Science and Technology Library

Chapter 851

A star system that is 15 light days away from the star, a star.

In the distance of an inconspicuous building, under the cover of the surrounding buildings and night, Jiwu observed the inconspicuous manor building. Next to him was a middle-aged man, Thur, who had come to reinforce him. A strong humanoid, with dragon like muscles, the devil's lines on the skin crisscross, black eyes as deep as ink.

"If the news is reliable, the secret stronghold of white star civilization should be here."

The witch did not turn her eyes, and her voice was a little different.

"Evil flame civilization is destroyed by white star civilization, which we all know. The scientists are all missing, most likely in their hands. At the beginning of our dispute with Raytheon civilization, we pointed to the white star civilization. They thought they could control the situation, but they were still close. "

"Now that the king of evil flame is missing, these scientists are the last technological hope. If so, we can't use weapons of destruction here. We can only force attacks. "

"Do you want to investigate their specific strength again?" The wizard asked hesitantly.

TUR shook his head and looked conceited: "no, we are the strongest of the three major civilizations involved in technology competition, followed by Thor, and white star is the weakest. We can take them."

"I'm afraid..." Jiwu still hesitated. He had a bad premonition.

"Nothing to be afraid of, just listen to me." "To give them a surprise, our target is the researchers," he interrupted

Jiwu is not good at refuting. He can only put that bad feeling in his heart. At the level, tour is one level higher than him, and his strength is better than him.


With a single order, two hundred battle armour divisions flew to the manor together, and the antimatter bullets in their hands were aimed at the battle armour division that was on guard.

In order not to carry out a large-scale explosion, the evil flame civilization scientists who may be captured will be killed. The bullets they use are only a few hundred nanograms of antimatter, with an explosion diameter of 20 meters. As long as they are hit, they can destroy a set of advanced armour. Moreover, because the antimatter content is too low, they can cheat the antimatter radar detector.


the loud bombardment broke the night of the manor.

"What's the matter?" The fox girl woke up from her dream in a very unhappy tone. During this period of time, in order to get technology from the mouth of the scientists of the evil flame civilization, she overused her super power and her spirit was quite bad.

Now it's not easy to rest, but wake up by the explosion, holding a fire in my heart.

"Madam, there is an enemy attack." Lion dusk follows a maid who serves fox girl closely to rush into the room, the tone is serious.

"Enemy attack? Who attacked us? " The languid appearance of the fox girl disappeared most of the time.

"Egret replies to be the battle armour division of black pupil civilization. Maybe they found our stronghold." Said the lion dusk.

The fox girl frowned and kept calm: "how did they find it?"

"I don't know." The lion dusk looks a little anxious: "for the sake of safety, madam first puts on the war armor to leave, takes the airship to leave the planet, this planet is not safe now."

If the black pupil civilization throws a weapon of destruction in this manor, the madam may be in danger, then they will be in great trouble.

"Egret, who are you from?" The fox woman is still not in a hurry. She puts on the battle armor to connect the egret.

"Tu'er and Jiwu are here. I'm pestering tu'er. Jiwu is in a bit of trouble. Ma'am, you have to leave. The planet is in danger. " The voice of the egret is very tense.

"Uncle lion, help the egrets and solve them." The fox goddess became cold, her voice mingled with a trace of anger.

"But madam's safety..."

"I will take a spaceship to leave the planet for a while to avoid. This time will not be dangerous. Moreover, I have armor. Although it is not very useful, its function is enough for me to protect myself." Hu NV's tone is unquestionable: "judging from the attack of the other side, they don't want to hurt ordinary people. They should know that the researchers of the evil flame civilization are here. They don't know about me, or they'll start with weapons of destruction. "

Toure's brow is more and more wrinkled and tight. He didn't expect that the armour division here is so strong. He is the top class war armour division of the black pupil civilization. He thought that although the white star civilization sent people to come here, there should be no top class war armour division.

Now he's wrong. He's a top class armour division fighting against him. He's weaker than him, but he's helpless with the other side. Moreover, this is the stronghold of the other side, and the number of armour divisions is more than them.

At first, the other side was attacked and disordered. They killed dozens of battle armour divisions. But now that they are stable, he suddenly finds that his advantage is not great. The only advantage is that Jiwu's combat effectiveness is high. No one is Jiwu's opponent. He is the chips of both sides.

The strength of this stronghold is not weak. Jiwu is entangled by several senior battle divisions. Even if a division is killed, there will be other divisions to make up for it, as if it didn't kill them.

The will to die made tour feel a chill.

This is just the power of the dark stronghold of white star civilization. The power of the bright stronghold is not here. I'm afraid that the combined strength will not be inferior to their black pupil civilization.All of a sudden, a dangerous signal from the radar suddenly appeared, which made Thur's face change.

Lion dusk is out.

Toure felt the danger, and a dozen bullets appeared in his quantum dot radar matrix, heading for different armour divisions in the field. The radars of top-level war armour are one level higher than those of top-level war armour, especially the famous top-level experts like them, with the best equipment and technology.

Poop poop poop!

The bullet easily penetrates the energy shield of the war armour division and sinks into the war armour.

Boom boom! A series of explosions exploded, forming a large fireball in the air. The high temperature submerged it, like a raging dragon, roaring in the air.

The black pupil civilization war armour division, who was excited to think that he could sneak on, seemed to be poured with cold water in the ice and snow. A dozen battle armour divisions, not even the bodies, were annihilated in the explosion.

Black pupil civilization's war armour division, all changes.

The war armour radar shows that a set of top-level war armour appears in the field, and there is a second top-level war armour division here. One shot caused the loss of more than a dozen battle armour divisions of black pupil civilization.

Thur's face changed.

The other side hid a master in the manor.

Is this a trap?

Originally, the balance was only slightly tilted. With the lion's dusk, the battle situation over the manor turned to attack. Lion dusk deals with tours, and egrets turn to the witches who are killing.

I learned that my wife had left safely. The white star civilized war armour division let go. The high-altitude explosion made the space ripple.


Knowing that something was wrong, tour did not hesitate too much and immediately ordered a retreat.

"It's not so easy to leave."

After contacting egrets, lion DUS immediately ordered to catch up with them, and the two of them kept their eyes on tour and Jiwu. These two are the main figures of the black pupil civilization in the Shigan system. As long as they were killed, the loss of the black pupil civilization would be great.

Antimatter and corrosive bullets, blocking their escape routes, once again entangled.

"It's a bit greasy indeed."

The outer space, after the disguised Dan, pays attention to the war situation through the shadow frequency.

The information that black pupil civilization TUR and others get is disclosed secretly by them, so that they can verify the secret residence of white star civilization they found, and what potential problems exist in the end.

Now it seems that there is a real problem.

In this stronghold, there are actually two top class battle armour divisions of white star civilization, and their strength is not weak.

That's interesting.

"Mr. Dan, what are we going to do now? Keep waiting? Or join the war? There seems to be something important hidden in the manor. They all deliberately avoid destroying the manor. " Asked a staff member next to Dan.

"Not for the moment. Wait until they're almost there, then go down." Danlang said.