Science and Technology Library

Chapter 826

In Zhanjia company, there are three sets of Zhanjia, which are designed and manufactured by Chen mo. The only money he has is enough to make three sets of blue class armour, so armour designer is a professional who can spend money, but also can make money.

At present, the market price of blue class battle armour is an average of 250 million star coins. If it is sold, it is not enough for the "oil" of space curvature spacecraft.

Chen Mo wants to make enough money quickly and replenish the antimatter energy to return to the earth, but he still needs to roll. This time, the blue class war a will be sold, and then the money will be used as the cost to make several sets of blue class war a, which is almost enough money.

Back to the top floor of the building, Chen Mo saw that grey 21 was training, and Jingge was in charge of training him.

In this period of time, grey 21 was overwhelmed by Jingge. Every time he was tired to fainting, he would let him go. Then he would rest and continue his training.

When Chen Mo saw it, he couldn't help but mourn for him.

Jinge's training is really hellish.

But grey 21 is not bad, at least can carry the devil training of Jingge hard, and say nothing. Even the strict Jingge is satisfied with the grey 21. Seeing that grey 21 was stun again, Chen Mo blushed and walked over.

"If you do this, nothing will happen?"

"He's fine." Jingge glanced at the gray 21 which passed out at random: "he is suitable to be an assassin."

Chen Mo thought about it. The ability of grey 21 is really suitable for assassin. It's a kind of ability that can't be hit in a single shot and can run away in an instant. It's very difficult to get involved with your opponent.

With Jingge's abnormal training, he will not be too weak in the future.

"I'll go out and sell war armour."

Chen Mo is not in charge of handing over the 21 ashes to Jingge. Chen Mo's own training will be obeyed by Jingge.

It's the last time I came to Zhanjia Trading Center building. This is the best place to sell Zhanjia. The traffic and potential buyers are concentrated here.

Most of the battle armour sold here are basic battle armour and green battle armour. There are a lot of blue battle armour, but the battle armour division that can afford blue battle armour is more willing to customize according to its own style, rather than buy those battle armour that are made in mass production.

It was the last battle a trading center. Chen murfei landed on the battle a platform on the 320th floor, carrying three sets of battle a boxes into the trading center.

This floor is the place where blue class war armour is sold. Many second-hand blue class war armour, or some common blue class war armour, will be sold here. In addition, there are also some shops of Zhanjia company on the floor, which specially provide the customized business of blue Zhanjia.

Chen Mo set a consignment price of 280 million yuan. He made this price by referring to the price of other warlords, which is not too high. When Chen Mo walked out of the building, he didn't notice that there was a life at the gate of the building staring at him with a surprised eye.

"It's him!"

Zeki looks at Chen Mo's armor with a determined eye.

He was appointed to Shi Ganxing as the representative of Ziwei civilization to discuss and cooperate with evil flame civilization. When he came to Shi Ganxing, he was idle and bored, so he went out to fight against a trading city.

I didn't expect to meet this armour division here.

Chen Mo's armor is familiar to him.

three civilization as like as two peas of life, and the image of the leader in the war armor is exactly the same as Chen Mu's.

He once suspected that the war armour division was with the cat man who sabotaged their small universe plan, because such a senior war armour division appeared on a captive planet, and it was similar to the style and material of the war armour of the cat man. There should be a connection between them.

Because the cat man led to the closure of the small universe they traced, Ziyun accepted the most terrible black hole level punishment, so far life and death are unknown.

He traced the news of the senior battle division a, and made sure it disappeared in a space turbulence, and then there was no trace.

I didn't expect to meet him in shiganxing.

He didn't know whether the universe was too big or too small.

Zeqi didn't act rashly to alarm the other side. When the magic flame civilization's super power development potion appeared, this armour division appeared here. He didn't believe that the universe was so big and there were so many coincidences.

The other party's organization may have developed technology for the supernatural power of the evil flame civilization.

Zeki is now almost certain that there is a strong organization behind Chen Mo, and it may have something to do with the cat head man.

If we can find out the organization behind the owls who let them lose a small universe, then the other party must bear the anger from their divine civilization.

See Chen Mo take off from the trading center, and Zeqi slowly urges Zhan Jia to follow.

It's already night in Zhanjia trading city. There are many lives to go shopping. There are various kinds of aircrafts, vehicles and horses in the air, as well as the roaring Zhanjia. The colorful holographic projection advertisement depicts Zhanjia trading city full of dreamlike color. Under the flow of brilliance, it is beautiful, just like a city without night.

Night and light alternate, plus the flow of war armour trading city, give Zeqi the best cover.

His flying altitude is not the same as Chen Mo's. He carefully follows Chen Mo behind him under the cover of flying vehicles and surrounding buildings to keep a short distance.He wants to find out where the other party's nest is and which force it belongs to. Determine which force was behind the origin Galaxy last time.

If we can find the power behind them, maybe the main star will reduce the punishment to Ziyun, and Ziyun also hopes to come back alive from the black hole punishment.

This time, they are in the dark and each other is in the bright.

There is a big difference between high-altitude flight and urban flight. High altitude flight is outside the high-rise buildings of the city, with relatively few obstacles and aircrafts, and the flight speed is very fast. But in the city, there are many high-rise buildings and flying vehicles. It will be more difficult to fly at high speed, and there are speed limits in some places. Of course, Zeqi will not manage any speed limits.

What he wants most now is to follow the other party back to his foothold without exposing himself.

When the radar found that the opponent was accelerating at high altitude, Zeqi was in a hurry.

If it goes on like this, it may be lost, but if the fire control radar is turned on to detect and track, the other side will find it in the first time.

In addition, Zeqi can only raise the flight altitude and use irregular flight routes to reduce the possibility of being detected by the radar of the other side.

After flying at high speed for about 20 minutes, Zeqi felt that the buildings in front of him were much shorter and much thinner. It didn't take long to get to the outside of Zhanjia trading city.

All of a sudden, the battle armour in the sky suddenly turned, which made Zeqi's spirit shake and a little hesitant.

He's not sure whether the other side has found out his tracking, hesitates for a moment, or controls battle armour, which will not be far behind.

Chen Mo did find something wrong.

The radar shows that a set of advanced battle armor has been in his radar range. He repeats the flight path through the radar, and finally determines the flight path of the other party. The other party starts from the war a trading center and follows him all the way, like tracking, not like tracking.

Now God level civilization is gathering in shiganxing. It's an eventful autumn. He has to be careful. Chen Mo is almost sure that he is being stared at.

Don't even think about it, Chen Mo slowly turns around, and the destination is the trading city.

Who is the other party? Why are you following him

Almost all kinds of questions flashed in his mind, and he even doubted whether the rescue of grey 21 was exposed. It seems that Shi Ganxing is not a place to stay for a long time.