Science and Technology Library

Chapter 855

Enter the research * *, LAN 's smile quickly grinned to the ear root, the silver scum shook. Today, we have a very good news. Chen Mo's design of the standard war armour has been completed.

"Let's see how." Chen Mo takes him to the workshop of war a.

Three sets of armour are placed in the workshop.

"Let me introduce the first set first."

Chen Mo pointed to the first set of armour, carrying two mechanical arm laser cannons with thick legs behind his back.

Chen Mo adjusts the hologram of battle a to simulate the shadow frequency.

I'm afraid that the mobility and weapon particularity of war armour are suitable for testing on deserted planets and space. In the current situation, it's not suitable for public testing.


The laser burst, and the target armor on the opposite side exploded.

"Nine hundred terawatt milliseconds? It's crazy to have an effective distance of 100000 kilometers in space and 5000 kilometers in the standard atmosphere of the universe. " The data that the computer beats, let LAN fall into madness state.

This energy level laser weapon is more than most of the top class war a laser weapons.

If there is only one set of standard armour, it may not be able to defeat the same level armour of a certain system, but its advantage lies in the standard. A team's system battle armor cooperates tacitly, and its combat effectiveness is even more terrifying.

With the cooperation of the top-level system armor and the battle armor system of the soldiers, the laser power can be superposed. Even the top-level division armor wearing the top-level armor will be afraid to come here.

"Top standard armor." LAN looks very excited.

A middle-aged man almost danced in the square in the workshop.

This is the top-level system armor. It's the top-level armor only equipped by the God level civilization and a few top-level civilized military.

"Weapons are the most important part of a war armour. A war armour without weapons is a toy. So I have made great efforts to refit and develop a new kind of laser gain medium. At the same time, on the standard antimatter energy core, add two energy cores at its two shoulders to provide the energy of laser weapons. This armor has three energy cores.

This has the advantage of not having to worry about the problem that the energy consumption of war armour is too fast because of the power of laser weapons. At the same time, the system equipped in the armor is equipped with quantum fire control radar and super artificial intelligence system, which can effectively improve the accuracy of laser superposition. "

Chen Mu talks freely. Technically, he is a professional, but then Chen Mo has some regrets.

"But I made sacrifices in other ways because of the power of the laser. Reduce the space of other weapons, only stack laser cavity and gain medium. So its other weapons are the simple antimatter barrel at the arm and the interference bullet at the waist. In addition, the problem of slow energy storage and frequency is that the laser can only be irradiated after about five seconds of energy storage. In front of melee armour, its resistance is too weak. "

Launch once in five seconds. This frequency is enough for the close combat armour division to kill you hundreds of times. Once the enemy gets close, there is no chance to resist.

LAN immediately found the way to fight the armor.

Laser sniper gun is specially used to shoot the important targets or top class armour division in the enemy battlefield. Super artificial intelligence plus quantum fire control radar lighting, laser terror energy level, is for laser snipers.

Ten thousand miles away, kill the enemy.

Imagine, in the battlefield, 100000 kilometers away, lengbuding bursts out a laser, aiming directly at the enemy's masters and important targets. The laser instantly burns through the energy shield of the other side, killing the target.

It's hot and chilling.

As for the problem of high energy consumption and long storage time, which is easy to be detected by radar and launch frequency, it is the result of stacking laser weapons at the expense of other weapons and flexibility. The advantages and disadvantages are obvious.

But its advantages are better than its disadvantages. Even if it hits an important target, a set of machines will return to the original. Its positioning is very clear.

LAN swallows saliva, after calming down, caresses the war armour carefully like touching the artworks: "what is its name?"

"Marksman" Chen Mo gave Zhan Jia a simple and easy to understand name, which is very consistent with its positioning.

"Nice name."

LAN's excitement did not fade. There were two other sets of armor on the court.

He wants to know what war armour the boss has developed this time. This kind of ability, the strength of the top-level war a designer, a person's business ability surpasses a war a design team.

"There's a second set." Chen Mo begins to introduce the second set of armor: "it's called Galaxy surfer."

