Science and Technology Library

Chapter 827

Soon, Zeqi found something wrong. Chen Mo's flight path was arc-shaped, around a big circle. They went back to the scope of battle a trading city again, and the other party was flying around the battle a trading city.

Not good! It was found.

Almost instantaneously, Zetsche thought of it.

Good high vigilance.

Before he could catch up, Chen Mo's battle armor changed rapidly and became black in the night. He entered the battle armor trading city. On Zeqi's armour radar, the Chen Mo's armour signal is slowly disappearing.

The stealth mode of shielding quantum radar detection has been started.

"It's not that easy to escape."

When Zeqi saw the change of Chen Mo's battle armor, he immediately determined that it was made of the same material as the cat man's battle armor, and more affirmed his relationship with the organization behind the cat man.

The other party's war armor has stealth mode, which means that as long as the other party escapes from the optical vision of his war armor, the other party may be integrated into the sea of people in the war armor trading city.

It's impossible for him to let the other party escape so easily when he finally meets the other party. Otherwise, it's more difficult for him to find the other party again. Even if it is exposed, we should catch each other and at least give them some clues.

Both sides no longer cover up, a chase and a flight is playing in the air.

Chen Mo looks at the more and more close battle a trading city calmly. At last, he doesn't slow down and rushes straight into the city full of tall buildings.

"Want to play hard?"

Zeqi sneers and doesn't slow down. After Chen Mo, he quickly plunges into battle a trading city.

High speed obstacle avoidance is an essential lesson in the training of the division and the foundation of the division. Now is the time to show off skills. As a genius of the divine civilization in the universe, Zetsche is not worried about any problems.

They have the best genes and innate conditions, as well as the best armour. This level of obstacle avoidance is nothing short of him.

Chase battle is staged in the city, both of them choose supersonic, so in the city, the sound boom is roaring, attracting countless people's attention.

"It's also a bull force to drag the battle armor to the city."

"I can't die, but if I hit a high-rise building or a shop, I will die at most."

"There are very few people who dare to fight in battle a trading city."

"They are all old pilots of autumn stars."

"Eh? The set of armour at the back seems to be the armour of crape myrtle civilization. "

Soon, the onlookers on the road recognized the origin of the back set of armor. The armor of crape myrtle civilization has a very obvious sign of crape myrtle. Unless this sign is specifically erased, it can be recognized at a glance.

The life of crape myrtle civilization is chasing an unknown warfighter in warfighter city.

In the main forces of shiganxing, I received this news immediately.

The news caused a lot of discussion and fantasy. After all, there are few warriors who dare to offend the crape myrtle civilization on Lycoris. They are divine civilization. If they are not happy, the whole galaxy will suffer.

Chen Mo pays attention to the map of the battle armour trading city released by the radar. The building is fixed and the battle armour can be changed automatically. The only uncertainty is the various aircrafts and battle armour flying in the air.

Obstacle avoidance is a very familiar scene. When he trains, he uses this kind of irregular obstacle avoidance.

In the super high speed, avoid these targets and test the basis of battle a.

Chen Mo concentrates on the spirit of twelve points. The armour keeps accelerating. He shuttles between buildings and various aircrafts. He doesn't mean to slow down because he is in the city. On the way of flying, Chen Mo constantly changes his armour painting shape, as the lighting and environment in his area changes.

Both sides keep their distance. Chen Mo can be sure that as long as one second is delayed, the other side can catch up. This is in the city, and the other side will have a little scruples about it, so Chen Mo doesn't worry about it.

From the aspect of battle armour control skills, the opponent's accomplishments are not below his own, and the level of battle armour is almost the same, so the best way to get rid of the opponent is to use his stealth mode and camouflage mode to gain advantages in this complex environment.

Stealth mode shields quantum radar lock, and camouflage mode reduces the possibility of optical radar lock, which is the advantage of stealth war armour. In this complex environment, he can change from prey to hunter as long as he gets rid of the other party's tracking.

Near a three-way junction surrounded by a high-rise building, Chen Mo's eyes narrowed, and he instantly reversed the power of the war armour engine to kinetic energy.


