Science and Technology Library

Chapter 858

On the first day, LAN gave an order to prepare all the life who wanted to leave the galaxy, release the armour and weapons to their unified control, and put on the identity bracelet to enter the transport ship to wait. Any troublemaker will be directly wiped out. Tickets for the unified space connector are 50000 star coins for each life. Those who have no money will leave at last. Those who do not obey the arrangement will be expelled from the stellar system or even wiped out. Those involved in subduing the troublemakers can leave the space connector first.

Military order, strict to point, many lives are silent. There were protests at first, but the troublemakers were killed directly by others, and they were given the priority to leave. After several times, I really want to leave my life and dare not make trouble.

Under the coordination of super artificial intelligence, hundreds of billions of escaping lives are arranged in order.

The first ships of light speed and all kinds of other ships began to load paid lives and wait for orders in space.

On the fourth day, under the means of high pressure, all the people who want to leave are ready, arranged clearly, and all the weapons and armour are collected, leaving only a suit and a bracelet that they "give away". Life without war armour is not worth mentioning in the face of horrible technology. There is no life to make trouble. The troublemakers are all dead. In order to be free, we can only endure a period of non freedom.

On the seventh day, with enough antimatter and dark matter as spare parts, Chen Mo ordered to stop production of antimatter and dark matter, start to let robots dismantle important parts of antimatter and dark matter factories, and let metal nano robots decompose the rest of the machines in all factories.

On the 10th day, the first batch of combat armour in the war armour factory was 300000 sets, which were successfully distributed to the "wood guard regiment" and "big magic regiment". The first 300, 000 division a was formed. The entire stellar system is on unprecedented alert.

The movement of leaving the system is faster and faster, obviously entering the stage of white heat. The life that continues to rush to the stellar system is still adding to the team that is ready to leave.

No force dares to stop, which is equivalent to saving civilians in the battlefield. Even if it is a god level civilization, it will not choose chaos in the face of this situation.

On the 13th day, LAN ordered to stop receiving the life that came later. Without permission, no life is allowed to enter the stellar system, or it will be at its own risk. As soon as the news came out, the first battle broke out. The subsequent life mutiny, which was blocked outside, forced its way into the stellar system, and the final result was conceivable.

Under the terrible defense system of the stellar system, all the life of forced entry died in space, without exception. After a day's slaughter, killing hundreds of millions of life, the subsequent life and spacecraft just stopped, dare not rush into the stellar system.

The sixteenth day arrived as scheduled.

In space, a huge ring machine is floating, and the space connector test is completed as scheduled. In the outer space of the space connector, millions of transport vehicles of different shapes are arranged in four rows, waiting for Chen Mo's instructions to leave at both ends of the circular structure of the space connector.

Chen Mo, meanwhile, is receiving guests.

Both tea cloud and water Ling were present to witness the transaction. Both of them are expressionless. It is a wise choice for Chen Mo not to participate in the struggle between the black pupil civilization and the thunderobot civilization.

"This is the data of seven trillion star coins and thirty top technologies." Tong Qing hands a card and a memory card to Chen Mo, and takes them as common items completely, which seems not valuable.

Chen Mo is not pretentious. Take the money card and the memory card and give it to LAN to keep it.

LAN takes off the card, brushes the wrist instrument in his hand, turns all the star coins in it, and confirms the 700 trillion star coins. Copy all the information in it to your own memory.

"Don't Mr. Mo Chen check the authenticity of the technology?"

"No, this thing is insignificant to Mr. Tong Qing. He will not cheat me. Please enter your * * Chen Mo takes out a small instrument and hands it to Tong Qing: "inside is the permission of the star weapon control system. You can input the artificial intelligence program. One minute after I leave the system, the artificial intelligence of the system will be destroyed automatically, and the control and command will be given to you."

"Happy cooperation."

After inputting * * and writing intelligent program, smile gently.

