Science and Technology Library

Chapter 853

"Cheer me up. Your consciousness is as innocent as Geka's slug. Waste you or wisdom life, lose not to lose? Do you have any brains? "

"Will synchronization attacks? Will the team work together? "

"With technology, you don't need teamwork? What about your farts? You let the top class division come here. I'll pull 10000 Army soldiers to shoot at him. Do you think he's dead or I'm dead? "

"Peace is too long. The army is too far away from you, isn't it?"

"Do you see a top player who can destroy a well-trained top team? Ah? "

LAN's unbridled roar, through the radio, into every player's ears, deafening.

In front of us, there are 100000 armour divisions in the high altitude training ground. The teams are very neat. Each armour division is training the basic combat consciousness.

The 100000 battle armour division was trained to be speechless.

"Now take the team as the unit, free training, which team gets the lowest score in the next test, all of them sing" mom is good "to Lao Tzu in public. After that, equip the new battle armour, the lowest score, and the latest equipment. As long as our team is the best, whoever admits that he is a waste, get out now. "

LAN collects the team's wireless communication, takes the red crab to land from the sky, and heads for Chen Mo's research * *.

The boss usually stays in the laboratory and Research Institute. He doesn't know what he is doing, but he has a full range of space connectors and space curvature spacecraft technologies, which he has to admire.

After this period of contact, he has understood the character of the young boss. He is calm and confident, smart and terrible. He is a kind of person, but in a different direction. So the two people get along very comfortably, hardly need to say too much, they understand each other to do.

After landing in the research center, red crabs wait outside, and LAN enters the center under the guidance of the robot.

Knowing LAN came in, Chen Mo stopped his research and left the lab: "what's up?"

"War a problem." Lan said.

Now the team is taking shape. The first thing we lack is the armor, not the ordinary armor, but the standard armor.

Standard battle armour is the most important equipment in the battle armour system of the regiment. With standard battle armour, the combat effectiveness of any top regiment is terrible. There is no standard battle armour, because different combat systems and performance of battle armour will greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of the corps team, or even spread the sand.

So he needs the boss to solve this problem.

"Standard armor?" Chen Mo nodded: "I haven't designed the standard armor. Do I have any design requirements for it?"? Give me a reference. "

"The army battle armour division is also called the war soldier. Unless the war soldier team is specially required, all the war soldiers do adaptive training according to the performance and function of the standard war armour. No war armour designer will design according to the style of the war soldier, because the war soldier has no style.

The design team of battle armour is to design battle armour according to the required battle concept and tactical style, or to design battle armour in a more corps commander's style. Long range and close attack soldiers are calculated by the armour designer. If the armour designed by the armour designer is a long-range armour, the commander will select and train the soldiers suitable for long-range operation according to the performance of the armour.

After Lan's explanation, Chen Mo suddenly realized that there are so many knowledge in it.

However, it is also relieved that when he grew up on earth and was caught by the three eye civilization, he has not been exposed to the education and knowledge of the regular universe alliance system. He knows what he has been exposed to step by step. He has not been exposed to the standard war armour, nor has he been exposed to the Corps of top civilizations. It is normal that he does not know these things.

"This is some shadow frequency and data of the battle of the top class regiment of cosmic God civilization. You can have a look. A lot of team tactics, I have markers and comments LAN gives Chen Mo all the information he has.

After LAN left the study, Chen Mo opened the video data.

Many to one combat blockade, simultaneous fire, vehicle and wheel combat, synchronous laser irradiation, jamming, two person cooperation, multiple person cooperation, team combat, cross battle a joint operation, cross arms joint operation, cross weapons joint operation...

LAN has made careful marks and instructions for each type of combat.

Chen Mo seems to open a new world.

In the battle of battle armour he contacted, the battle armour division fought alone, and very few cooperated in the battle. On earth, a set of armor can crush a nation's army.

Now it's the first time that he's seen the joint operations of the warlords in such detail.

Countless kinds of design ideas of war armour came into his mind, and he would like to practice all kinds of ideas at once.

Without hesitation, Chen Mo immediately joined the design of battle armor.

Outside, a message spread.

The dark stronghold of the white star civilization was attacked. The top secret battle division of the white star civilization killed the attacker of the black pupil civilization, Thur, and the witch escaped seriously. After that, Raytheon civilization also attacked white star civilization.

Dan, the first successor of thunderobot civilization, seriously injured the mysterious armour division of white star civilization, and obtained a number of research talents from white star civilization.The news caused a stir.

The black pupil civilization wants the mantis to catch cicadas, and it turns out that the white star civilization is the Yellow sparrow. But before the white star civilization could be happy, the hunter of Raytheon civilization appeared.

The most interesting news is the appearance of Thor civilization Dan.

Dan, the first successor of Thor civilization, is known as the most powerful genius of Thor civilization. At the age of only 30, we will awaken the super power of Raytheon civilization, challenge the power of Raytheon civilization, and also the most powerful Raytheon civilization.

Even if he failed in the end, he became famous.

Now, a thousand years later, it has been speculated that Dan's personal combat effectiveness has surpassed that of Lei Xing. Once Lei Xing abdicates, Dan will take over.

Dan's reputation in the universe alliance is only matched by the pupil of black pupil civilization and the traitor of crape myrtle civilization, Zidi.

The appearance of Dan, the death of tours, and the defeat of the top secret battle division of the white star civilization make the uncertain Shigan system become the only one of the Raytheon civilization. Dan also took control of the main star of the star and drove away the rest of the ordinary life of the main star of the star. He built * * and fleet in the main star.

Soon after the news spread, the crape myrtle civilization and the Styx civilization announced that they would withdraw from the fight. All the fights and damages in the Shigan system would be lost to them. The two civilizations would help the refugees in the Shigan system escape from the Shigan system.

The actions of crape myrtle civilization and Hades civilization have attracted the praise of the whole universe alliance.

Things did not subside at this point, just when people thought that Dan wanted to control the struggle of the system, another news came out.

Mydriasis appears in the Lycoris system.

The news spread quickly.

The origin of Tong Qing is better than that of Dan. At the age of 40, when he was still studying in school, he defeated the most powerful black pupil civilization Black & middot; vivroyun. That war, shaking the whole universe alliance, Tong Qing is also known as the most gifted life of black pupil civilization in thousands of years. It is not only the individual combat effectiveness, but also the battle command and strategy. They are all powerful, brave and resourceful. They are also friendly and almost perfect men. They are called the most likely to become the next god level battle division in the dark pupil.

This battle in the system of Lycoris and the collision between the two heirs of divine civilization make the outside world look forward to it. With the appearance of Dan and Tong Qing, the fight between the two families turned into a confrontation.

There is no doubt that the meeting of two contemporary heroes here is a fight against each other.

It is known to the outside world that the fight against the technology of super power development has deteriorated.