Science and Technology Library

Chapter 852

"Wat wood, Da Mazu, poison skin girl and red crab"

LAN led four people to Chen mo.

Wat wood looks like a dead wood zombie, is a kind of human, expressionless face, a pair of eyes are blank, it looks very ordinary, people and animals are harmless. But only LAN knows that this guy's Zombie like face is deceiving. In LAN's talent selection and test, the zombie face scored the highest, and some of his schemes were extremely insidious.

The great Mazu is a kind of animal race. It's huge in size and teeth. It's like the world of Warcraft. It's not easy to be offended at first sight. Under the rough appearance, there is a delicate heart. The strategy style is coarse and medium, which is a rare generalist.

There are blue and black blood vessels on the toxic skin and three eyes on the forehead, which are very strange. She is a human like woman, as her name implies, her skin and body fluids can secrete toxins, and her behavior style is extremely poisonous, even LAN is a little afraid of this kind of dangerous woman.

The skin of red crab is bone, which is red. There are a few sharp bone feet on the back. The head has a long raised finger, and the forehead has a simple pattern of crab, which is very strange.

"Wat Mu used to be a civilized retired soldier with good fighting quality and skills. I'm going to put him in charge of the timberwood regiment. Da Mazu is a deputy head of the wild war a regiment. Because the head is afraid that he can't resist his ability, he will kick him out of the team. It's just cheaper for us. He will be the head of the "big magic regiment". Poison skin girl has been living in the underground world for a long time. She knows about the dark world and is proficient in assassination and intelligence spying. Her strength is good.

Twenty one is very strong, but his character can't be commander in chief. I'm going to give the intelligence department to poison skin women to form and take charge of the assassin team. Red crab is aggressive and a little stubborn, but he has strong personal strength and can be the boss's guard. Wat wood was chosen in the test. I invited damazu, poison skin girl and red crab. "

LAN introduces four people to Chen Mo, and gives their information and letter of appointment to Chen mo.

Chen Mo glanced at the resume of the four and said, "if you are a red crab, you can be your guard. You are lack of expert protection. I have Jingge and 21 here. Don't worry about safety. "

Red crabs with fiery and stubborn temper, when hearing Chen Mo's words, refused immediately: "boss, do you doubt my strength?"

"Eh? No. "

"Then why can't you be your guard?" Red crab refused to accept that he always thought he was the best.

"Mr. LAN is also very important. He needs expert protection." Chen Mo said.

"That's not the case." Red crabs face stubborn said: "let me fight with him, make sure he is stronger than me, I will be convinced, follow your arrangements."

“?” Chen Mo looked at Jingge, saw Jingge nodding, and then said, "lower your hand."


Jingge stands out, LAN and others also subconsciously back a little, to make room for two people. Two people are barehanded fight, little damage, do not need to go to the professional training ground.

"Let's go."


A sound burst, Jingge disappeared in place.

Just listen to a muffled sound, red crab's bones and feet will freeze, kneel on the ground covering his waist, visible pain, red exoskeleton becomes more red. In less than three seconds, the battle is over.

LAN, as an audience, has been prepared for this scene.

Red crabs are aggressive and stubborn. To put it bluntly, they don't know how strong they are, but they have good credit and character. So LAN brought him here, let Jingge beat his stubborn temper, give him a xiamawei, you can completely accept him.

Wat wood and others looked at Jingge with awe in their eyes. The exoskeleton of red crabs is very hard and strong, so they can't afford to be hit by a fist. It's terrible.

This is a pervert.

Red crab still kneels on the ground painfully: "I lost, willing to gamble and accept defeat, listen to you later."

"You go back first, wat mu. The three of you train according to the plan. The red crab goes to the medical cabin to recover."

LAN asked them to leave the command center and then transferred the layout of the stellar system to Chen mo.

Millions of senior division a, millions of preparatory division a, millions of talents with skills and skills. LAN, with the help of Mo Nu 2 Super artificial intelligence, completed the recruitment in a few days and recruited all the talents needed. The essence of

's star talent is gathered in the stone talent star and the stone star star. All of them use the highest selection standard, and pick out the best talents in the hundreds of billions of people.

He doesn't worry about spies entering. The current technology is very advanced. The polygraph technology is almost a toy. According to LAN's selection problem, most of the people who want to enter can be screened out. As for those who can reverse polygraph, it has little impact on the overall situation. Later, they will find it slowly.

Excellent talents are absorbed, some advanced life and some advanced civilization royal families are settled in the stellar system, weapons in hand are taken over, and there are ordinary life without strength left, waiting for the completion of space connector outside the stellar system.Now the crowd gathering outside the stellar system is not a hidden danger, but a line of defense for them.

There are top class battle armour divisions of endless sea and Yunzhou, together with Jingge and others and the strength in their hands. LAN believes that their strength in the system of Shigan at present can be compared with the strength of divine civilization.

"Boss, the preliminary shape of the team is almost formed. At present, there are two battle armour teams and assassin teams, the guard wood team and the big magic team, which are managed by Wat wood and big Mazu. The assassin team also serves as the intelligence branch. I don't know much about technical talents. At present, it is arranged by super artificial intelligence. "


Chen Mo is surprised at LAN's method.

Within a few days, we will work out a more strict system of rules than the military. Within the system, including the ranks system, promotion system, reward and punishment system, training system, management system, etc., all are complete.

He found that he had found the treasure this time.

In Chen Mo earth's original system, Zhao Min can manage economic and commercial exchanges. Wang Hai, though at some level in military force, can only be regarded as a general, but not enough to become a handsome man.

LAN's ability in strategy and commander-in-chief will undoubtedly make up for the lack of commander in military force.

"It's quite a star fortress now. Unless the God level civilized military uses space weapons and light speed destruction weapons, even if their military pulls teams to attack and capture the stellar system, they have to take off a layer of skin. In addition to the use of space weapons and speed of light weapons, this is one of the safest * * at present

LAN introduces Chen Mo to the layout of the stellar system.

Ordinary non speed of light destruction weapons, such as large antimatter bombs, can be intercepted in the outer space of the stellar system. In addition to space weapons and other special weapons, the explosion of antimatter weapons is not a threat to the planet.

With the emergence of the weapons of light speed destruction and space weapons, accompanied by the terrifying space shock and energy fluctuation, quantum radar can detect it far away. Just before the explosion, you can escape in advance by taking the speed of light or space curvature spacecraft.

Therefore, unless the traps are designed in advance or the super light speed ship is used for transportation, the space weapons and space weapons will jump to the battlefield for attack in an instant. Otherwise, once there are light speed destruction weapons and space weapons close to the battlefield at the beginning of the battle, the radar can find the existence of weapons far away.

The long-term development of the universe alliance system has formed a unique rule system.

The weapons of light speed destruction are generally only in the hands of the military of the top civilizations, but not the ordinary blue level or lower civilizations. Space weapons only exist in the hands of divine civilization and a few powerful top civilizations.

Nowadays, the space of the system is locked and cannot jump. No one dares to use Galaxy level space destruction weapons and light speed destruction weapons in the struggle, or we will die together.

"You can now safely build a space connector." Lan said.


"it's almost time. Let's see what's the surprise here."

In space, Dan, who is watching the live battle of the planet, looks silent, and flashes a trace of war in his eyes. His armor helmet covers him and he falls down to the planet.

The Armor Division with him did not hesitate to follow Dan and fall to the planet.