Science and Technology Library

Chapter 856

The news of the first batch of new battle armour quickly spread to the whole guard team of the stellar system. The boss has developed three sets of new top-level system battle armour, which are spread among teams. In the future, one set of armour will be provided according to the standard of the Corps.

The news was spread all over the world, LAN did not stop it, let the news spread.

Independent research and development of top-level system battle armour, and a one-time out of three different programs, shocking. The origin of Chen Mo has been investigated by more and more people, but nothing has been found.

Even as the leader of the top civilization, he was shocked by the news.

In a short period of time, we will come up with three sets of top-level system armor solutions. Even the civilized R & D team in Yunzhou has no such ability.

He knows Chen Mo's extraordinary ability to transcend all the life he knows. Even the most talented Tong Qing and Dan, he has been exposed to them. They may be more effective than Chen, but in terms of R & D ability, boldness, pattern and personal charm, they are definitely not inferior to them.

He realized that after a short time of contact, he unconsciously had such a high evaluation of Chen mo.

"Shui Ling, do you know the origin of Mr. Mo Chen?" Tea cloud asked the water Ling in a low voice.

He entered the stellar system through Shuiling. Specifically, he came here through the endless sea civilization.

When the galaxy was blocked, he contacted Fukun of the endless sea civilization for help, hoping to leave through the endless sea channel. Fu Kun asked him to contact Shuiling, so he appeared here.

He also knew that Shuiling was introduced here according to Fu Kun.

He didn't know the identity of "Mo Chen" from the beginning. Even now, there is almost no other information except to kill Aode, who is the enemy of dark forest. The introduction of LAN to Chen Mo is entirely due to the safety concerns of the stellar system. After learning that Chen can build a space connector, I hope Chen can have the technology to help his old friend with a fluke mentality.

"Uncle Bayun, it's not convenient for me to say." Water Ling smiles and shakes her head. The color of the scales is very conspicuous.

She can't lie, but it's not easy to tell.

Last time Chen Mo showed his true face to his teacher, she also saw that the war armour division wanted by crape myrtle civilization was also killing the life of the emissary of crape myrtle civilization in shiganxing.

She didn't know what the other party had to do with crape myrtle civilization, but it's obviously not the time to investigate.

"I see." Tea cloud will not ask this question again: "what does your teacher mean? Is it convenient to disclose? "

"The teacher asked me to make friends with him, learn from him and keep friendship anyway." Shuiling, who is not concealed, has a bright and friendly personality, attaches great importance to love and righteousness, cooperates with them and is also a friend of the teacher, so she doesn't need to hide.

The face of tea cloud is restrained, and the heart is shocked.

For the first time, he heard that it was not a civilization, but a life to help Kun take the initiative to make a good life. Even if it was as strong as Tong Qing and Dan, Fu Kun would never say more.

Shuiling is the first successor of the endless sea. To help Kun to make a good friend with Chen Mo is to make a good friend with the future of the endless sea.

He is the ruler of the highest civilization.

With the technology of comparable divine civilization, the initiative of supporting Kun, as well as the strong top class war division, Lan also follows each other wholeheartedly.

Last time LAN let them maintain order, he knew that Lan had followed Chen Mo wholeheartedly.

He still knows LAN well.

This time, Chen Mo becomes more mysterious in the eyes of tea cloud.

A spaceship, appearing at the toll gate outside the solar system, immediately attracted the attention of the order maintaining warfighter.

Black pupil civilization spacecraft.

The atmosphere is tense.

This picture was also introduced into Lan's hands at the first time, and then the video communication request was sent.

On the holographic light screen, LAN requests through video communication, which shows a indifferent face. The man is wearing black armor, and the color pattern on the armor makes people feel awe inspiring.

"What can I do for you?" LAN asked seriously.

Now, in an extraordinary period, the battle armour division of the black pupil civilization has come and made a great impact. Although they don't take part in the fight, they will be dragged into the water by accident. The boss has offended two divine civilizations, and the third one can't be stopped.

People don't care, a little smile on the corner of the mouth, black eyes are looking at LAN.

"Tong Qing venture to disturb and ask for the master of the stellar system." The voice is thick and charming.

As soon as this words came out, the whole headquarters fell into a dead silence. All life was shocked. Even Lan's body leaning on the chair could not help sitting up straight and peering at each other.

Chen Mo is very surprised. The black pupil civilization's Tong Qing comes to visit?

Chen Mo has read all kinds of information about the system, and there are not few reports about Tong Qing. Tong Qing is the strongest and the first successor of black pupil civilization.

There is no doubt that he will be in charge of the black pupil civilization in the future.

Chen Mo is a bit confused when such a person suddenly comes to visit. He thinks he has no interest intersection with the other party, let alone any conflict of interest.At this special time point, when Tong Qing comes to visit, Chen Mo can't help but be alert.

