Science and Technology Library

Chapter 814

Communication is coming in the small universe.

Not long after Chen Mo returned to Xinxing company, he received a communication from the small universe. When the communication instrument was connected, the holographic projection of Tuoli and others popped up.

"Sir, are you back home now?" Tuoli is very happy to see Chen Mo and Jingge.

"Not yet." Chen Mo nods.

Quantum entanglement is not interfered by space and distance, so they can communicate with the small universe.

"Sir, how far are you from your hometown?" Tuoli is extremely curious.

"Far away, there are more than 10 billion light-years left. Now the antimatter energy of the spacecraft is exhausted, and it is staying on the planet to supplement the antimatter energy." Chen Mo said.

"Sir, the fleet just arrived at a new life planet, where sulfur based life is all there."

Tuoli begins to introduce the situation inside the planet, and talks.

The complete education system of the Manshan nationality was restored, showing strong talent, learning skills and knowledge quickly, even Chen Mo was surprised. In addition, with the special super ability of "fighting consciousness", Chen Mo can almost be sure that the Manshan nationality is a high-level life, but the extremely bad environment and incomplete knowledge system of Manshan star have restrained their growth.

"I followed the fleet to the planet, which is beautiful but poisonous."

"What about your recent training results? Show me. " Jingge, who had been quiet all of a sudden, interrupted Tuoli's incessant excitement.

Tuoli is very afraid of Jingge. Hearing Jingge's request for his training results, his just excited face immediately collapses. He dare not disobey Jingge and reluctantly release his training results.

"Back off."

Jingge is only three words, which makes Tuoli sad.

In Tuoshan and mudian beside Tuoli, after Jing Ge and Chen Mo left, Tuoshan had to manage the affairs of the family. There were fewer people restraining Tuoli. Recently, they relaxed a lot, and now they are finally managed by someone.

Even if Tuoshan didn't say anything more, he tacitly agreed to teach Tuoli.

Chen Mo and Jingge set a training standard for the school of war a of the Manshan nationality. Tuoli is Chen Mo's student. He studied with Jingge before, and the natural standard is higher.

Jingge trained Tuoli in person while he was there. Other students only gloated, but they dare not follow Tuoli's standard. Some students tried it, which is simply described as terror. I didn't expect Jingge to leave. Tuoli just relaxed and was found.

"Double the training. Gareth and tengna supervise him." Jingge said coldly.

Gareth Si and tengna were sent to Chen Mo by Tuoshan. Naturally, they were taught by Chen Mo to be managers to help him deal with trivial affairs. Now they have great prestige in the family, like the spokesperson of Chen mo.

Chen Mo nodded to Gareth Si and tengna, "I will punish you if the supervision is not good."

"Yes, sir." Garland Si and tengna nodded solemnly.

See Chen Mo also agree, Tuoli almost didn't cry out, just contact Chen Mo, complacent, now tragedy.

"The speed of the development of the small universe, according to your plans and steps, is developing planets, and people are gradually becoming stronger. In addition, according to the technology you left behind, the research on super power medicine has begun... "

Long Yue reports to Chen Mo about the recent situation of the small universe. Everything is developing smoothly. As long as they have enough time, they can control the whole small universe.

"Sir, shall we send our soldiers out to help you?"


Chen Mo refuses.

"You are developing the small universe according to the plan. The space connector cannot be opened without my authorization. You can't mess around, in case the advanced civilization discovers the small universe, it will be very troublesome. "

"I see." Long Yue nodded.

"When I get back home, I'll build another space connector to connect the small universe, and then I won't have to worry about other problems. First of all, you focus on the development of the small universe. "

Knowing the details of the small universe, Chen Mo put away the communicator.

Jingge leads Chen Mo into a training room. This is the training room transformed by Jingge.


Training is already a normal for both of them.

After Chen Mo's role as administrator of science and technology was promoted to the authority of God, his brain was developed, and his body evolved again, awakening a special ability.

