Science and Technology Library

Chapter 857

"I want to buy this stellar system from Sir. It's said that Mr. Mo Chen has standard armor here. I also want to buy 100000 sets of standard armor. As for the conditions, I'd like to exchange the territory of a supercluster with Mr. Wang. "


Everyone on the field was shocked.

Even tea cloud and water Ling are scared by Tong Qing's courage.

A supercluster they know what it means, quite a territory of top civilizations.

On average, a galaxy has hundreds of billions of stars, with galaxies as the unit and hundreds of galaxies as the cluster, with a diameter of tens of millions of light-years. When several galaxy clusters and galaxy clusters gather together, they will form a higher-level supercluster of celestial system, the smallest of which is 100 million light-years in diameter.

The territory of Yunzhou civilization is nothing more than a native supercluster of ten superclusters.

It's impossible to replace a star system with 100000 sets of armor and a supercluster.

This is no doubt a bottle of water for a golden mountain. But here is the desert. The water here is more precious than the golden mountain outside the desert.

"If Mr. Mochen is not satisfied with this condition, you can change one at will. I promise to satisfy Mr. Mochen. If Mr. Mochen doesn't want to sell it, I won't force it." The pupil is still smiling, quietly waiting for Chen Mo's answer.

Now the choice is Chen Mo's.

This time, even LAN looks at Chen Mo nervously.

Chen Mo's next choice is very important, which is related to their future development and layout. He is only a part-time worker. At this time, Chen Mo doesn't ask him. He is not easy to give Chen Mo advice.

Water Ling and tea cloud also look to Chen mo.

A star system with a defense system will be replaced by a supercluster with a diameter of 100 million light-years. This kind of business, even they, will not refuse.

"Stellar systems can be sold to you, but war armour doesn't. I will destroy the dark matter and antimatter factories, and you will rebuild them. I don't want territory, just star coins and technology, 70% star coins, 30% technology. "

Tong Qing's eyes were dark for a moment. Looking at Chen Mo again, he still couldn't see the young man.

Even Shuiling and Fanyun are surprised by Chen Mo's conditions, giving up territory and choosing money. But soon they were relieved that they accepted the condition of mydriasis and fixed their development in the supercluster arranged by him, which meant that their development in the future was under the surveillance of mydriasis.

Once settled, it will be very easy for black pupil civilization to deal with them in the future.

But the star coins and technical data are all alive. Chen Mo can take these wealth to any position in the universe without being restricted and monitored by the black pupil civilization.

Even Lan was relieved. He knew that he was worried too much. The boss was much smarter than he thought.

"Good." Tong Qing also does not hesitate to agree: "seven trillion star coins, 30 top technology."

"Also, the space connector, which I will destroy after escaping, involves a lot of space technology issues." Chen Mo said without hesitation.

His space connector technology must be different from other countries. If it falls into the hands of other forces, it may cause technology leakage.

"I can use space and machines. In this way, I will add 500 trillion star coins and promise not to crack your technology." Tong Qing thought for a moment and said, "if you don't feel relieved, Mr. Ya Yun and endless sea can be a witness and let the third party robot supervise here. Until after that, they supervised me to blow it up. "

Tea cloud and water Ling look at each other and nod at the same time.

"Close." After Chen Mo made a decision, he no longer hesitated: "in 16 days, our space connector will be completed. You have 16 days to prepare the money and technology. At that time, with the money and technology, I will give you control of the stellar defense system, and then we will leave the system

"I have courage and a good cooperation." Tong Qing stands up and shakes hands with Chen Mo, a hearty smile.

Trading terms close, Tong Qing turns to say goodbye.

"You go and prepare for it. Sixteen days later, we will leave the system." Chen Mo looks at the pupil green that is escorted to leave by the airship, turns to say to LAN.

"Let's go back and arrange for our departure, too." Tea cloud water Ling two and Chen Mo say hello to leave.

The two sides reached a deal. The picture of leaving the stellar system with blue eyes and smiles was also captured by the major media in the galaxy and spread to all corners of the galaxy.

Tong Qing's deal with the mysterious star system has made the situation in the system delicate.

"Hands are fast." Dan saw the news that Tong Qing was coming out of Chen Mo's stellar system. He stared at the light curtain and murmured. He didn't know what he was thinking.

The men behind him dare not disturb him.

"Mr. Dan, if Tong Qing and the other side work together, we will lose in the top combat effectiveness. There are many experts in that stellar system. Three unknown top class battle division, the tea cloud, the water Ling of the endless sea are all here. " Thunder eyebrows gather together, can't stretch.

"Don't worry. At this level, everyone is smart. The master of that stellar system must know the pros and cons of this development. " Dan said lightly, without any worries."What shall we do next?"

"Wait, they are going to leave. The pupil is supposed to buy that stellar system. The defense there is perfect, with the level of the divine civilization military, and the commander of the stellar system is not ordinary people. "

"Divine military means?" Thunder body a shock, almost exclaimed: "how possible? They are not divine civilization, how could they have such means. "

"The defense guys have a very good set. We don't fully grasp that we are able to use our strength to break through the star system when special weapons are limited," he said

"No way." Thunder still doesn't believe it.

"Ray said."

"Lord Lei" Thunder was completely convinced.

As one of the successors of thunderobot civilization, thunderobot can know the identity of thunderobot. The general staff of Leishen civilization military department and Yan, the general staff of the first regiment of black pupil civilization, are at the same level. They are all the top commanders and strategists of the universe alliance.

If Lei Yu comes here, they will win a lot in this battle. Even if the black pupil civilization has Yan, they are not afraid.

"Is Lord Lei Yu here, too?" Thunder asked.

Dan shook his head slightly: "he didn't come. After all, it's dangerous to be blocked here. He can't risk leaving the military department, or there will be trouble. Our space connector is almost ready, and you know the location. I got some super ability development materials from the technical backbone of the demon flame civilization. You will take them at that time and leave here to return to the main star. "

"Don't you leave, Mr. Dan? With the technical backbone of the demon flame civilization to leave together. " Thunderbolt was very confused.

"If I don't go first, the struggle has changed."


"Because he's here."

Dan stares at the star chart of the Lycoris system and calms down. Thunder also fell into quiet thinking.

On the other hand, Chen Mo's star system's big move has begun.

Under the coordination of LAN's instruction and Mo Nu 2 Super artificial intelligence, all information is almost synchronized, and all posts in the stellar system operate as efficiently as precision machines, showing unprecedented efficiency.