Tong Qing has been in the reception room, tea cloud and water Ling are also present.

A kind of person with black eyes, the body color magical pattern, let people see a lot of mystery. The body shape is the golden proportion, and the white Cape windbreaker forms a sharp contrast with him, giving people a free and easy feeling. In face of the tea cloud and others, Tong Qing is still drinking a drink calmly, enjoying himself, with the no worries.

The only one who entered the stellar system in the black pupil civilization was Tong Qing. The weapons of war armour, except for the cold weapons, were all unloaded. Chen Mo admired Tong Qing's courage. He dared to enter others' base camp alone.

Either trust each other or be confident in yourself.

Chen Mo believes that Tong Qing belongs to the latter.

Chen Mo arrives at the scene, LAN naturally walks behind Chen Mo and stands. The black pupil of pupil blue falls on him, the eyes of two people also collide in an instant.

Pupil blue face slightly surprised, followed by the color of thinking.

"Mr. Tong Qing, it's a great honor for you to come." Chen Mo and others nodded slightly to say hello, then turned to Tong Qing and held out his right hand, using his earth etiquette.

"Hello, Mr. Mochen." Tong Qing naturally reaches out his hand and holds it with Chen mo.

They just pause for two seconds and let go of each other tacitly.

"I've heard about Daming for a long time. I've always wanted to come to visit him. I've been bothered by trifles. I came to disturb him without notice today. Please forgive me for being here. This time, one is to meet Mr. Mo Chen, and the other is to discuss something with Mr. Mo Chen. " Pupil green polite posture, let life can not afford a bad feeling, feel a lot of affinity.

"Mr. Tong Qing is very kind. Your coming will make us more prosperous." Chen Mo said with a smile and impeccable Etiquette: "let's sit and talk."

A group of people were seated.

All the people on the stage are famous. Even if they haven't seen each other, they have heard of some deeds. The scene of talking is very harmonious. It took about an hour for Tong Qing to lead the discussion to the system of Lycoris.

The atmosphere changed in a flash.

Tea cloud and water Ling look at each other, lean on the sofa, with an attitude of watching. They know that Tong Qing's coming here this time, the focus is not on them, the next topic, they have limited opportunities to participate.

"Tong Qing has the audacity to disturb this time. He has something to discuss with Mr. Mo Chen." Pupil green cut into the theme, the face is still hanging a friendly smile.

"Sir, please." Chen Mo said lightly, not expressing too much emotion.

"Do you have any interest in the super power development technology of magic flame civilization?" Tong Qing smiled and said that the black pupils looked at Chen Mo directly, as if they wanted to see through Chen Mo's inner thoughts.

"No interest." Chen Mo is straightforward.

For a moment, the atmosphere stagnated, and everyone on the court looked at Chen Mo in surprise. They are not ordinary people. Naturally, they can hear the affirmation in the tone of silence.

Chen Mo is not a lie.

Even the pupil blue smile also a stiff, finally relax, look at him with a surprised face: "convenient to listen to the reason?"? Mr. Mochen. "

"I'm just a passer-by. I just want to leave here. I'm not interested in anything else." Chen Mo said lightly.

When he thought of jumping in space, he found that the space was blocked. Chen Mo was very depressed. If it had not been for this delay, he would have returned to earth now.

"Do you have any interest in using a super power development technology while passing by?" When Tong Qing asked again, without waiting for Chen Mo's answer, he continued to add: "we can join hands to conquer the thunderobot civilization. At that time, the scientific researchers of the evil flame civilization will have a share of the super power development technology for you. Besides, sir, I can offer you an arbitrary condition. As long as I can do it, I will not refuse it. "

Tea cloud and water Ling both look at Chen Mo, a little nervous. If Chen Mo agrees, I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with. But the conditions are very attractive. Add an arbitrary condition to the technical data of super capacity development.

What kind of person is Tong Qing? They are very clear about this arbitrary condition, even if they will be moved.

Compared with them, LAN seems very calm. I'm afraid they all don't know that the super power development experiment body that the evil flame civilization successfully escaped is here, and there is also a super power development potion.

"No interest, I won't participate in your war. I've got something that doesn't belong to me. It's too hot." Chen Mo's casual refusal is like a trivial matter.

Sitting next to the tea cloud and water Ling, they are all afraid of Chen Mo falling into it. Now Chen Mo refuses, and they can still stay out of the business.

Chen Mo's appearance of no desire and no demand, even though Tong Qing is a little surprised, so young life, unexpectedly refused such a big temptation: "Mr. Mo Chen doesn't think about it carefully?"

"No." Chen Mo said lightly.

"It's a pity." "Since I don't want to participate, there are two other things I want to talk about with Mr. Mo Chen."