Science and Technology Library

Chapter 825

Niumu handed over the company's accounts to Chen Mo for review. Today, Zhan A's order was successfully delivered to Party B's training base, and the balance of the order was paid. The profit of this order is 100 million star coins, more than their profit in the past few years.

He remembered the expression of the training base boss when he received the sample a test. He was so excited to find the treasure that he gave them the order without hesitation.

At that time, he knew that new star war a company was back from the dead.

During this time, he was glad that he had made a wise decision to stay.

"Dongdong and carriz are three million each, and you are five million. That's a bonus."

Chen Mo did not mean to draw 11 million star coins to Niu mu. It was not difficult for him to earn star coins. It was also a kind of courage for Niu Mu to stay with him at the beginning.

Hearing millions of bonus, Niu Mu almost fainted.

Such a large bonus is something they never dared to think of before. It's equivalent to their one-year salary. The boss's generosity is beyond his imagination.

"It's a little slow to make money like this. You need to hurry up."

Looking at the rest of the money, Chen murmured.

Chen Mo, who was still excited, heard Chen Mo's murmur, and his smile was frozen on his face. It didn't take long for the new star company to make a billion yuan. Is it slow to make money?

Niumu doubts that poverty has limited his imagination.

Chen Mo thought for a moment and said, "I'll give you a list. You can buy the materials and equipment in the list as soon as possible."

"Good." Niumu agreed without hesitation.

"By the way, you let us know that we accept the customization business of blue class war A."

"Blue Blue class armor? " The cow wood stuttered.

Boss can design blue class armor.

Blue armor is one level higher than green armor in material technology, power engine, weapon, energy shield.

Although the companies of various civilizations will sell the materials and technologies of blue class battle armour now, it can be completed at will instead of simply assembling.

It can be assembled casually, and its function will not be too powerful.

Blue class battle armour customization is generally a team work, according to the requirements of the customization to design battle armour. There are few single battle armour designers, but every one who can design blue class battle armour independently is the top battle armour designer and the sweet cake that each major civilization seizes.

Now Chen Mo is more mysterious in his eyes.

What is the way of the boss?

Chen Mo's identity and origin are not what he should ask. He knows that he only needs to follow Chen Mo's orders, and then manage the company well. In the future, his benefits are indispensable. Three million bonus is a good example.

Bill of materials to Niu mu, Chen Mo begins to design battle armor.

Green class war armour makes money slowly. He needs to design several blue class war armours to quickly raise money to supplement antimatter energy. The price of blue class war armour is much higher than that of green class war armour, and the profit is also considerable.

Just for him, the difficulty of blue class armor is not great.

Now he's like an arrow to return to earth. He just hopes to make enough money quickly, supplement antimatter energy, and directly return to earth with space curvature spacecraft.

Niumu's work efficiency is really good. Give him the list of materials. Within three hours, all the materials and equipment he needs will be purchased.

The design of blue armor is different from that of green armor. Green armor is generally the primary armor, which is used by ordinary armor divisions, while blue armor is generally used by intermediate and senior armor divisions.

They have obvious requirements for the performance and style of armour.

Many middle and senior war armour divisions will take the initiative to find a war armour company and a war armour design team to design a unique war armour that conforms to his style. Therefore, the all gold oil blue class armour without characteristics is not popular in the market.

Stereotyped, unable to show their own strong and style..

To sell the unique blue class battle armour, it needs to be valued by the middle and senior battle armour division, fit their body shape, and conform to their style and characteristics. Therefore, the non customized blue class battle armour is often relatively difficult to sell.

I don't know when Niumu will receive the customized order, so Chen Mo plans to design several models first and try to see if they can be sold.


New star battle a company building, as always, but outside is not quiet.

A piece of news appeared on the universe channel of the universe alliance, causing a huge stir.

"I'm king morige of kanilkeben superstar system, yunshai superstar system, and Changhe Shigan superstar system. Here, I'd like to announce a piece of good news to the whole universe alliance. After unremitting efforts, magic flame civilization has successfully developed super power development technology, and now it is looking for technology partners for the whole universe. "

A short image, let the whole universe union shake.

Super power is one of the most mysterious forces in the universe. Even the divine civilization did not understand its essence. This special ability is unique to the divine life.

The science in the universe thinks that the super power is a way for life to evolve into the divine life. Countless civilizations in the universe are studying this technology and experimenting with it, but no one has succeeded without exception.Now the magic flame civilization announces the success of super power development technology, and the whole universe is shocked by it.

What's more surprising is that evil flame civilization actually chose to publish this technology to find partners.

Once having this kind of technology, it is the best to develop and expand secretly, but the magic flame civilization is open, which makes countless civilizations feel puzzled. However, the civilization on shiganxing soon understood that it was probably related to the explosion of Siyuan city some time ago.

For a while, the dark tide surged in the universe alliance.

Super ability development technology is a possibility for life to evolve to a higher level, and it is also a way to become a top class war armour division. Many senior lives are extremely eager for it, and now it really appears.

The message of the demon flame civilization was answered shortly after it was sent out.

Black pupil civilization sends out a message, and will send personnel to shiganxing to discuss cooperation matters of super ability development technology with evil flame civilization. After that, crape myrtle civilization, endless sea civilization, Leishen civilization, dark forest civilization, underworld civilization and white star civilization all open their mouths, and will send people to discuss and cooperate with evil flame civilization.

The whole universe is in a state of uproar.

For hundreds of millions of years, the seven most mysterious divine civilizations have appeared together in this moment, and gathered in the system of Shigan.

Once again, the importance of super ability development technology has been pushed to a new height.

Because of this news, evil flame civilization immediately becomes the most dazzling new star in the whole universe. Almost all cosmic newspapers and media are promoting and touting it. It's a matter of certainty that evil flame civilization will be promoted to the top civilization, and it's no different for a while.

Shi Ganxing's several civilizations, which originally put joint pressure on the evil flame civilization, kept silent. Even the originally prepared sanctions were all withdrawn, and they dare not speak again.

Originally suffering from the pressure of the evil flame civilization, the pressure disappears in an instant.

The whole universe alliance is focusing on the system of Agana. At this moment, the system of Agana becomes the focus of the whole universe. This is the first time such a big feast has appeared since the space war.