Science and Technology Library

Chapter 854

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min look up at the starry sky and sit quietly without speaking.

A few years later, up to now, Chen Mo still has no news. The March ant group is supported by several women.

After a long search in origin City, they found the three eyed civilization and werewolf who rented the space curvature spaceship. After this period of time, we mixed into the origin city and found some clues.

The humanoid who came to the earth at the beginning was a research team of three eye civilization. After investigation, it was determined that the humans they would catch were kept in captivity on an oxygen rich planet of qingmercury for an evolutionary study.

however, after a secret investigation, they received a terrible news.

There is an accident in qingmercury. There is a mutiny escape in the captive life. Some of them can escape qingmercury. They can find other humans on the earth, but they don't find Chen mo.

Chen Mo is missing.

This news almost makes Xiaoyu and Zhao Min despair. They desperately look for it, but unexpectedly it is such a result.

Now the last hope is the three eye civilized laboratory they can't investigate.

Now it's the final stage of choice. We will fight with the three eye civilization, conquer the three eye civilization, receive all their laboratories, and find Chen mo. however, the chaos caused by the war may lead to Chen Mo's death in the laboratory. Or continue to investigate secretly, trying to get Chen Mo's news from three civilized laboratories.

So far, they still don't believe that Chen Mo has died, and they believe that Chen Mo escaped in the rebellion.

Suddenly, they heard Mo Nu's excited voice.

"Sister Xiaoyu, sister Zhao Min, have a look."

The two women's dazed eyes slowly appear focus, turn their heads and look at Mo nu.

Mo Nu is an intelligent life, but since Chen Mo disappeared, they haven't heard Mo Nu's happy tone for a long time, this is the first time. The two turn their heads, and the holographic video played by Mo Nu comes into view.

At this moment, the two women's breath stagnated and their hearts began to beat faster.

In the holographic video, there is a wanted man, Chen Mo's "free black ant" battle armor, and a face they have dreamed of countless times, a familiar face.

It's almost impossible to think of it as Chen mo.

The two women's eyes burst out with endless spirits and tears.

"It's my husband, it's my husband."

Xiaoyu hugs Zhao Min and cries and laughs. Unexpectedly, she sees Chen Mo's news again when she is almost desperate. She is not afraid of the wanted. As long as Chen Mo is alive, she is not afraid of anything.

"It's him." Zhao Min patted Xiaoyu's back with tears streaming down his face, releasing all the pressure of these years.

"Husband... He... Where is he?"

"This is the wanted order of crape myrtle civilization a few months ago. I just saw that mogo killed the emissary of crape myrtle civilization in shiganxing system and was wanted by crape myrtle civilization." Said Mo nu.

Over the years, they focused on origin city to investigate Chen Mo's news, ignoring the whole universe alliance. It was when she found that qingshuixing rebelled and had a life to escape that Mo Nu turned her investigation to the outside of the origin city. As a result, she found Chen Mo's news.

"Crape myrtle civilization? The Shek Gan system? " Xiaoyu murmured: "can you go to the stone star system to find your husband?"

"I'm afraid it's very difficult. Now the system is experiencing an accident. The space is blocked by the divine civilization, and all life can't come out. You can only build a space connector inside to leave, or wait for the divine civilization to open the space trap and space solidification, or it will take tens of thousands of years of life and light speed to escape. " Said Mo nu.


Xiaoyu's hopeful face is half gone.

With the development of these years, in order to find the news of Chen Mo, the marching ant group has been quietly integrated into the universe alliance system, and has already understood some matters. Crape myrtle civilization as one of the seven God level civilizations, they all know.

"Don't worry. As long as he's alive, he'll leave." Zhao Min held Lou Xiaoyu's shoulder after stabilizing his mood and comforted him softly: "because he is Chen Mo, the most powerful."

"Well." Xiaoyu gradually stabilized his mood and his eyes became firm: "I believe he can come back."

"When the fight is over, the divine civilization should release the space blockade, and then he will come out." Zhao Min comforted: "what we have to do is not to expose it casually, otherwise crape myrtle civilization will stare at us, and it will be dangerous when he comes back to the earth. Maybe crape myrtle civilization will be destroyed even with us."

"Now what's the best thing to do?" Xiaoyu calmed down and began to think of a way.

"It's better to wait and do nothing. In order to avoid us being stared at by crape myrtle civilization, he will come back when the divine civilization releases the space constraints. If he doesn't come back then, we'll go back to him. We also put some words of the earth on the universe alliance network. When he saw them, he knew that the address was back, and the life of the universe alliance could not understand our words. "

Xiaoyu nods heavily and stares at Chen Mo's wanted notice gently. This man is everything in her world: "Mo Nu, do you have the latest news of the Lycoris system?"

"Yes."Mydriasis appears in the system of Lycoris, causing a lot of vibration in the system. However, when people thought that Tong Qing would deal with Raytheon civilization and Dan at the first time, Tong Qing didn't do anything and seemed indifferent to the death of tours.

Just outside the stellar system, the high level of the black pupil civilization is furious, declaring that it has broken ties with the white star civilization, and there are confrontations and conflicts.

The supernatural technology researchers of the demon flame civilization fall into the hands of the thunderobot civilization and become the focus of this fight.

The cause of the chaos in Shigan galaxy is the super power development technology of the demon flame civilization. Now the magic flame king is missing. The R & D personnel of the super ability development technology are the last hope of the super ability development technology.

First caught by the white star civilization, now in the hands of Raytheon civilization.

Gunpowder is rampant in the universe alliance. First, there is the conflict between the endless sea and the dark sun. Now, when the black pupil civilization confronts the white star civilization, some lives have smelled the unusual question.

There are battles and confrontations among the seven divine civilizations of the universe alliance, and the whole universe will suffer.

There is going to be a riot.

The sorcerer came out of the medical cabin. The serious injury was that the body had recovered and there was no scar. After this war, the evil in the light of the witch's eyes disappeared a lot, became a lot of calm, temperament also changed a lot.

"My Lord, this time we fell." Jiwu stands in front of a man and condemns himself.

"It's not your fault, it's tur's overconfidence." The man opened his mouth, his voice thick and calm, with no tone of blame.

The man turns around and stares at the star system of the holographic screen. The black pupils are not mottled, deeper than the starry sky, and the colorful magical patterns under his neck are restrained and thick.

He is the pupil green that Dan is looking for. He has been living in a stellar system not far from the main star of Lycoris, which is unknown to the outside world.

"Is the information about the owner of this stellar system clear?" The pupil asked.

It is Chen Mo's stellar system.

"Tong Qingda, I don't know the identity of the master of the stellar system at present." "According to the clues replied by the investigators, we can't find the ethnic groups and specific forces of each other at present," said the AI of the holographic screen

The pupil is black and blue eyes are looking at the image of Chen Mo, I don't know what I'm thinking. That's Chen Mo's disguised appearance. He can't distinguish his original face at all.

In the same way, after Dan rectifies the main star of the star, he will focus on the star system half a light month away from the main star of the star. Now, in addition to mydriasis, the influence of that stellar system is the biggest uncertainty of the current system.