"If it wasn't for the special situation, I would definitely get together with Mr. Mochen. I've always admired such an excellent genius as Mr

Tong Qing said very seriously, with a friendly smile on his face, it makes people feel that Chen Mo is an old friend he hasn't seen for many years.

"I have always admired Mr. Tong Qing." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"If you have time some other day, we will invite you to our hometown. At that time, I hope Mr. Mochen will not refuse." "Tong Qing stretched out his right hand and said with a smile.

"Sure." Chen Mo reached out and shook hands with Tong Qing.

But the subordinates of Tong Qing are all looking at Chen Mo, wondering how this man is qualified to sit on the same level as Tong Qing, and let Tong Qing invite him. However, to their disappointment, they could not see anything from Chen mo.

"Mr. Tong Qing, I will have a chance to talk with you some other day. Goodbye." After the politeness, Chen Mo said lightly.

"Good luck to Mr. Mohist." The pupil is green and smiles gently.Looking at Chen Mo's back, Tong Qing is deep in thought. One side of the female subordinates step forward, in his ear whisper: "adult, why do you want to do this deal?"

In this sentence, ask the voice of other subordinates, 700 trillion star coins, plus 30 top-level technologies, the cost of blood is not small, for a star system, it's not worth it at all.

"Tara, there's something you don't want to look at." Tong Qing shook his head slightly: "this star system is worth this price. The defense measures here have the taste of the military. The layout of people is superior. Yan said that with our strength in the Shigan system, the attack also peeled off the skin. "

Tara has a long mouth, and then looks at Chen Mo's back. Her face is shocked.

Start the space connector

Chen Mo enters the spaceship and gives Mo Nu two a command.

The inner wheel of the circular space connector in space rotates slowly, like the tail of a dragonfly lightly clicking on the calm mirror like lake. The fixed space in the ring seems to be alive. An invisible wave spreads at the speed of light, and only the instrument can detect it.

Space connector started successfully

The space connection point is provided by the endless sea from the outside, in the galaxy 100000 light-years away from the Shigan system.

"All teams are ordered to leave the system in five minutes, and all spacecraft will enter the automatic driving state controlled by artificial intelligence according to the plan and be ready." LAN sent a message to the waiting fleet in space.

Millions of transport ships full of life are all in autopilot state at the moment of receiving the command.

LAN in the spacecraft, overlooking the lower Zong Saturn, sighed.

"What do you think of the fight?" Asked Chen mo.

"It's metamorphic. I'm afraid there will be a lot of movement in the system." Lan said: "Tong Qing and Dan, the two peak figures of the same era meet here, and both understand that there will be a winner here."

"What do you say?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

"I have studied these two people. They are the same prodigy, powerful, confident, courageous, powerful personal charm, the same strategy and ambition. They are almost the most perfect life, even if they didn't meet before, but they know that they are rivals. They are too similar, just like a person.

The great action of endless sea indicates the coming of chaos. It's an opportunity for them to defeat each other. Otherwise, when the chaos comes, with the blessing of divine civilization strength and Legion strength, the greater the cost and the smaller the chance they will defeat each other. "

Judging the two, LAN's expression became very serious and dignified.

Two tigers are not allowed in one mountain.

Why is it so bright when it comes to yoga?

Chen Mo immediately understood the meaning of LAN's words.

"Space connection point is determined. You can jump."

Mo Nu 2 suddenly opens her mouth and interrupts their communication. In the inner ring of space connector, space fluctuation has been stable, space solidification has been released and regular fluctuation has been recovered.

"Mo Mo Mo ~ ~" the little mother also jumped over to Chen Mo's shoulder and pointed to the quadrant where the space connector was.

"I see."

Chen Mo takes the little beast and puts it in her arms, gently rolling it.

"Let's go."

Chen Mo looks at Saturn. The pupil of Zong Saturn is also watching Chen Mo's spacecraft.

For a moment, they seemed to have a feeling of seeing each other across the air.