Science and Technology Library

Chapter 815

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are looking at the stars in front of them through the virtual reality technology and the perspective of the robot on the spacecraft. Even if human beings have imagination, it is difficult to understand the existence of such an incredible planet.

A man-made planet beyond imagination, dysonball, origin city.

The closer to the origin City, the more uneasy Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are.

It's been two years since superluminal spacecraft began to explore the universe. The marching ant group is developing the galaxy, discovering many life planets and wars, but those lives are not the civilization they are looking for.

Two years ago, their spacecraft jumped out of the raniakaya supergalaxy and found an alien civilization.

The words of that alien civilization are the same as those of the spacecraft that arrived at earth.

They thought that they had found the alien civilization that captured Chen mo. in order not to hurt Chen Mo by mistake, but also to find Chen Mo's position and rescue him, they did not attack that alien civilization.

After camouflage, I caught an alien, translated the alien's language and characters with neural consciousness, and made Mo Nu imitate the alien's shape, creating a large number of intelligent robots to blend into the alien civilized planet, to investigate Chen Mo's news.

Soon, however, they received a thunderbolt of information.

That's not the text of the alien civilization they found, but the universal text of the universe alliance. The whole universe, trillions of stars, countless lives are using this text.

They are still looking for needles in a haystack.

The universe spans nearly a hundred billion light-years, with countless civilizations and lives, they can't find out one by one who captured Chen mo. And just when they were desperate, they got another piece of good news.

The intelligent robot that infiltrated the civilization of the space alliance bought information from an intelligence dealer and seized Chen Mo's spaceship. It belongs to a star called origin city and is the main star of origin galaxy.

This is the planet in front of us.

Over the past two years, they have infiltrated alien civilizations through intelligent robots, collecting a lot of information about the space alliance. Now they have a general understanding of the form, history and existing rules of the existence of the universe alliance.

They speculated that Chen Mo's capture might be needed for advanced civilization research.

Because they have collected the rules of the universe alliance, which stipulate that interstellar researchers can capture 100000 newly discovered low-level intelligent life individuals for life science research.

Combined with the various behaviors of the aliens in those years, they speculated that Chen Mo had been caught for research, just like human beings going to the deep sea to investigate and capture samples of benthos to bring back.

If they are similar, Chen Mo should now be kept in a similar experimental base of a certain civilization.

They choose to send spacecraft to origin City, which is their last hope.

Eight billion light years away.

In order not to expose the traces of human beings, their spacecraft use the words and symbols of the space alliance. But there is one thing in common: logo, logo of marching ant group.

As long as Chen Mo sees the logo, he will know that they are looking for it.

The purpose of coming to the origin city this time is to buy and sell war a.

After learning the rules of the universe alliance, they registered a company named March ant in a civilization planet of the universe alliance. There is a proper identity of civilization, and their spacecraft can freely enter and leave the civilized planet of the space alliance, and also add a layer of camouflage to their identity.

Even the robots they build are the models of the appearance of aliens, not the appearance of humans.

They have just come into contact with the civilization of the universe, and everything must be careful.


Xiaoyu gives Mo Nu instructions, and the space curvature spaceship quickly goes to the port of berthing. An hour later, a spaceship with the speed of light set out from the port of berthing and entered the civilization field of the origin city.


Niu Mu hands the order materials and hard disk to Chen Mo, stands aside and rubs his hands.

"Only get an order for a small armour training base. They need 20 sets of armour. Because our company is small, they don't trust us very much, so we need to take out sample a first, and they will pay the deposit after confirming the parameters and quality. This is the figure data of several trainees they provided. "

"Did you say the price?"

"No, he said he needed to see the prototype of Warcraft A and negotiate the price according to sample A."

Chen Mo takes over the hard disk, uses the optical brain to open the data, immediately models the composition, ten minutes later, several sets of battle a models are completed.

The next three, Niumu, cariz and Dongdong, were still in a dull state until Chen Mo drew the picture.

When was the design of battle armor so simple?

Chen Mo's design ability of battle armor is really terrible. None of the senior battle armor designers they've heard of is so easy. They can easily complete several sets of battle armor designs.

