Science and Technology Library

Chapter 816

A purple laser across the sky, sweeping the earth, the long focal line seems to cut the earth.

The light in the sky is more dazzling than ten suns, which makes everything in the sky white. The light cluster grows at the speed visible to the naked eye, as if it is going to submerge the heaven and the earth. The terrible sound wave carries the shock wave, destroying the heaven and destroying the earth. All the places where it passes are scorched earth.

A slightly embarrassed figure rushed out of the light and fled to the far sky at a very fast speed. Before long, ten people rushed out after the bright light, followed by the fleeing figure. The purple laser in his hand was shining on the fleeing armor, which was to kill the fleeing armor.

Vyges stared at the figure marked on the radar of battle armour. He did not dare to relax for a moment and looked very serious. The phone in my ear is still asking him about the current situation.

There is a death order on the top, whether the target is alive or dead, but the things in his hands must be destroyed, and he can't take things out, let alone let the target leave alive, or the consequences will be very serious.

The target took research products from the lab that they shouldn't have.

If they complete this task, their level will rise one level, otherwise the consequences can be imagined, they will face a huge punishment, which is not what everyone is willing to face.

"Block his way. His destination is the trading city of Warcraft A. don't let him in." Seeing the city 100000 kilometers away from the radar map, Vijay's voice is much lower.

According to the current speed, it will not be too long before it enters the vicinity of Zhanjia trading city.

Zhanjia trading city is an open super city with complex forces and personnel. If the target escapes into Zhanjia trading city, it will be very troublesome for them to capture again. The consequences will be very serious, which they do not want to see.

In the battle a trading city, many civilizations have assets, and there may be some unknown experts who dare not do anything in it.

The speed of battle a accelerates, which makes the speed of chasing personnel soar.

Dozens of missiles with two fingers thick and thin were launched and converged on the escapees in all directions.

Jue Xu listened to the missile reported on the radar, and his eyes were bared. When war armour opens the energy shield, he can't use the laser weapon. If he doesn't open the energy shield, the laser of the pursuer behind him can sweep him to pieces. The energy shield only works on the energy weapons such as laser and electric arc, but can't block the missile.

As the missile approached, juxtu detonated a smoke bomb to cover his body and fell straight to the ground with his head down.


The explosion filled the rear, several fireballs within a kilometer range, scattering and engulfing the smoke.

Jue Xu can feel the shock wave coming from behind and accelerate the battle armor, such as the wild geese in the middle of the arrow falling straight to the ground. Suddenly, two wings stretched out from the side of battle armour. The fallen battle armour drifted rapidly, just like a petrel passing by five meters from the ground. The horrible sonic boom and shock wave left a long trace on the ground. At the same time, several smoke bombs are released to cover up the body shape, avoid being followed by the direct laser of the other party, and change the direction to escape.

This set of tactics is very difficult. Jue Xu finished it very beautifully, even though weiges didn't expect it. He looked stunned, dived, stuck, and aimed the bullet in his hand.

The fireball explodes around Jue Xu. The fireball is scattered in large pits with a diameter of 200 meters, which become scorched earth.

The masterpiece of micro antimatter bullet, a few milligrams of antimatter, will bring destruction effect. Vyges didn't care about anything else. He just wanted to kill juxtu, or he would be in trouble.

The energy shield blocks the heat energy destroyed by antimatter bullets. Jue Xu is like a small wooden boat in the rough waves under the shock wave, but he still doesn't stop. He penetrates the fireball quickly and escapes with the fastest speed.

With a fierce heart, Vijay opened the muzzle of the other arm and held out a bullet the size of a small thumb.

"Slow down and turn on the energy shield."

Remind the men in the rear that widges didn't hesitate to fire.


At the top of a towering building, decorated with luxurious rooms, this location overlooks the battle armour trading city of shiganxing, and can see battle armour and various aircrafts passing through the building.

There is an aerial platform next to the room. It is the platform landed by the armor. There is no need to go through the elevator, wear armor and aircraft, you can land in the platform to enter the room.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

The communication instrument suddenly rings. Sitting on the sofa and tasting the drinks, the white sparks take back their eyes and see the name of the call. Her elegant appearance just disappeared and became a pretty one.

"Uncle egret."

What appears in the holographic display screen is a man's life in a white combat suit, with a strong body and a middle-aged look. The magic pattern of the word "Wang" on his forehead is obvious. The battle armor on his body is also a tiger pattern, and the tail is a long tiger tail, which looks very domineering.

Seeing the white spark, the man with tiger pattern smiles and looks a little spoiled: "white spark, do you adapt to the stone sweet star?"