Instant stop.

The sonic boom explodes in the air, causing the heart rate of Chen Mozhan a to follow.

Perfect instant stop, the whole process is extremely natural and easy.

Chen Mo doesn't know how many times he has tried this kind of action, especially after training with Jingge, he becomes more fluent. In the face of the pressure of Jingge's natural warrior, if Chen Mo is not proficient in these advanced skills, fighting Jingge is looking for abuse.

In the moment of instant stop, Chen Mo crushed a disturbing smoke, surrounded the whole three turnouts with disturbing smoke. He couldn't see his fingers, and he himself was also submerged in it.As soon as the pupil of Zeqi in the rear shrinks, he slows down and bumps into a piece of confused smoke before stopping. The quantum radar loses its target, the optical radar cannot catch the target, and his face is gloomy.

At this moment, he felt the difficulty of each other.

When it comes to the operation of battle a, the opponent is no worse than him, which reminds him of the original cat head man.

When the road braking is not timely, the aircraft and the battle armour subconsciously start to slow down and turn on the lights to disturb the chaos in the smoke. Zeki quickly flew over the interference smoke to patrol, and there was no shadow of each other at the three turnouts.

The interference smoke was blown away, five slight aircraft collisions happened at the fork, and there were no other serious problems. Chen Mo's figure had disappeared for a long time. Then, look at the flying aircraft and battle armour in the air, and watch a lot of noisy aircraft and battle armour.

By the other side.

Zach's face is very bad.

He did not find that Chen Mo's armour coating had already changed at the corner of the building near the fork, and he was secretly watching him under the cover of night.

Crape myrtle civilization.

Chen Mo also recognized the mark on the opponent's armor. He didn't remember when he offended crape myrtle civilization. At present, I just heard of the divine civilization, and I haven't even touched the life of the divine civilization. This is the first time I saw the warrior of the divine civilization.

Does it mean that the other party knows that he has robbed grey 21 and wants to get grey 21 from him? Chen Mo is still not sure about the speculation.

See Zeqi can't find him to leave, Chen Mo turns on stealth mode to follow up.

However, he is not afraid of divine civilization. Others will think that divine civilization cannot be defeated, but Chen Mo will not think so.

The position of hunters and hunters changed at this moment.

Jingge taught him to hunt in the jungle, and the most important thing was the disguise in the dark.

A good hunter, whether he is a man or a beast, must let the prey enter his best attack range, and then judge which means to use, so that the probability of catching the prey will be higher.

At such a close distance, weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be used, or we will suffer. Laser irradiation can't burn through the opponent's armor in nanoseconds. The opponent's energy shield will start automatically and his position will be exposed directly.

Thinking about it, Chen Mo decided to use the most adventurous method and the simplest.


The armor that turns on stealth mode and camouflage mode is like a ghost in the dark. No one notices him in this huge city.

Zeki's communicator suddenly rings. Turn on Warcraft communications, and a holographic screen pops up in his field of vision. The crape myrtle civilization called from other members of shiganxing this time.

Zeqi pursues an unknown war Armor Division, and has already shocked the God level civilization life of shiganxing.

"Zech, you're after a war division?" A member of crape myrtle civilization spoke in a hurry.

"Yes, I may have found the cat man's accomplice last time." Zetsche said seriously.

"Got it?" One of the members who went to the origin city asked in a hurry. They can clearly remember that the cat man destroyed the entrance of the small universe with red matter.

"No, let him escape."

He didn't know that Chen Mo didn't run away, let alone that Chen Mo was following him in the shadow of the building nearby and flashing fast, just like an experienced beast, waiting for the opportunity.

When he arrived at a high-rise building, Chen Mo urged Zhan Jia to circle it quickly. With the help of the building's cover, he quickly drove the engine around the building. At the moment of appearance, he accelerated and pointed to the normal flying Zeqi.

At this time, it's only a kilometer away from Zeki.


The hypersonic acceleration makes the sound burst again. The distance of one kilometer is only a blink of an eye for the war armour division.

Chen Mo's combat sting, with the flash of ultra short pulse laser and the light of death, has a power of more than one petw per femtosecond. With this power, it's easy enough to cut armor materials.

