitted from the space connector.

What he has been preparing for a long time.

In front of us are the barren stars and the endless stars in the sky. The pupils are green like a thousand year old pine, watching quietly. The black eyes reflect the stars, which are more profound than the stars.

Zong Saturn's cold night temperature pours on his skin, making his colorful magical lines dim. The pupil's eyes returned to focus and breathed.

Look at him again, the eyes become more fierce than ever.

At his command, centered on the star system, an irregular wave of space spreads at the speed of light. Regular spatial amplitudes also become uncertain at this moment. The fluctuation of the inner ring of the space connector, which is influenced by the irregular space fluctuation, becomes chaotic.

"My Lord, do you really want to do this?" Tara comes to Tong Qing and asks respectfully.

"For me and for him, the cost is minimal. Believe him to be me, also can do so Tong Qing's voice is extremely calm, as if he is talking about things that cannot be solved.

"Next, fight in peace."

For a moment, Tong Qing's voice became full of war.

At this moment, the outside world is completely confused.

The space of Shigan galaxy has been changed again. Tong Qing, the favored son of black pupil civilization, is transmitted through the space connector and uses a special space weapon [space mixer], resulting in irregular space wave and diffusion centered on the star system where Tong Qing is located.

[space agitator] is a space weapon used by the God level civilized military. This special space weapon can artificially create space turbulence, which can turn regular space fluctuations into irregular space turbulence.

As long as the space stirrer doesn't stop, the scope of the space turbulence will continue to expand, until it wraps up Lycoris and other planets around it.

Even if it stops running, this kind of irregular spatial turbulence, including spatial connectors, will be affected. This effect, even if stopped, will have a recovery period of 100 days.

It is impossible to determine the specific spatial coordinates of the spatial connector from the outside, and if you jump away from the inside, it is like a spatial jump in the spatial turbulence, and the risk coefficient increases exponentially.

In a short time, with the location of the star where the pupil is located as the center, the surrounding stellar system, including Lycoris, will completely become an island, and the range will expand at the speed of light. In galaxies where space is blocked and cannot fly faster than light, even the last escape path from the space connector will be cut off.

Tong Qing shocked the union of the universe.

He was also trapped in the Shigan system and did not complete the escape of the space connector from the divine civilization. He put pressure on the black pupil civilization to order the cancellation of the space mixer and punish the pupil youth.

The response of Thor civilization and white star civilization is the most intense. Dan is one of the landmarks of Thor civilization, and there are special characters trapped in the white star civilization. Both sides sent out news that if the black pupil civilization did not remove the interference of the space stirrer, which caused heavy losses to them, they would declare war on the black pupil civilization.

The crape myrtle civilization and the underworld civilization also issued a warning to the black pupil civilization, ordering the black pupil civilization to stop the space agitation immediately, otherwise it will also sanction the black pupil civilization.

Four God level civilizations work together to put pressure on the black pupil civilization. Hei vivroyun, the speaker of Hei Tong Parliament and the leader of Hei Tong civilization, was furious that Tong Qing was good at using military power automatically.

One month!

The alliance of the universe is very noisy because of what happened in the system of Lycoris, and as the only group of people who escaped, they are all secretly glad.

Chen Mo is on his way home.

The Pisces cetacean supergalaxy complex is a large-scale fiber structure containing this supergalaxy cluster, with a span of one billion light-years. The complex has five parts, including Pisces cetacean supergalaxy cluster, Pisces Perseus Pegasus chain, Pegasus Pisces chain, Yufu Wuxian supergalaxy cluster and raniakaya supergalaxy cluster.

The Virgo supercluster in which the Milky way is located, just inside the raniakaya supercluster, is shaped like a pancake, with a diameter of 200 million light-years.

Suddenly, an armed fleet appeared in the space of Virgo, 800 spaceships floating in the space, waiting for the next space jump.

"Mogo, according to the sn482 pulsar, the sixth quadrant of Virgo is still 210 million light-years away from the position you said. It just needs another jump to get to what you call the Milky way. " Mo Nu No. 2 appeared on the light curtain, marking out their location information.

Hearing this report, Chen Mo, who has always been calm, was a little nervous when he was shocked.

Eight years, he left the earth almost eight years, now finally back. After eight years of experience, he is not sure whether there is any major event on earth or his family.

There's a feeling of homesickness.

"I'll change." Chen Mo was so excited that he went back to his room.Five minutes later, Chen Mo changed into a new dress. His blue skin disappeared, and he returned to his former human appearance. He had black hair and yellow skin, and was in a good mood. A casual dress of earth style, with a gentle and confident smile on the corner of the mouth.

LAN sees Chen Mo and her eyes brighten.

Seeing Chen Mo's original appearance restored, the little female beast also realized Chen Mo's joy. She jumped off Jingge's shoulder, jumped into Chen Mo's arms and rubbed her little head happily.

Jingge and hui21 are calm. Seeing Chen Mo remove their camouflage, they also remove all their camouflage and restore their original appearance.

Hu mu, Da Mazu, red crab, poison skin girl and other members of the main spaceship know that Chen Mo has been camouflaged, but they have never seen Chen Mo's appearance after he took off the camouflage. This is the first time to see Chen Mo's true face, which looks much better than the blue skin after the camouflage. This is his original face.

All of a sudden, an amazing voice appeared, from the great Mazu.

"You don't look like the ruthless man wanted by Ziwei civilization?"

This murmur shocked the spirit of all the people in the main flight cabin, and flashed the life that Shi Ganxing was wanted by Ziwei civilization, the cruel man who killed the emissary of Ziwei civilization.

is as like as two peas.

"It's not like, it's just like." Poison skin female calm said.


There was a lot of commotion in the cabin. They had never seen adults start, and their R & D was very powerful. They thought it was the leader of the intelligent route. Unexpectedly, adults were also cruel.

"Crape myrtle civilization, dark forest civilization, that's not that we offend two?" Wat murmured.

At this moment, all the members in the cabin were frightened. Seven rulers of the universe, they have offended two, it's terrible.

"I'm afraid of nothing. I don't have to worry about debt. I'll fight if I die. I'll come back after I die. I'm not happy to see the God civilization standing high." Red crab's fiery temper, coupled with a loud voice, attracted other people's white eyes.

Chen Mo's discussion of them is just a laugh.

"It's the most comfortable thing to get back to the old way." Chen Mo rubs his face, and people become more relaxed: "Mo Nu, ready to jump, target the galaxy."