Science and Technology Library

Chapter 818


A series of explosions, as if no money in the sky, let here become a sea of heat waves.

At the time of chasing, I saw Vijay's turning and falling in a fast drift, avoiding the attack from the rear. The high-speed and difficult movements made Vijay feel a sense of chest tightness. With the clear sense of danger behind him, he dared not relax a little.

Flash across the mountains, hoping to use it as a cover.

The other side's speed is faster than him, and the battle armor is higher than him. The only hope is that Nawu and Sinan can find juxu quickly, so that he can escape.

He thought that the other side was a female war armour division. Even if the war armour was a little higher, they could cope with it. Now he found that he was wrong, and his mistake was outrageous. This leopard girl is extremely flexible, obviously a master, giving him a sense of danger of death.

He was almost certain that he could easily kill himself if he was close.

White spark was slightly surprised when he performed a series of difficult dodge actions on Vijay. Although the other side was a little bit slow in response, it was the innate limitation of life and body conditions. However, the other side's various tactical actions were completed very well. In the same level of life, he was definitely the best.

Since it's the enemy, she can't let the other party achieve the goal naturally. It's her goal to get the information and information of that project from the hand of evil flame civilization.

After thinking about it clearly, the white Spark's armor pulled up one by one and shot an antimatter bullet at Vijas. Without any hesitation, he turned around and went to the two positions he was looking for.

Seeing this, widges did not hesitate to turn around and raise his hand to the position indicated by the radar. The antimatter bullet was burned by laser and exploded between the mountains. A big mountain was shrouded in the explosion, evaporated in an instant and razed to the ground.

The shock wave made Vijay's armor shake slightly, without any extra stop, turned to catch up with the white spark, and fired several antimatter bullets. When the enemy advances, I retreat, and when the enemy retreats, I disturb. He is weaker than the other side and cannot hang. What he has to do now is to hold him back and give Nawu and Sinan more time to find.

To be sure that Jue said he was dead, he could be completely at ease.

Eight laser beams, plus antimatter bullets coming from all directions, can't be resisted by energy shield alone.

The white spark took out a fingernail sized smoke bomb and did not hesitate to crack it. A huge amount of interference smoke exploded in the air and shrouded her side for two kilometers.

She didn't choose to stay in the smoke, mobilize the temporary stealth mode of the armor, let her armor disappear from the radar target of the other side, and then eight antimatter bullets accelerated to the direction of Nawu and Sinan.

As soon as she left, the disturbing smoke she let out was shrouded by the explosion and dispersed, forming a fire.

When some people thought that the leopard print battle armour division was going to deal with Nawu and Sinan, they saw the white spark stop at a high speed, turn back to the left rear, and the difficult "V" fly back, making all eyes following the white spark stagnate, even thinking stagnate for a moment. Follow the laser to lose its target, only see the energy shield of leopard print battle armor fold up the laser to explode, and point to the surrounding Battle Armor Division.

The powerful purple pulse laser, like the chain of death, cuts through a member's armor. Before the killed battle armour division can even react, the consciousness falls into darkness.

Smoke jamming, stealth, attack, V-shaped flying, energy shield folded, laser irradiation, a set of counter attack tactics in one go, without any drag, completed in a very short time, successfully strangled a war armour division.

Such a high-level tactical action makes Vijay's body stiff. When he sees the killed players, his eyes are bared and his opponent's strength is beyond imagination. No wonder he dares to fight against eight of them.

Is that from the star security agency? Is the star safety agency so powerful? Underestimated the strength of the star security agency?

"Nawu, Sinan, have you found it?" Vijay's voice was sombre.


Seeing that the radar showed more and more close to more than 20 battle armour divisions, Vijay made a firm determination. Now I'm not sure if Jue claims to be dead or alive. If they are arrested, all of them can't escape today.

"Nawu, Sinan, leave your place immediately and destroy it."