A combat sting with a short pulse laser pointed straight at Zetsche's face.

Chen Mo knows that the vitality of the advanced life is very tenacious, especially the divine life, which will completely kill each other and destroy each other's brain. Unless you die immediately, the life support system carried in battle armor can heal the opponent.

Chen Mo's movement is not like a new assassin, but more like an old hunter who has experienced the sand. All movements are smooth.

This is what we learned from Jingge. The strange and fierce fighting style of Jingge has been influencing Chen mo.

The armour suddenly indicates danger, and Zeki's face changes greatly.

The danger came so suddenly that someone wanted to kill him.

As divine beings, their brain structure and body structure are already at the top of the universe. In an instant, Zetsche found a solution.

Zeqi does not retreat but advances in the opposite direction. His body passes by at an inconceivable angle. The engine on the side of battle armour tries its best to urge Chen Mo's fighting stab to pierce the air on his shoulder.

It's a terrifying adventure, and Zetsche has complete confidence in his operation.

At the same time, Zeqi already has a long sword in his hand. The blade and the tip of the sword are risking a short pulse laser, cutting Chen Mo down to his waist with dangerous breath. If he is being cut, he can easily divide Chen Mo into two parts.Bang!

With a muffled sound, Zeqi only felt the huge force coming from his hand, and the action of waving the sword was blocked.

The battle has attracted a crowd of passers-by in the battle armour trading city. Each movement of the two men is extremely fast. The ordinary battle armour division can't keep up with the rhythm at all, causing an uproar.

It is impossible to see the fighting of senior division a in peacetime.

Zeqi looks dignified. The reaction speed of the close combat of the other side is faster than he thought. It's not inferior to him. With this kind of fighting speed, only life above indigo level, or even God level life like him.

As a top-level life, his inborn brain allows him to see very fast movements, but he can't predict the other side's next movements. The attack of this battle armour division is strange, insidious and fierce. Its action is as fast as lightning. Even if it is a god level life, it also feels a lot of pressure.

Close combat, the distance between the two sides is not far, any combat action, are completed in an instant. But in such a small range, the opponent's armour can complete more than 30 changes of direction in a very short time. The advanced tactical actions are easy to come by, and the manipulation of armour is powerful. Even the armour divisions he has seen are very few, and each of them is terrible.

The two men's high-frequency attacks are still going on, and Zeqi is playing with a spirit of 12 points and dare not relax. Once thought that they were divine life and would be born strong, but this time gave him a wake-up call. Last time the cat man killed their team members, this time another senior battle armour division appeared, which was not as weak as we thought.

Chen Mo's spirit is very concentrated. Since the permission of the science and Technology Library [God] was unlocked, his body has evolved again. The brain structure and body structure are completely different, and the speed becomes very terrible.

This is the second division he met after Jingge that can make him so serious. This is the divine life, but it didn't give him the horrible oppression of Jingge.

At first, I was worried that the divine life was terrible and a little nervous. Now that kind of tension disappears.


The collision between the two sides exploded in the air and retreated. Chen took a deep breath, his eyes became sharp, and he entered the "super" state. Fighting Jingge, he is training "super" state, now is his "super" state combined with the first battle of armour.

We can't delay it now. Otherwise, it may lead to other divine life and senior war armour division. It will be more troublesome then. It's the most important thing to get out as soon as possible.

Hum! The long-range laser is activated, and directly hit Zech's energy shield.

Suddenly, Zeqi frowned, and he saw that Chen Mo raised his other hand.

Is it like using other long-range missiles?

In this level of combat, ordinary long-range missiles have little effect, but there are some special missiles, such as corrosives.

"Didi, the armor defense system is under unknown interference, and the energy shield is closed." Zeqi just wanted to urge Zhan Jia to dodge. The prompt in his ear made his face pale.

Super power?

Top class division a?

No way!

Almost instantaneously, there were many thoughts in Zeqi's mind, each of which made him feel terrible. The next moment, he felt a sharp pain coming from his body. The armor was pierced by a laser, and his movement became slow.