Science and Technology Library

Chapter 817

Antimatter bursts of light, illuminating the surrounding sky with bright white.

At this moment, the sky becomes brighter than ever before, at least 100 times brighter than usual. The unusual light woke up the life around the explosion. Many life realized that the big explosion occurred, and they did not hesitate to fly their own aircraft and armor to escape.

Panic spread around the explosion.

The city closest to the explosion took the lead in disaster.

The shock wave of terror is mixed with heat wave, and the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves across the city. For a while, the life that didn't get on the aircraft or hide was buried in the heat wave at this moment, which was full of sorrow.

However, the buildings in the city are solid enough, only some of them are damaged, and the whole is relatively intact, and they are not destroyed by the shock wave. It's not an oxygen rich planet. Ordinary matter can't burn, only a little damage from shock wave.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

A sharp alarm woke up the star safety agency.

Ansan is investigating the attempted murder of Giorgio. He is thinking about it. He is awakened by the sound of the alarm. His tiredness at work disappears. He quickly leaves the office, puts on his armor and leaves: "what happened?"

"Head, the star radar shows that there are huge energetic masses." A police officer, already in combat armor, has a heavy voice: "it's like an antimatter bomb exploding, which is more than the equivalent used on the planet by the cosmic alliance."

Anshan's pupils are dilated.

More than the equivalent required by the space alliance means an explosion that could destroy a very large city.

Someone made a big explosion in shiganxing.

In the environment of space alliance's martial arts, battle a often occurs, but no one dares to use super high equivalent weapons. Otherwise, they are challenging the authority of the star security agency and will face the sanction of the star security agency and even the space alliance.

This is the first time since the work of Ansan San.

I didn't even think about it, so Ansan ran to the outside of the platform of battle armour. When the helmet was closed, he rose to the sky. Other members of the Security Bureau followed closely in the direction of the emergence of energetic groups.


The white spark is in the armour. Use the fastest speed to push the armour toward the direction of explosion. When the armour's communication instrument is connected, the white spark will open its mouth.

"Why don't you contact me?"

"Your communicator has been on call." In the communication channel, a member of the team spoke innocently.


The white spark was stunned.

"Just now I was talking to the eldest brother. Now everyone will hurry up and follow my orders."

White spark hung up the communication of battle a, and here, the communication of egret was dialed again.

"What happened?" Egret's expression was slightly tight. He saw through the holographic video that the white spark was already in the battle armor when it was connected to the communication again.

"Antimatter explosions, and lasers, should be fighting." Said the white spark.

"Is it a man of evil flame civilization?"

"Yes, something may happen." The white Spark's voice is worried. The speed of the armor is still improving. It's thousands of miles away in a flash.

"I'm leaving for the stone sweet star now. Please be safe."

After confirming that the goal of this time is the super power development technology of the demon flame civilization, white spark has a lot of heavy heart. If the news gets out, I'm afraid things will get complicated.


After the shock wave and heat wave disappeared, Chen Mo and Jingge were floating steadily in the air, looking at the source of the explosion.

They witnessed a chase war and the whole process of antimatter explosion. There was a city of 100 kilometers nearby, half of which was involved in the shock wave.

It takes only one or two grams of antimatter to explode, which can cause such damage.

This is a middle-level civilized planet. The building materials are very solid. Ordinary buildings can do less damage than the shock wave of nuclear bombs. Therefore, the impact has little damage to the city, but it can be determined that there are still many lives that are too late to hide under the shock wave and heat wave.

"Go and have a look."

Chen Mo lowers the flight altitude and goes toward the position of explosion. He wonders what kind of hatred it is, so that anti-material weapons are needed for fighting. Jingge didn't hesitate. After Chen Mo, he lowered the flight altitude and almost skimmed the ground at high speed.

Flying in high air, it is easy to be exposed, almost exposed to the radar and eyes of the other side, close to the ground, reducing the probability of being found. Moreover, the armor materials of both men are stealth materials, which can be quietly approached, rather than being found by the radar of the other side.


"Look for him and see the body."

Vyges turned on the radar to look for the trace of juxtu. The explosion center was more than five kilometers. Even though the energy shield of juxtu's armor could block the high temperature, the horrible shock wave would be enough for him to eat a pot.

The physical strength of Jue is unable to resist such a terrible impact.

But it's still on juxtu. Vijay is not sure if it's destroyed. If he doesn't find juxtu's body, he's not sure.

A group of ten people are looking down for the trace of Jue Xu.In the pit at the center of the explosion, the ground has melted, and the rocks and soil on the surface have been baked into smooth glaze with high temperature. Some places are like magma, or red.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

The radar of battle armour suddenly gave an alarm, and the people looking for people changed their looks. The radar showed that more than 20 battle armour had entered their scanning range and surrounded them in three different directions.

"So fast."

Seeing a fast approaching battle armour, Vijas looks dignified.

At such a fast speed, he saw for the first time that a distance of 100000 kilometers would not take long to reach. It must be a higher level of armor than them, otherwise it can't be so fast.

Is the star safety agency's armor so advanced?

In the picture of Vijay releasing the radar, a leopard print armour looks like a female armour division. They have eight armour divisions that can fight in the first place, but the other armour around them is a little troublesome.

The other side must have found them. Knowing that the fighting here is coming, it must have been bad.

"Nawu and Sinan continue to search, others are ready to fight."

Come prepared and wait.

When the white spark enters the attack range of Vijay and others, it is Mars hitting the earth.

The white spark is covered with leopard print armour. The big advantage of its own armour is speed. Obviously, the opponent is not afraid of her. When she enters the attack range, she is greeted by several corrosive poison bombs and antimatter bullets, as well as eight lasers from all directions.

Originally also felt that the other side is blue life, not too attentive to her, immediately put away contempt.

Even if the other party's life level is lower than her, her speed and reaction are not as fast as her, and her skill is not as good as her, but eight on one, with a degree of cooperation, if you take it lightly, she may capsize in the gutter.

She was aware of the problem when the two sides were fighting and colliding.

The opponent's armour division did not choose to tangle with her, but used the advantage of number of people to take long-distance operations, not close to her. And the other side's vigilance is very strong. Instead of running away, they choose to stop her. The other two armours move irregularly near the explosion center.

They're looking for something!

Almost shortly after the two sides met, white spark realized what they were doing. Put her off. The two rear armour divisions are looking for something.

Can we develop technology beyond our capabilities?