"Fortunately, it's more lively than the main star, and the environment is just so. But this time, I bought two sets of green class armour and went back to give it to Xiao Wen as a gift. "

"That little place, and the armor in your eyes? It's rare. " "Tiger print man surprised said."The main thing is that the design is good, the short board of discarded materials can be compared with the training armor design of our host star."

"Oh? A war armour designer you can admire? Do you want to include each other in us? "

"Let him be wild. It's a little difficult for low-level life to join us. Besides, a war armour designer doesn't have much effect. There's no need to bother."

White spark mouth with a sweet smile, the body is not consciously forward, a completely coquettish look, completely regardless of loose collar.

"Uncle, when are you coming?"

"Soon, not for long." Tiger men turn a blind eye to the temptation of the white sparks: "what's the matter with the demon flame civilization?"

"No, it's very peaceful. I sent someone to check. They didn't make any big moves there, but their defense was a little tight. In order not to be exposed, I didn't go deep." White spark shakes his head, hands on his chin: "what's the situation at home?"

"I'm a little nervous. Since the endless sea civilization prepared for war, the situation has changed. Madam, let us prepare for war with all our strength."

Tiger Print man's expression becomes extremely serious. In a few words, we can see his solemnity.

"This time, the task of Shi Gan Xing is very important. We must take that thing from the evil flame civilization. What they have in their hands is very important. Madam said that we can do whatever we can at any cost."

Heard madam, white spark look some surprise, and very respect: "here's the star safety agency?"

"Don't worry about them, as long as you can get the information about the project of the evil flame civilization, it doesn't matter if you destroy the whole system of Lycoris." Tiger Print men's voice is extremely firm, which shows their determination. Hundreds of billions of life on the planet, for them, it doesn't matter at all.

"You asked me to stare at the movements of the evil flame civilization and the stone Ganxing, but the specific tasks didn't tell me what to do if something happened and I missed it?"

"This contact is to tell you the specific task content." Hu Wen man sort out his thoughts a little bit: "Madam got the news that a great breakthrough has been made in a secret life research project of evil flame civilization, which is super power development technology. I don't need to explain the superpower, do I? This is one of the status symbols of divine life. "

Hearing the super power development technology, the white spark eyes stare round, unbelievable.

In addition to the small universe as its habitat, the seven divine civilizations also have an important identity symbol and unique superpower.

Among the seven divine civilizations of the universe alliance, each has its own unique special ability.

This kind of special ability only exists in the life of divine civilization, and the lower life will not exist. Its most obvious function is that the life with super ability will be stronger and smarter than the life of the same level.

God level civilization can survive in the universe war and establish the order of the universe alliance, because the life level of God level civilization is higher than other life and more intelligent, so the development of science and technology is very rapid.

Super power has always been one of the most mysterious forces in the universe. It gives life an incredible ability. Even if it is as strong as a divine civilization, it cannot make a complete and reliable scientific explanation for the existence of super power.

Even within the divine civilization, not every life has super power. Once the super power is awakened, it will be sent to the master of civilization for cultivation.

Numerous advanced civilizations in the universe have done various researches on superpowers and life evolution, including the seven divine civilizations, the research on superpowers and the evolution of higher life levels.

Once this technology breaks through, it means that the advanced life in the universe may evolve to the divine life. But countless civilizations have done hundreds of millions of years of research, and there has been no major breakthrough in reliability.

Those who master the technology of super ability development are likely to become the next god level life group. In the God level civilization, those who get this technology mean that the whole people are awakened to super ability, and their strength will far surpass the other six.

For any civilization, this technology has terrible value.

The white spark couldn't help being excited. His body was shaking with excitement.

"It seems that evil flame civilization has a history of 130 million years. Why can they develop super power development technology?"

White spark didn't feel that she was going away. She had a doubt in her heart. She knew the history of demon flame civilization. She had seen it before she came to the stone sweet star. Evil flame civilization is a blue civilization. It can only be regarded as a middle civilization in the universe, not even an advanced one.

There is no great breakthrough in the study of divine civilization, but there is a breakthrough in the inconspicuous civilization of evil flame civilization. If not for what uncle said, white spark would never believe it.

"Technology is a thing that only takes a second to break through, but it doesn't break through. For billions of years, it's just a gap between small ideas of inspiration."

Tiger man's eyes slightly scattered, no longer focused on the white spark. The girl's body has grown, and it is estimated that she can attract many heterosexuals. As an elder brother, he should also avoid it, and think about how to avoid the girl in the future.


"Every drop..."

White spark wants to go on, and Zhan Jia's hasty alarm interrupts her. The white Spark's face changed slightly. He jumped up from his position in an instant, and let the armour automatically cover him. When he saw his body wrapped around him, the whole process did not exceed one second. Just turned around, a brilliant light appeared in the distant sky.