As soon as the words fell, Vijay opened the antimatter bullet at the other arm.

The other seven were ordered, and did not hesitate to activate the antimatter bullets, firing them around the crater where they first exploded, without any delay. Whether he is dead or alive, he evaporates everything, leaving no trace.


Seeing that the intense energy group displayed by the war armour radar is activated, the white spark dare not neglect it. Immediately activate the energy shield, slow down and turn high.


The seven explosions that destroyed the sky and the earth exploded over the original five kilometer pit. The bright fireball surpassed the sun by a thousand times, enveloping the sky in white light, and felt dazzling thousands of kilometers away. Hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature even the space is slightly fluctuating, all the explosion center, all in an instant into nothingness evaporated.

Once again, the shock wave exploded with the force of thunder, pointing straight to the distance along the plain. In the city where the first shock wave didn't hurt much, there was another terrible disaster. Buildings are like leaves, crushed and destroyed by the terrible shock wave, leaving only ruins in the bustling city.When the fire was gone, a deep pit with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers was left in the center of the explosion. All the surrounding 100 kilometers turned into nothingness. There was scorched earth left in the periphery. The mountain was plowed once, and a mountain was shaken flat.

As long as Jue Xu is in the position where the explosion just happened, the chance to find the body is slim. Other battle Division A has surrounded us. It's too late to leave.

"Go." Widges gave a decisive order.

"It's not that easy to go." The white spark glanced at the crater caused by the explosion and turned to Vijay.

She has determined the purpose of each other's mutilation. At this time, it's impossible to let the other go. Since it's exposed, it doesn't matter. Maybe she can catch one and extract some information from each other's mouth.

"Stop them. Don't let them escape." The white spark gave orders to the team members who were closing in.

"Captain, it's as if the star safety agency's Division A is coming." On the team channel, one member said.

"It doesn't matter. If you can, try your best. Otherwise, kill on the spot. The war armour division of the star Security Agency stopped you and killed together." Said the white spark coldly. For the first time, I felt so oppressed that I was destroyed by the other party.

Seeing the terrible white light covering the sky, Anshan's mood immediately sank, which was a hundred times more terrible explosion than before.

"Damn, are those guys crazy?"


"A bunch of lunatics, this is war."

On the team channel of the star security agency, a group of members were frightened by the terrorist explosion in the distance. As members of the star security agency, they have experienced various battles and arrested various villains, but for the first time, they experienced such a terrible explosion.

This energy group is hundreds of times stronger than before. The fierce battle between the two sides is more terrible than imagined. What kind of hatred is it? Let the two sides fight fiercely to this extent. In their impression, only the civilized war can reach this level.

"Head, it seems that some armour divisions there want to escape."

"Disperse and stop them."

"Head, many of the people close to us are not our people. Will they be the support of each other?"

"The other support of the security department is on the way. No matter who is on the other side, all of them can be arrested, dead or alive, and any means can be used without restriction." Ansan did not hesitate to order.

As a security guard on the planet, he must catch the originator of the terrorist explosion, or he will face the star security agency.

Chen Mo and Jingge hovered over the ruins of the city and landed on a ruins. One minute ago, the intact City, now in ruins, can not help but make people sigh.

They have just seen the battle in the distance through radar and witnessed the whole process of explosion. It seems that one party is destroying something by any means.

There are millions of people in the city under his feet. I'm afraid that in the impact just now, at least hundreds of thousands of people didn't escape and were buried under the ruins. This is the battle between the battle division a, once out of control, the whole planet can be destroyed, life seems to have no value.

Chen Mo is not compassionate to the life under the ruins. Jingge is as cold as ever and ignores everything.

"I'll leave." Jingge feels something and leaves in one direction.

Chen Mo is not worried about Jingge's safety. If Jingge meets him, he will be lucky if he can leave safely. The radar detects the life buried under the ruins not far away. Chen Mo slowly walks over and reaches out to lift the ruins.