Science and Technology Library

Chapter 859

"Let's go."

After receiving Lan's instruction, the big magic group, as the vanguard team, came together to eliminate the enemy, which made people feel extremely dangerous. Under the order of the great Mazu, the spaceship started slowly.

Similarly, at the same time that the vanguard of the great mage regiment started, other spaceships started at the same time. The spaceship was controlled by artificial intelligence and started toward the space connector.

Around the fleet, there are a large number of weapons to maintain security. Even the black pupil civilized team dare not approach. Before the formal over control, the black pupil civilization's spaceship and the war armour division could not enter the stellar system.

Ten minutes later, the big magic armed spacecraft at both ends of the space connector fell into the space connector and disappeared into the stellar system. As if penetrating a film, there will be slight changes in the air outside the spacecraft.

"Confirm the location and report to your excellency." Da Mazu informs Mo Nu No.2.

"Confirm the location, the edge of the schlieren galaxy, 100000 light-years away from the system." Mo Nu 2 informs the spacecraft of its position in the Shigan system through quantum communication.

"Let's go from behind."

At one command, the rear of the spacecraft constantly come over, into which. The efficiency of the team is very high. Under the control of super artificial intelligence, the distance between the spaceships is equal. The team is like a long snake entering the hole without any stagnation.

"I'm finally going to get out of trouble." Tea cloud heard the report of the pioneer team, exclaimed.

He is the first time to try this kind of space curing, and also marvel at the particularity of space connector. Only this technology is not afraid of being blocked by the divine civilization in the war.

Chen Mo's spaceship is at the end of the team, protected by the armed spaceship regiment of the wood guard regiment. There is no life to approach.

As the space connector gets closer and closer, Chen Mo becomes more and more nervous. After this blockade, Chen Mo is clear about the basic situation of the universe alliance. Finally, I left the prison, and then I went home.

As the spacecraft sank into the space connector, Chen Mo felt a trance and appeared in space.

Chen Mo's spacecraft left the stellar system, and with the last one left, the countdown to the weapon system headquarters of Zong Saturn has begun. The super artificial intelligence Chen Mo installed in the headquarters will be destroyed automatically, and the system here will be handed over to Tong Qing.

Five minutes later, with the end of the countdown, the screen picture in the command post flashes, and a pair of black eyes appear on the screen, which is the most classic Peugeot of black pupil civilization.

"Mr. Tong Qing, the weapon system has been successfully taken over." In the command post, a thick and old voice sounded.

"Tara, go ahead and let the intelligence department keep an eye on the movement and position of their team and report the information to me at any time." Tong Qing's voice is as thick as ever. He thinks about the situation when he met Chen Mo twice. That young life surprised him too much.

"Yes, sir." Tara nodded.

"Master Dan, the original master of the stellar system has left, and Tong Qing has taken over the stellar system. According to the news, it was Tong Qing who bought it from the other side. " A subordinate reports to Dan.

"I see." Dan nodded softly: "he has been waiting for this day for a long time."

Dan's eyes burst with a sense of war.


After learning about freedom, Chen Mo ordered access to the control of the transport ships and gave them freedom.

Team demobilized. Chen Mo has only 800 space curvature spacecraft left. This is a reprint of Chen Mo's technical talents and the battle division team absorbed in the system.

Other life freedom, these talents are ready to follow his development.

Three million lives.

Tea cloud and water Ling also find Chen mo. now they are free and look more relaxed than in the past three months.

"Mr. MOH Chen, thank you for your help this time. Otherwise, it will be a bit troublesome to leave that right and wrong place." The smile on his face never disappeared.

"You're welcome." Chen Mo nodded.

"Sir, the teacher asked me to thank you for him. If you have time to show up, you can come to our endless sea anytime in the future. The endless sea welcomes you all the time. " Shuiling also thanked Chen mo.

"Tell your teacher for me. If you have time, you must go to harass the old man." Chen Mo smiles at Shuiling.

"OK. I will give you my personal communication number and our official quantum communication number of infinite sea, so that you can contact us at any time. The teacher also said, sir will be our best friend of endless sea civilization. " Said Shuiling.

Next to the tea cloud eyes a flash of pure light, very surprised.

Because of his special ability, Fu Kun has always been a forerunner, occupying the first opportunity, and rarely making a loss business. Chen Mo is regarded as the best friend of the endless sea by the old man who helped Kun. It's worth considering here.

"Mr. Mochen, we welcome you to Yunzhou civilization at any time." Tea cloud says with a smile.

Chen Mo did not refuse the goodwill of the two civilizations. A friend is better than an enemy. Although he has mastered many technologies, his power is still very small and he is in a state of development. It is surely beneficial for him to make a good relationship with a god level civilization and a top level civilization.Just keep the right distance and connection, and he has the universe in his hand.

"Mr. Mochen, we're leaving. We're going back to the endless sea." Said Shuiling.

Shuiling leaves, but Chen Mo doesn't stop her. She is one of the heirs of the endless sea and has a very high position. She has been trapped in the system of shiganxing for so long that she must go back.

Water Ling left soon, tea cloud and LAN say hello, and then leave with Chen mo. He went to the system to invite LAN to come out of the mountain. Although LAN finally chose to follow Chen Mo, he was really happy with his old friend's choice.

From the known technology, Chen Mo has the same technology as them. Lan's following Chen Mo may not be a good choice.

Tea cloud and water Ling leave, leaving Chen Mo's team floating in space, 800 spacecraft, waiting for Chen Mo's order.

LAN stops beside Chen mo.

Next, they need to think about where to develop. The universe is so big, but many places are occupied by various civilizations and power divisions. They can occupy one or two stellar systems for development, but if they want to grow, they have to face restrictions and even hostility from other civilizations around the galaxy.

In addition, they offended the dark forest civilization and the crape myrtle civilization. Once they are found, they are faced with means from divine civilization.

"To the Pisces cetacean supercluster complex." Chen Mo said.

"Pisces cetacean supercluster complex?" LAN's eyes were surprised.

"La nyakaya supercluster."

It's called "heaven of life" and another name: hell of life. There are many turbulent space, many black holes, few primitive intelligent life, no advanced life, few civilizations, and far away from the big civilization and the prosperous galaxy of the universe. For the prosperous territory of the universe alliance, that location is quite a primitive forest.

"My home is there."

Chen Mo, who left the system, did not know that in the system, an event that shocked the whole universe alliance is happening.