When the special ability first appeared, Chen Mo was very surprised.

His magical understanding of life, at that moment, goes further.

Consciousness affects the existence of matter. It was Chen Mo's first instance model that determined that consciousness affects the state of existence of matter on a macro level.

In the past two years, Chen Mo has known a lot about his ability. His special ability of awakening is related to consciousness and mental power, which is the expression form of willpower.


This is Chen Mo's ability to determine himself.

Chen Mo has tested many times to make sure that he can control almost all the inanimate substances and energy visible to the naked eye.

Knowing this special ability, Chen Mo began to worry for fear of one carelessness. This special ability, along with any bad idea of him, caused irreparable serious consequences.So Chen Mo seeks Jingge's help. According to Jingge's experience in controlling "fighting consciousness", he learns how to use his special ability to control and understand his own in the books about super ability records in the science and Technology Library.

At the beginning, Jingge was surprised at Chen Mo's special ability to wake up. After a thorough understanding, Jingge just said a word to Chen Mo: it's a terrible ability.

Since then, jingo has been helping Chen Mo practice his control ability.

Put ten football size, different materials of solid ball, Jingge back to chenmo side.

Two years of development and training, according to Jingge's definition, Chen Mo's super ability is now in the primary stage.

According to his growing experience of "fighting consciousness", Jingge divides the super ability into three stages, each of which has three different states. Although the classification of Jingge is still vague and crude, it does have some rudiments.

Jingge found in his ability of "fighting consciousness" with the people of Manshan ethnic group that this ability can grow continuously, and his own strong "fighting consciousness" is growing in the surrounding of many dangers of mountain forest hunting.

And to a certain extent, the ability will change qualitatively and enter the second stage. Jinge's fighting consciousness has changed qualitatively, making him the best fighter in the family, so he knows that special abilities can be divided into stages.

Chen Mo's ability is very special. Even Jingge, a soldier who grew up on the edge of life and death, feels that Chen Mo's ability is terrible. As for how strong this ability will become after qualitative change, Jingge is not sure.

If we want to use this special ability in combat, we need to fully understand the particularity of the ability, otherwise it is easy to hurt ourselves or even lose control.

Two years of training and exploration, they still have a lot of gains.

Chen Mo has made rapid progress. With the development of his ability, they have found that Chen Mo's own mental power will affect the strength of his special ability, which is also affected by the distance, quality and speed of the object.

To determine this feature, they developed it specifically for Chen Mo's mind power.

At the beginning of acquiring the ability, Chen Mo's subconscious can't control the mental power that activates the special ability freely. Later, after exploration and training, Chen Mo has been able to control himself to enter the state freely, so as to control the special ability freely.

Chen Mo calls that state of ability activation "super" state.


As soon as Jingge's words fell, Chen Mo raised his hand and entered the state of "super". Raising his hand to help concentrate his mind power, his control of mind power has not reached the level of special mastery.

The next moment, I saw ten solid balls of different materials slowly floating in the training room.

"1.7 seconds."

When the solid ball floats, the stopwatch will freeze, which reflects the time when Chen Mo enters the "super" state.

The shorter the time, the better. It's good for fighting.

This time, it's 0.2 seconds faster than last time. The more behind, the more difficult it is to make progress. Jingge's requirement is that Chen Mo can instantly enter the "super" state.

"Deform according to this."

Jingge took out a wood carving of his own, the shape of the black beast, and let Chen Mo make the shape of the solid ball. The shape of the wood carving is very delicate, each hair and detail is very clear, which is undoubtedly a great challenge to control Chen Mo, who is made of ten different materials.

I saw only ten solid balls, and began to slowly lengthen

Two hours later, Chen Mo fell to the ground, pale and gasping.

He felt the pain in his brain like a needle.

The training of this kind of ability has a great load on the brain, and is a great exercise for the body and willpower.

At the end of the day, Chen Mo reached his limit, his consciousness fluctuated, and his model almost exploded.

"Come again." Jingge said lightly.