[Galaxy surfer] is different from the other two sets of armor. It's a close combat armor with the most sensitive quantum radar system and mobile system. Its shell material, using hadron compact silver material, this material is in the silver atom under hadron collision, the formation of compact materials.

One of the advantages of this material is the reflective property of the extreme silver. When the laser irradiates this material, it will be 100% total reflection. This means that the laser weapon is not valid for it. It is convenient to close up the penetration and target the enemy's laser.Similarly, if in space, there is a natural camouflage. Because war armour can reflect the light of the stars in the universe, only the stars can be seen from the optical field of view.

"Laser invalid? Natural camouflage? " LAN stared at her eyes and murmured.

His current world outlook needs to be retouched. These technologies are all mastered by the divine civilization. As a result, Chen Mo brings them out.

At this moment, LAN looks at Chen Mo and feels more mysterious.

What kind of force is it? It has the technology of the divine civilization.

"However, it has its disadvantages. For the material reason of the shell, it only has quantum detection radar and cannot use optical radar system at the same time. Once the enemy's armor is quantum stealth armor, it can only rely on the eyes of the armor division to judge the enemy. This level of fighting depends on the eyes to judge, which is quite half blind. And it has another disadvantage. In the standard atmosphere, its active speed cannot exceed 100 times of the sound speed, otherwise the dense silver material will collapse. So it's suitable for fighting in space, in the atmosphere of the planet, and can be flown by enemies. "

"What do you mean by flying a kite?" LAN doesn't understand the term.

"Don't fight close to you, use quantum radar to lock you, hit you far away, and you can't catch up with each other. So it's best positioned for space close combat. " Chen Mo pointed to the last set of the most powerful armour: "next is the third set of armour, which is called" violence maniac. "

its physique and shape are thickened versions, like the anti hawk armour in iron man. There are two" big box "hanging pieces on the shoulder, that is the magazine, the magazine of anti-material bullets.

The demonstration of hologram has been projected into the workshop.

I saw violent maniacs standing in the air, suddenly raised their hands, the battle armor in their hands changed, and a round of muzzle appeared.


All of a sudden, battle armour shot, only to see a bunch of flames coming out of the muzzle. Tens of thousands of thumb sized antimatter bullets, like bees, rushed to the surface of the planet, which was extremely terrifying.


thousands of horrible light clusters explode on the surface of the planet, and the planet 20 times larger than the earth will be blown into pieces, which is totally different. The destructive power of terror is creepy.

LAN opens her mouth and sends out a few fuzzy syllables in her throat.

Chen Mo turns a blind eye to LAN's shock and introduces the performance of battle armor.

"In two seconds, [violent maniacs] can fire 10000 antimatter bullets and sieve a planet. The inspiration of this design comes from a kind of gun with "Gatling" in our hometown, but unlike it, it uses ultra-high electromagnetic emission, which is extremely fast. Its bullet is also an antimatter intelligent bullet, which can control * *. The two magazines behind the armour are ten thousand. This kind of armour is used for firepower coverage and the annihilation of living forces. No matter what fighting skill, it is just unreasonable firepower coverage. "

LAN swallows her saliva crazily again, her voice trembles: "it's unreasonable, but I like it."

"But it has obvious disadvantages, that is, it costs bullets. Ten thousand antimatter bullets in two seconds. After a few seconds, there's no more to fight. " "The only way is to carry more magazines and keep up with the supply of the rear," Chen Mo said

LAN returned to his mind and thought about the positioning and application of "violent maniacs" in the army tactics.

If [violence maniacs] form an army to fight with the enemy, anti matter bullets will block the sky. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

A stellar system is no more than a round of strafing by the Legion of violent men.

However, the consumption is also very terrible. One set of armour can shoot 10000 antimatter bullets in one round. If a team of 10000 [violent maniacs] fires in unison, 100 million antimatter bullets will be fired in two seconds.

It's just... Perverted.

In a short period of time, LAN developed three sets of top-level armor, and felt that her world had become crazy.

"Boss, these armour skills?"

"It's all my own technology, very simple technology."

"Very simple?"

Gollum? LAN feels that her world view has been renewed. So many technologies comparable to divine civilization are simple to the boss. That's not...