Science and Technology Library

Chapter 824

A large-scale high-level battle took place outside Siyuan city. Siyuan city was destroyed by antimatter bombs, killing and injuring millions of people. The news shook the whole city of shiganxing.

The battle of this scale has not happened in shiganxing for a long time.

Although Siyuan city is only a small city in shiganxing, it has more than 50 million lives because it is close to the near battle a trading city. Antimatter bombs exploded outside Siyuan City, and most of the lives fled by air vehicles, but still one million died.

In shiganxing, except for the war among civilizations, there are few such large-scale deaths.

The battle attracted the attention of the whole Federation. When the star security agency said it, three unknown forces fought, but the cause of the fight was not known and the details were not released.

The antimatter bomb explosion left a 20 kilometer diameter pit outside Siyuan City, breaking the silence of shiganxing.

It is clear to the discerning that the dark tide is surging in the stone sweet star.

White spark is sitting on the sofa with a bad look. This operation is very suffocating, not only the target was robbed, they also killed and injured several players, compared with the dead and injured members, failure made her more upset.

The first time you perform such an important task, you will fail. And the eyes of the white war armour are still imprinted in her mind, the cold and fresh memory that touches the soul.

She is sure that no one in the base has ever given her such a sense of terror.

Egret looked at the preserved image of white spark armour and saw the fast stop. Even he couldn't help but wonder: "this armour division is really as powerful as you said?"

"Maybe it's conservative. Uncle egret, what you give me is a sense of oppression, a sense of pressure, but what he gives me is a cold chill, a sense of fear." White spark said seriously.

Sitting on the opposite side of the white spark, the egret looks suspicious, with a pair of tiger eyes extremely dignified.

According to the white spark, I'm afraid that some of his top masters have entered the star. The universe is so big, there are many top experts, but most of them are advanced civilizations and forces above the level of indigo.

And the white spark met in the stone sweet star, indicating that the other party may be prepared to come.

Other people are also staring at the civilization of evil flame.

Now the target is in the other side's hands. It's likely that what the war armour master stole from the evil flame civilization base will also be in the other side's hands.

"Intelligence side, can you find out the identity of the other side?" Asked the white spark.

"No news." The egret shakes its head.

Shi Ganxing has hundreds of billions of intelligent life. If he wants to check one or two battle armour divisions, he is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Moreover, the other side is still wearing battle armour and can't see the real face. If the opponent's armor is exposed to them, it will definitely be replaced.

"What now?"

"Madam is putting pressure on the evil flame civilization. We will try to keep a low profile during this period of time and don't make any big moves." Said the egret.


After the battle in Siyuan City, the king of evil flame made a fire for two days and looked exhausted. By his side, Senji, his assistant, was also worried.

Vijay is dead. The target is rescued. At least two powerful forces are staring at them in the dark. Just now, even the star security agency came to ask them to cooperate in the investigation.

Before any investigation, they could refuse under the pretext of the internal events of the evil flame civilization, but this explosion of Siyuan city caused millions of lives to die, and many officers of the star Security Agency were killed and seriously injured in the fight, obviously the star security agency was also very angry.

They didn't expect it to be so bad.

The evil flame civilization is also one of the great civilizations of shiganxing, but this Siyuan City incident has angered several major civilizations. It's dangerous to use antimatter bombs on the planet that exceed the prescribed equivalent. If it is out of control, it will lead to disaster.

Therefore, after the explosion of the antimatter bomb, several major civilizations and other small civilization forces of Shi Gan Xing used the Star Alliance to jointly press the flame civilization, which was the biggest crisis since the establishment of their flame civilization.

The king of evil flame suspects that there is a larger force behind it, but he can't find out which one did it.

"Have you found out the origin of the two forces?" The red hair of the demon flame king is more scarlet, obviously full of anger.

"I can't find them, but the one who killed Vijay is definitely the top expert, and the star security agency can't find their origin." Senji's words and expressions are full of Prudence: "the white star civilization may have received some special news, so it will contact us for negotiation."

The devil flame King's expression suddenly fell into gloom.

The super ability development potion is close to success. When the potion is mature and a group of top class war armour divisions are trained, they will be among the top civilizations. They only need time, but there are problems at this time point.

"What are your suggestions for the current situation?" The flame king looks at Senji.

Senji is the chief think tank of demon flame civilization, his most effective assistant, and his most trusted confidant. In recent years, the civilization of evil flame has been stable and strong, and the think tank hosted by Senji has made great contributions.

"We are facing the white star civilization. They are divine civilization, which can kill us."The king of evil flame nodded slightly, agreed with him, and let him go on.

"At present, it is known that at least two top forces are staring at us, and we don't know how many are secretly staring at us. After this incident, technology can't be kept secret. So we might as well introduce the competitors of white star civilization, let them play games, and we can use our chips to maximize our interests. "

"Do you mean to introduce several other divine civilizations into the negotiation of super power development technology?" "If so, the risk we will take is not small," said the king

It's good and bad to do this. Once it's settled, their interests can be maximized. But the bad thing is that if these parties start to fight, their evil flame civilization is in the center of the storm. The battles of several divine civilizations can destroy them with little residual wave. There's no residue left.

Among the beasts of the seven divine civilizations, they are as weak as pets.

"Yes, but if we don't, we will be swallowed up by the white star civilization. Once the white star civilization gets the super power development technology, they want to be the only one, and they will never allow this technology to remain in our hands. Because in our hands, there is a risk of leakage to other divine civilizations. So no matter which side we give it to, this technology can't be guaranteed. "

Senge said all the interests.

If they submit to the white star civilization in this negotiation, they may be swallowed up by the white star civilization in the future. But if we don't give in to the white star civilization, the other side will join hands with many civilizations of shiganxing, and use the pressure of this event, their evil flame civilization will also die.

Because of this technology leakage, their evil flame civilization has been pushed to the tip of the knife to dance. If they are not careful, they will be killed by the tip of the knife. So now they can only find a balance point on the tip of the knife. If they lean to one side and lose the balance of the center of gravity, they will die on it.

Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a third party or even a fourth party, so that they can have the qualification of price negotiation.

"The chips are in our hands, we take the initiative to put them out, at least the initiative is in our hands." Said Senge.

It is impossible for the evil flame king, who has the ambition to evolve to the top civilization or even the divine civilization, to lose his initiative and submit to the divine civilization.

After a long time of hesitation, the king of evil flame made up his mind.

"According to your method, we have to control all the personnel involved in the research and development of super technology, protect them secretly, and collect all the technical data. That's our only chip. Take the chips and we will have the qualification to negotiate at the table. "

"I see." Senji nods heavily.

Until Senji left, the devil flame king was unwilling.

If the information is kept secret and the technology is successful, they will secretly cultivate top class war armour division with super ability. In a few thousand years, they will be able to enter the list of top civilizations and be separated from the "small universe" left by the divine civilization.

But it's a pity that the news leaked and his ambition was in vain. Now he can only use technology in exchange for the benefits they want.

He wanted to move civilization and bring the core of civilization to a planet to develop in anonymity. But it will take countless years to restore the glory of the demon flame civilization. At that time, it's still uncertain whether the evil flame civilization still exists. Without the migration of civilization in the small universe, the possibility of development and expansion in the dark is too small, and the divine civilization can easily find them.