Is Chen Mo a senior war armour designer?

"I just bought some engines and came back. I can assemble them now. After that, you can show them."Chen Mo input the design data into the optical brain, and let the workshop start to print the required parts.

Zhan Jia's design is very simple now, and manufacturing is not difficult. Although their company is small, their intelligent machines for manufacturing and assembling Zhan Jia are complete. As long as the design drawings and parts are complete, it is very simple.

Give kariz what war a made, and Chen Mo goes back to the top floor.

"Let's go."

Nantian pointed to the solid ball placed in the training room, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, black, white, gray and ten colors of solid ball, with bright colors on the table. Chen Mo raises his hand, ten solid balls float up, quickly deform in the air, and soon the outline of the black beast appears roughly.

"0.97 seconds."

Nantian saw the real number on the stopwatch, which was a big breakthrough. After the extreme squeezing, Chen Mo now entered the "super" state of speed, breaking through 1 second.

This is Chen Mo's first time to break through 1 second and enter the "super" state.

Even Nantian was surprised by Chen Mo's speed of progress. He had seen the fastest-growing warrior in the family, but he was not as scared as Chen mo. It seems that Chen Mo has boundless potential, and no matter how high the training plan he customized for Chen Mo, it can meet his requirements to complete.

Before long, ten black animal models of different colors were formed at the same time. Each black animal had different looks, but they were all lifelike.

An incredible power.

Even now, Chen Mo marvels at this special ability, which is also amazing for the life in the universe.

Nantian picks up the black animal model and looks over it. The surface is delicate and smooth, which is natural

The battle armor of Nantian appears beside him and quickly wraps him up.

His armour was made by Chen Mo for him when he was in the small universe. It was completely painted in black, with cold texture and blood colored eyes like the gaze of beasts, making people creepy.

This set of armour is made by Chen Mo using the most advanced technology he has mastered. In addition to his free black ant, the beast is Chen Mo's most proud work so far.

In the south, Chen Mo, without hesitation, puts on the "free black ant" and goes out to the foreign platform.

A minute later, on the platform of new star battle a company, two sets of battle a rose to the sky.


The huge sonic boom exploded in the air. The two black figures separated, and then they quickly approached, tangled and fought. At the moment of contact, the two figures quickly met.

The fight between the two sides is very serious and meticulous. The moves are all to the fatal parts, and it seems that both sides want the life of the other side.

Both chose close combat weapons, no long-range hot weapons.

Every movement is accompanied by a huge sonic boom.

This is a place for free test of battle armour in shiganxing. The ground below is a no man's land. It will not cause trouble to the life around you if you practice here. As long as the energy of thermal weapons is not too large.

The cold weapons of the two men are combat thorns. They fight close to each other and have a strong sense of attack. All the battles are in the swing of their fingers. Within a second, they can fight for dozens of rounds.

At such a close distance, the victory and defeat are in an instant. They dare not be distracted.

Half an hour later, with a loud crash, Chen Mo flew backward and was stable in the air.

At the heart of his armor, there was a trace left by Jingge's fighting stab just now. In actual combat, as long as the materials of the armor are cut in by the close combat weapons, the battle is basically over.

The pulse power attached to the melee weapon can reach a terrifying value and can cut any material. If the training just started with pulse laser, Chen Mo is not dead or seriously injured.

Lost again.

Jingge's application of fighting consciousness is so strong that it's terrible. His every action can't hurt Jingge at all. But it's not that there is no progress. In the past, we could only hold on for 10 minutes in Jingge's hands. Now it's half an hour. This is a huge progress.

"Not enough mental effort."

In the war, Chen Mo had been able to use his special mental power to make trouble for Jingge. When fighting, he felt that Zhan Jia had been influenced by Chen Mo, and Zhou Fu was everywhere. Only when Chen Mo's speed is too fast, and his use of mental power is not mature enough, can Chen Mo fail.

If Chen Mo develops and controls that special ability thoroughly, he can be invincible in the battle.

"Exercise the mind power to control high-speed moving objects." Jingge said coldly.

"Well." Chen Mo nodded slightly.

Suddenly, Jingge's heart felt something, and his eyes turned to the horizon in the distance.